by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Aderan Republic of Acroticus

“And victorious in war shall be glorious in peace”

Category: Left-Leaning College State
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Power

Location: The Commonwealth Society



The Association for Multilateral Trade (AMT) - Treaty

Agreement on the Establishment of the Association for Multilateral Trade


The undersigned nations agree to form a multilateral trade organization with the aim of promoting economic growth, development and cooperation through trade liberalization, natural treatment and most favored nation status. The parties to this agreement affirm their commitment to the principles of transparency, predictability, and nondiscrimination in their trade relations with one another.

Chapter 1: Establishment of the Trade Organization

Article 1: Establishment

The Parties hereby establish a multilateral trade organization, which shall be known as the "Association for Multilateral Trade" (AMT).

Article 2: Objectives

The objectives of the AMT shall be to:

a) Promote trade liberalization, natural treatment and most favored nation status between the Parties, with the aim of expanding their trade relations and enhancing their economic growth and development;

b) Foster a more predictable and transparent trading system, through the progressive reduction of trade barriers, including tariffs and non-tariff measures, and the elimination of discriminatory treatment in trade relations;

c) Establish a cooperative framework for the resolution of disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement or any other trade agreement entered into between the Parties;

d) Enhance the capacity of the Parties to participate effectively in the multilateral trading system, and other international trade fora;

e) Promote cooperation in areas such as investment, services, intellectual property rights, and other related areas of trade.

Chapter 2: Natural Treatment and Most Favored Nation Status

Article 3: Natural Treatment

The Parties shall accord to each other's goods, services, and investments, treatment no less favorable than that accorded to like goods, services, and investments of their own or of any third country, with the exception of measures permitted by this Agreement.

Article 4: Most Favored Nation Status

The Parties shall accord to each other's goods, services, and investments, treatment no less favorable than that accorded to like goods, services, and investments of any third country, with the exception of measures permitted by this Agreement.

Chapter 3: Dispute Settlement

Article 5: Consultations

The Parties shall make every effort to settle any dispute arising under this Agreement through consultations and negotiations in good faith.

Article 6: Establishment of the Association for Multilateral Trade Dispute Settlement Body (AMTDSB)

The Parties hereby establish a permanent judicial body, known as the "Association for Multilateral Trade Dispute Settlement Body" (AMTDSB), to hear and adjudicate any dispute that arises under this Agreement.

Article 7: Composition of the AMTDSB

The AMTDSB shall be composed of independent experts appointed by the Parties, who shall serve in their individual capacities and not as representatives of any Party. The experts shall be chosen randomly from a pool of experts appointed by all of the member states of the Agreement and shall possess expertise in trade law and policy. The term of office for each member of the AMTDSB shall be for a period of five years and members may be reappointed. The appointment of members to the AMTDSB shall be made in a manner that ensures geographic diversity and reflects the need to include experts from different legal systems. The AMTDSB shall also have a Chairperson appointed by the members of the AMTDSB for a term of three years.

Article 8: Procedures

The AMTDSB shall adopt its own procedures, which shall provide for transparency, the right to be heard, the opportunity to present evidence, and the right to appeal. The procedures shall be designed to ensure prompt resolution of disputes.

Article 9: Panel Reports

The AMTDSB shall issue panel reports, which shall be made public, unless the Parties agree otherwise. The panel reports shall contain findings of fact, the application of the relevant provisions of this Agreement and any other relevant trade agreements entered into between the Parties, and the reasoning behind the panel's findings.

Article 10: Implementation

The Parties shall implement the recommendations and rulings of the AMTDSB promptly and fully.

Chapter 4: General and Final Provisions

Article 11: Amendments

This Agreement may be amended by the unanimous agreement of the Parties.

Article 12: Accession

Any State or territory may accede to this Agreement upon unanimous approval by the Parties.

Amendment on Intellectual Property Rights to the Association for Multilateral Trade (AMT)

The Parties to the Association for Multilateral Trade (AMT),
Recognizing the importance of intellectual property protection and promotion for economic development, innovation, and creativity,
Mindful of the need to promote and protect the right of all creators, inventors, and innovators to benefit from their creations, inventions, and innovations,
Desiring to contribute to the promotion of the protection of intellectual property rights
Recognizing that the implementation of intellectual property rights may have implications for public health and nutrition, the transfer of technology, and access to information,

Agree to amend the Association for Multilateral Trade (AMT) as follows:

Article 1: Objectives

The objectives of this amendment are to:

(a) provide a framework for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in the context of the Association for Multilateral Trade (AMT);

(b) promote the development and dissemination of technology and knowledge to facilitate the transfer and dissemination of technology and the promotion of innovation and creativity;

(c) promote public health, nutrition, and access to medicines by ensuring that intellectual property rights do not impede the transfer of technology and access to essential medicines;

(d) ensure that the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights contribute to the promotion of economic and social development and the welfare of the people of the member states.

Article 2: Definitions

For the purposes of this amendment, the following definitions apply:

(a) "intellectual property" means all categories of intellectual property that are the subject of the TRIPS Agreement, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and related rights, geographical indications, and trade secrets;

(b) "enforcement procedures" means civil, administrative, and criminal procedures for the enforcement of intellectual property rights;

(c) "technology transfer" means the transfer of technology and know-how to developing countries in order to promote their economic and social development.

Article 3: Protection of Intellectual Property

The Parties shall provide for the protection of intellectual property rights in accordance with the TRIPS Agreement, and shall ensure that the protection and enforcement of such rights do not impede the transfer of technology and access to essential medicines.

Article 4: Enforcement of Intellectual Property

The Parties shall provide for effective enforcement procedures for the protection of intellectual property rights, including measures to prevent the infringement of such rights, and to remedy any such infringement that may occur.

Article 5: Technology Transfer

The Parties shall promote the transfer of technology to developing countries, in order to promote their economic and social development, and shall ensure that intellectual property rights do not impede such transfer.

Article 6: Cooperation and Capacity Building

The Parties shall cooperate in the areas of intellectual property protection and enforcement, technology transfer, and capacity building. Such cooperation may include the exchange of information, training and technical assistance, and the sharing of best practices and experiences.

Article 7: Dispute Settlement

Any dispute between Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Amendment shall be settled in accordance with the dispute settlement procedures provided for in the Agreement Establishing the Association for Multilateral Trade (AMT).

Article 8: Review and Amendment

The Parties shall review the implementation and operation of this Amendment periodically and may amend this Amendment in accordance with the procedures set out in the Agreement Establishing the Association for Multilateral Trade (AMT).
