by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Aderan Republic of Acroticus

“And victorious in war shall be glorious in peace”

Category: Left-Leaning College State
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Power

Location: The Commonwealth Society



Treaty on the Establishment of the Inter-Melioric Cooperation Organization

Treaty on the Establishment of the Inter-Melioric Cooperation Organization


The Parties to this Treaty,recognizing the importance of regional cooperation in promoting peace, stability, and mutual development,reaffirming their commitment to the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, and peaceful dispute resolution,emphasizing the significance of enhancing economic, cultural, and security cooperation among the Member States,have agreed to establish the Inter-Melioric Cooperation Organization (IMCO) through this treaty.

Chapter 1: Establishment of the Organization

Article 1: Establishment

1.1 The Inter-Melioric Cooperation Organization (herein “the Organization”) is hereby established as an intergovernmental regional organization.

1.2 The objectives of the Organization shall be to strengthen mutual trust, foster cooperation, and promote the common interests of the Member States.

Article 2: Membership

2.1 Membership in the Organization is open to sovereign states within the defined region that share the principles and objectives of the organization.

2.2 Any sovereign state seeking membership shall submit a formal application to the Organization Secretariat, indicating its willingness to abide by the provisions of this treaty.

2.3 Admission of new members shall be decided upon by unanimous vote among the existing Member States.

Article 3: Principles and Objectives

3.1 The Member States of the Organization shall uphold and promote the principles of mutual respect, diplomacy, and equality.

3.2 The objectives of the Organization shall include enhancing political, economic, cultural, and security cooperation among the Member States, and fostering regional stability, prosperity, and development.

Chapter 2: Organizational Structure

Article 4: The Council

4.1 The Inter-Melioric Cooperation Organization Council (“the Council”) is herein established.

4.2 The Council shall consist of one representative appointed by the Head of State of each Member State.

4.3 The Council shall be available to meet with one hour's notice.

4.4 Each session of the Council shall be presided over by a Chairperson, with rotation starting from the founder members in alphabetical order, followed by members in order of joining. The Chair shall change every three months.

4.5 The Council's duty is to discuss matters brought forward by the member states and make recommendations as deemed appropriate.

4.6 The Chairperson may request the attendance of individuals deemed useful for the discussion at hand.

4.7 The Council shall create its own procedures upon majority vote.

Article 5: Cooperation Areas

5.1 The Organization shall promote cooperation in the following areas:

a) Political Cooperation: Enhancing dialogue, consultation, and coordination among the Member States on regional and international issues of common interest.

b) Economic Cooperation: Expanding trade, investment, and economic integration among the Member States, facilitating the development of infrastructure, and promoting cooperation in various sectors, including energy, banking, transportation, agriculture, and tourism.

c) Cultural Cooperation: Promoting people-to-people exchanges, cultural understanding, education, science, and technology cooperation among the Member States.

d) Security Cooperation: Enhancing mutual trust, cooperation, and coordination in addressing traditional and non-traditional security challenges, including terrorism, separatism, extremism, and transnational crime.

Article 5: Committees

5.1 The Council shall be empowered to create committees which shall consist of representatives of some or all of the Member States.

5.2 The prerogatives of the committees shall be set by the Council.

5.3 These committees shall provide recommendations to the Council as set forth by the Council.

Chapter 3: Founding Civil Initiatives

Article 6: Education

6.1 Member States agree to accept applications from foreign applicants to universities who meet the following criteria:
a) Meet the required academic standards.
b) Can fund their own studies.
c) Have no criminal record.
d) Not deemed a threat to national security.

6.2 Member States further agree to direct the Council to establish the Secondary Collegiate Exchange Program.

6.2.1 The Secondary Collegiate Exchange Program shall allow for students from each Member States to apply for educational opportunities in each of the Member States.

6.2.2 Member States agree to allow their respective educational institutions to determine whether to take part in the Secondary Collegiate Exchange Program.

6.2.3 The goals of the Secondary Collegiate Exchange Program shall be to foster intellectual advancement, cultural acceptance, and educational rigor.

6.3 Member States agree to direct the Council to establish joint research institutions and provide grants to institutions targeting international research and educational cooperation.

Article 7: Joint Stabilization and Development Fund

7.1 The Council shall establish the Joint Stabilization and Development Fund (JSDF).

7.2 The JSDF shall aim to facilitate economic stability and promote financial cooperation among Member States, Observer States, and/or States of Interest.

7.3 The Council will establish a governing body for the JSDF composed of representatives from member countries, which will oversee its operations, decision-making processes, and policy implementation. The fund will operate in accordance with its charter and guidelines, adhering to principles of transparency, accountability, and equitable representation.

7.4 Funding for the JSDF shall be determined by the Council.

7.5 The JSDF shall be empowered by the Council to provide analysis and advice to member nations.

Article 8: Banking

8.1 The Member States hereby agree to establish the International Financial Messaging System (IFMS).

8.2 The IFMS shall provide a platform for the secure exchange of financial messages, enabling swift and reliable transfers of funds between banks and financial institutions of the Contracting Parties.

8.3 The governance of the IFMS shall be entrusted to the Council.

8.4 Membership in the IFMS shall be open to central banks, commercial banks, and financial institutions of the Contracting Parties that meet the specified criteria and adhere to the rules and standards set forth by the Council.

8.5 Any eligible entity desiring to participate in the IFMS shall submit an application to the Council or subsidiary organization designated and overseen by the Council, which shall evaluate the applicant's eligibility based on predetermined criteria.

8.6 The IFMS shall implement robust security measures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of financial messages transmitted through the system.

8.7 The Member States shall engage in regular information exchange, sharing knowledge and best practices related to the use and development of the IFMS.

8.8 The Member States shall collaborate to combat financial fraud, money laundering, and illicit financial activities by promptly reporting any suspicious transactions and cooperating in investigations as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Chapter 4: Funding

Article 9: Member State Contributions

9.1 All contributions from Member States shall be voluntary.

9.2 The Council shall provide requested donations from the Member Nations and Observer Nations based on the nation’s proportional Gross Domestic Product as determined by the JSDF. These donations shall be voluntary.

9.3 Observer States shall be required to contribute a sum not less than the lowest contribution of any Member State.

Chapter 5: Other States

Article 10: Observer States

10.1 Any state not agreeing to the entirety of this Agreement shall be eligible to apply as an Observer State.

10.2 Observer States shall be admitted upon two thirds vote of the Member States.

10.3 Observer States may apply to join initiatives created by this Organization. The Organization shall be under no obligation to accept the application of any Observer State.

10.4 The Organization may, although is not obligated to, disburse funds in Observer States.

Article 11: States of Interest

11.1 The Council shall have the authority to designate any state that is not a Member State or an Observer State as a State of Interest.

11.2 The Organization shall have the authority to use the Organization’s funds in any State of Interest.

Chapter 6: Miscellaneous

Article 12: Entry into Force

12.1 This treaty shall enter into force upon its ratification by a majority of the Member States.

12.2 Any Member State may withdraw from this treaty by providing written notice to the Council. The withdrawal shall take effect one year after receipt of notice.

12.3 Any Member State may be removed from this Organization by unanimous vote of the Member States. The timeline for removal after the vote shall be determined by the Council, but shall not exceed three months.

Article 13: Amendments

13.1 Amendments to this treaty shall be proposed by any Member State and require the consensus of all Member States for approval.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this treaty.

Done in Therinia, on July 13, 2023, in the Aderan, English, Spanish, French, Burmese, Swedish, and Finnish languages, in one original copy, which shall be deposited with the International Financial Messaging Authority.
