Category: Democratic Socialists | ||
Civil Rights: Excellent |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Excellent |
Regional Influence: Squire
Location: The East Pacific
Vault of Rogues - wip
Her Holiness the Archdolphop Warslayer, Warden of Thriwich, Queen of Renewal, Wrath of Heaven, Fury of the Coast, Golden Shield
Snow rose to power peacefully in the process of ending the 2059 civil war. After dethroning Adp. Saltspray, she imprisoned him and Clayborn; the abuse they faced in prison prompted Her Holiness to create the Golden Inquisition, a watchdog organization for the prison wardens and Empty Hands. The Inquisition was quickly reduced in power and renamed to the Spider's Eyes.
Snow is the daughter of Echo and Dav, two of Mother Charity's War Angel siblings, but there is no love lost between them. As a Fury she is not qualified to be part of such a family; the family Snow has consists of Mother Charity, Apple, Alice, Rosa, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Aquamarine and Father James. She once had a close bond with Kaiser Ferdinand as well, but that has been sorely tested as the Kaiser shows less and less care for the pact against the Aether Lords (this was not made easier by Ferdinand's untimely death). This is very difficult for Snow to deal with as she has very little life experience to prop her up; Mother Charity, as always, is her steady guide.
Mother Charity
Empty Hand Mother
Courage, Grace
The Great Congregation's heart, steadfast and incorruptible. Losing Grace, Courage, Felicity and Malice forced her to develop impeccable discipline: when anger strikes, acknowledge it and turn your attention back to what you were doing. She has mastered the technique and is essentially proof against Izeval's influence; she can move out of the grasp of Triraxus, Orinuk and Livich in much the same manner though with not as much ease.
Apple Brighteyes
Coren's widower. He is soft, caring and clever; Snow finds him to be a very valuable assistant. Apple will never recover from losing Coren in such a brutal manner, nor will he truly recover from the years of Coren pushing him away; he is permanently depressed. He still has love though, specifically love of Alice.
Wrath of Heaven, Warden of Geiriskali, Our Lady of Defiance, Golden Shield
The one Fury close to Snow in age. Rather contrary and hot-tempered.
Wrath of Heaven, Fury of the Mountains, Golden Shield
Unusually muscled and energetic, brick-red Fury, responsible for Iaoth's Spine.
Wrath of Heaven, Fury of the Forest, Golden Shield
Large, chubby green Fury with an easygoing and generous nature. Responsible for the Forest of Rocks.
Wrath of Heaven, Trainee Warden of Cacot, Fury of the Coast, Golden Shield
Originally cared for by Numair, now in the care of Duchess and Johnny. Shimmers orange in such a way as to resemble shaped and living flame.
Wrath of Heaven, Fury of the Mountains, Golden Shield
Leader of the international Dragons' Union and Fury responsible for Iaoth's Skull. Extremely large, blotchy grey.
Oak, Solaria, Dagne, Dagsett
Wrath of Heaven, Fury of the Plains, Golden Shield
Furies responsible for the Plains. Oak is a relatively small, creamy white Fury; Solaria shines brilliant gold; Dagne and Dagsett are both charcoal grey with dark red "cracks" patterning their bodies.
Warden of Allye
Thief, adrenaline junkie and swindler. The Great Congregation's favourite trade negotiator. Has ties to the mysterious and possibly nonexistent "hunters' league."
Duchess, Johnny
Wardens of Cacot
Dragon triplets (Dav is not present).
Nonbinary head of the Brethren intelligence agency. Stingy with words and habitually dressed in all black. Close with Numair and Rogue, rather callous about Spider's Eyes. Tied to the "hunters' league" through Rogue.
Juniper Saltspray
Police Officer
He inherited the Throne from Adp. Junia according to the provisions of the 21st resolution of the Second Council of the Tower and held it for slightly over a week in the midst of civil war. His pocket of the rogue nation was relatively peaceful at that time, with only doctors and scientists being in danger of execution as they could not explain Junia's crumbling to black ash. Choosing between Juniper and the other warlord in Thriwich, Dp. Phoebe, anyone who was not ethnically and religiously "pure" would run to Juniper every time. Nonetheless, he was an unbalanced and unstable ruler and his support quickly crumbled. Before the capital could be taken by Dp. Paulus, however, the dolphop's stronghold Geiriskali was wiped off the map and Adp. Snow claimed the Throne peacefully.
Juniper rarely had to do anything for himself during this time, and as he grew increasingly desperate to hold Thriwich against his opponents he began to see himself as the rightful leader of the nation instead of merely the regent. The executions picked up speed after this as those who questioned Juniper were cast into the sea.
After being jailed for war crimes, Juniper was severely mistreated by the other inmates and by the Empty Hands in charge of the holding facility. By the end of the first week he had a dislocated shoulder, two broken toes on his left foot, a broken pinky finger on his right hand, many many many infected gashes from rocks, tree branches and cutlery, and he had been nearly drowned three times. It just got worse as he developed a high fever, had most of his food stolen and continued to be beaten up. This nightmare world was completely against the letter and spirit of every Brethren prison regulation, but the Empty Hands responsible for him simply joined in, revelling in the fact that they had their enemy at their feet. The Inquisition was aware but always had higher priorities.
Juniper managed to sneak away one night, half-dead, and made his way to Wersh. He stayed in a homeless shelter there for a few days, but got thrown out for using wacko Brethren rules of property ownership rather than literally anyone else's rules (he stole food and medical supplies). A police officer named Calvin found him on the side of the road and, for some reason, chose to give Juniper the necessities of life until such time as the objectionable little prick could get a job. Understandably, Juniper hardly dared to think of trusting the cop at first, but he eventually came around.
Being at the mercy of another human was a bit of a wake-up call for His ex-Holiness.
After quite a bit of hassle from the Golden Inquisition (and later the Spider's Eyes), he's married Phoebe and they've adopted a kid named Daniel (Daniel's girlfriend Jasmine later moved in because her home situation was very bad). Juni now has two friends (Calvin and Crosby) and makes a half-decent cop.
Phoebe Clayborn
Anointed witch
The leader of the violently xenophobic movement that took hold during the civil war. Since then she has embarked on a path of redemption kick-started by one of Hadariel's rare worldly actions and Zerachiel anointed her as a champion near the beginning of the Aether Crisis. Phoebe has become a remarkably brave and inventive person during this time, and adopted two Wershian children with Juniper.
Cassidy's lover. Soft.
Pax, Nikki Rottmiller
Shavaran neko sisters.
Mariah, Toby
Brethren expat mother and child.
Borkley, Wheatley
BORKdogs, large enough to ride and extremely friendly.
Ephemera, Firebrand,
Dav, Echo, Oatmeal, Dandelion,
Kris, Prophet, Shield, Chalice
The intact portion of Mother Charity's dragon family.
Hans, Violet, Nia
Three related nekos. Scientist, blacksmith and child respectively.
Ada Rottmiller
Spider's Eye
Ethnically Ostarian, Brethren-trained Seer.
Junia Saltspray
Took the Holy Throne at 15 through unparalleled theological excellence. Created the Brethren system of restorative justice, strongly supported Dolphinist radicals, pioneered the dragon experiment. Towards the end of her life, Adp. Junia spiralled into insanity and became obsessed with forcing Beauties to accept her. Being remarkably strong in the Dolphin's Sight, they did not. Junia perished at age 23 through the Wither Curse.
Empty Hand novice
Constance, Elizabeth
Martyred at 15 years of age as a sacrifice to the demon lord Goka. This sacrifice brought the knowledge of Wind Dancing to Brethren.
Empty Hand novice
Elizabeth, Felicity
Caught in crossfire during the 2059 Civil War.
Empty Hand novice
Felicity, Constance
Died under a curse following Felicity's sacrifice.
Empty Hand sister
Courage, Charity
Lost in the wilderness following Courage's martyrdom; this is generally considered to be a suicide. Charity found her body after several days, then a search party found Charity kneeling in waist-deep water rocking the corpse.
Empty Hand sister
Grace, Charity
Martyred protecting preschool children from Kampf Eagles. She was torn apart midair.
Empty Hand mother
Old age.
Coren Brighteyes
Covah, Val Knight
Ask Izeval.