by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Great Congregation of Brethren

“In Sacred Peace”

Category: Democratic Socialists
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Squire

Location: The East Pacific



Psychics: A Breakdown

Species-specific Brethren abilities will be added to this dispatch later. In the meantime . . .

Three Categories
Brethren psychic aptitude is often divided into these categories: influence, perception and resistance. They are further subdivided into more specific skills and talents.

Broadcasting: the projection of emotions and images, not forcefully but more like light and heat are radiated. Dragons often broadcast their emotions (it takes conscious effort to avoid this), and offer comfort by deliberately broadcasting a sense of reassurance, goodwill and peace. Telepathic speech, for normal intents and purposes, isn't included under this ability.

Coercion: bending another creature's will, thoughts and/or emotions through psychic pressure (not enough pressure to actually break their defenses -- bending the mind instead of breaking it).

Assault: breaking down the mental barriers of a target to look at what they're hiding, cause them pain, temporarily disable them, assert dominance etc.

Passive Observation: what it sounds like. Simply picking up on the surface thoughts and feelings of the creatures around you, or a muted version of those thoughts and feelings. Essentially, sensitivity to broadcast.

Analysis: observing someone's thoughts on a deeper level, having slipped past / seen through their defenses. The main talent of a Seer.

Walls: fending off coercion and assault from others.

Immune System: fighting off more stealthy intrusions in your mind (like a Seer doing analysis).

Shield: resisting someone else's attempts at resistance when you're messing with their mind.
