Category: Benevolent Dictatorship | ||
Civil Rights: Superb |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Few |
Regional Influence: Sprat
Location: Forest
The Empire of Crinadia is a gargantuan, genial nation, remarkable for its museums and concert halls, deadly medical pandemics, and unlimited-speed roads. The compassionate, hard-working, cynical, cheerful, devout population of 16.405 billion Crinadians enjoy great individual freedoms in everything except elections, which, where they exist at all, are populist shams for a dictatorship government that has no intention of ever giving up power.
The medium-sized, corrupt government juggles the competing demands of Administration, Industry, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Turananto. The average income tax rate is 97.2%.
The frighteningly efficient Crinadian economy, worth a remarkable 7,118 trillion credits a year, is fairly diversified and mostly comprised of black market activity, especially in Information Technology, Tourism, Retail, and Soda Sales. Average income is an amazing 433,905 credits, with the richest citizens earning 5.2 times as much as the poorest.
Leader can finally stop kneading the dough and start rolling in it instead, trespassers entering Leader's office are immediately vaporized, the newest shade developed by Crinadia's dye industry has been dubbed 'Agent Orange', and citizens are permitted to carry concealed handguns. Crime is totally unknown. Crinadia's national animal is the cheetah, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.
Crinadia is ranked 91,898th in the world and 62nd in Forest for Largest Trout Fishing Sector, scoring 3,178.71 on the Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, citizens are permitted to carry concealed handguns.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, the newest shade developed by Crinadia's dye industry has been dubbed 'Agent Orange'.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, trespassers entering Leader's office are immediately vaporized.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, Leader can finally stop kneading the dough and start rolling in it instead.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, community organizers have given up going door to door because nobody is home.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, old people living in plastic bubbles complain about a new type of social isolation.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, breast milk lattes are the newest fad among hip urbanites.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, foreign policy is to avoid standing up to bullies.
- : Following new legislation in
Crinadia, destitute athletes are forced to train in the street.
- :
Crinadia was ranked in the Top 1% of the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.