Category: Capitalizt | ||
Civil Rights: Superb |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Excellent |
Regional Influence: Hegemony
Location: Eetrador
The Twelfth History of Dyzistolux – Regional Conflict
The twelfth history of Dyzistrolux began with the transferral of power to Eetrab the Unspoken XX. This Unspoken leader was in fact the great granddaughter of Eetrab the Unspoken XVII, who lived such a long time he outlived his children and almost outlived his grandchildren. Eetrab the Unspoken XX oversaw much regional conflict, and navigated the diplomatic catastrophes with a level of expertise never before seen before.Some notable incidents Eetrab the Unspoken XX lived through:
The condemnation of Dyzistrolux by multiple nations. Dyzistrolux was displeased, but largely disregarded these condemnations due to their inconsequence.
The war between Signum Crucis and The Empire of the Empire of Utopian Cheese. Dycetrolux was unfortunately caught in the cross fire and experienced significant economic and humanitarian loss.
The theft of money by Lockwoode from Signum Crucis and The Empire of the Empire of Utopian Cheese, the consequent condemnation of Lockwoode.
The exportation of poisoned cheese from an unknown nation. This caused several international incidents including unusual behaviour by several Dyzistrolux high citizens, the complete mental breakdown of Signum Crucis' current leader as well as highly erratic transferral of power in the Empire of the Empire of Utopian Cheese.
The war against Dycetrolux due to their accusation of the Empire of the Empire of Utopian Cheese distributing the poisonous cheese. This was perhaps the most adverse of all international incidents, as it indirectly lead to the death of thousands of Dyzistrolux's wealthiest citizens. The war also crippled Dycetrolux after it's capital was stolen twice (the first by Dyzistrolux and the second by Signum Crucis) and hundreds of thousands of it's citizens killed in the Grand Trial by Cheese.
Despite the regional chaos, Dyzistrolux remained internally strong and consistent. Eetrab the Unspoken XX's rule, while not the longest, was effective and consistent with the Core Values, and guided Dyzistrolux through chaotic times no one saw coming.