by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Republic of Imperial Republic of America

“Freedom Through Vigilance”

Category: Left-Leaning College State
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Contender

Location: Arconian Empire



American Defense Force

The Defense Force is comprised of three departments. Imperial Navy, Air, and Ground forces. All branches work together to achieve mission goals.

Imperial Navy handles the defense of American coastal waters. Including protection of American interests, defense of merchant vessels against pirates, invasion from hostile forces, and the general security of America's thousands of miles of coast lines.

Imperial Air Force secures the skies of America. The Air Force provides transport and air cover for both Naval and Ground forces.

The Imperial Army provides defense and security of American Territories.

The Imperial American Expeditionary Corps conducts exploration, defense, diplomacy and research for the Empire. The Corps operates on land, sea, and air (including outer space). Searching for new technologies and medical advancements, to improve the lives of American citizens.
