by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Republic of Insaanistan

“One Finger Breaks Easily, Five Together Make a Fist”

Category: Democratic Socialists
Civil Rights:
Very Good
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Sprat

Location: Osiris



Chapter 2: The Prophecy

"I'm so glad you are here, Konrad, Nicholas has been asking for you." Laura said as she dabbed her eyes. Dried tears ran along her cheeks.
"I came from Gulf Town as fast as I could. I'm so sorry,” Konrad said.

"You can see him now,” Adeline said. "Thank you, I will," Konrad told her.

Konrad entered Muller's bedroom it was darkened the lights were off and the curtains drawn. Konrad pulled up a chair and Nicholas' eyes opened a little bit. He whispered,
"Konrad, you've made it."

"Mr. Chancellor,” Konrad replied. “I came as soon I got the news. You asked for me." Konrad said.

"Konrad,” Nicholas said. “I have to tell you something. Something that is of the utmost secrecy and can only be revealed at the right time. This is one of those times." Nicholas explained. He handed him a a scroll, one that was evidently old but nonetheless looked well preserved.

"But, why me? What is this?" Konrad asked.
"Because I believe you can handle this." Nicholas said.

"What I share with you is something that has been passed down through the coven for centuries. It is a prophecy the full prophecy itself is unintelligible to anyone on Gaia except for whoever wrote it but the general idea is that in some country in another world, Earth a royal family will disperse but will return later however they will be forgotten and they will under go a great quest to collect things for a ceremony to return the memories. What those things are is unknown but what is known the ceremony cannot be done by anyone with anger or bad intentions in mind. Or else violence and chaos will engulf the world.

"What has been said to you was passed down to me years ago and now I've passed it on to you. Tell no one until you are near death. Swear upon the Holy Bible and the coven itself you will."

Konrad put his hand on a Bible and decreed, "I swear no one will know until I am near death."

"Good. Mind you, you will need to let it be known eventually but not until it's contents are further revealed. But until then it will stays until you nearly die." Nicholas explained.
"I will. And thank you for your service to the Coven." Konrad said.

"And thank you for being here for my final moments on Gaia." Nicholas said.

As Adeline and Laura walked in Nicholas closed his eyes with a final breath and then he died. His heart monitor flat lined.

Nicholas Charles Muller, former Prime Minister of Dowunda, and Chancellor of the International Honor Society of Magic for 42 long years is dead. Leaving a prophecy for Konrad Dekker to assume as many questions swam through his mind. He examined the scroll. Indiscernible symbols ran along the page. They were not in any script he had ever seen.

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The Republic of Insaanistan
