Category: New York Times Democracy | ||
Civil Rights: Excellent |
Economy: Powerhouse |
Political Freedoms: Superb |
Regional Influence: Squire
Location: The Region That Has No Big Banks
The Free Land of Loonielan is a massive, genial nation, notable for its rampant corporate plagiarism, punitive income tax rates, and devotion to social welfare. The compassionate, democratic population of 1.1 billion Loonielanians enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.
The enormous, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Education, Welfare, and Social Policy. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Fli. The average income tax rate is 75.0%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The powerhouse Loonielanian economy, worth 93.4 trillion unknowns a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is quite specialized, is led by the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Tourism, and Cheese Exports. Average income is 84,946 unknowns, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.
The Ministry of Health has reported a sharp increase in the incidence of delayed menopause, the navy is hoping to hear the enemy shout "you sank my battleship!", government officials are held to the highest standard of morality, and anti-government political posters adorn every building like wallpaper. Crime is totally unknown. Loonielan's national animal is the albatross, which soars majestically through the nation's famously clear skies.
Loonielan is ranked 27,877th in the world and 78th in The Region That Has No Big Banks for Most Extensive Public Healthcare, scoring 4,418.09 on the Theresa-Nightingale Rating.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
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Loonielan was ranked in the Top 1% of the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.
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Loonielan was ranked in the Top 1% of the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.
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Loonielan was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Best Weather.
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Loonielan was endorsed by
The Free Land of Pupperton.
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Loonielan was reclassified from "Civil Rights Lovefest" to "New York Times Democracy".
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Loonielan was endorsed by
The Federation of Aya Democratic Republic.
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Loonielan endorsed
The United Socialist States of Lobroynia.
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Loonielan endorsed
The Constitutional Monarchy of Harchk.
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Loonielan was endorsed by
The United Socialist States of Lobroynia.
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Loonielan was endorsed by
The Constitutional Monarchy of Harchk.
World Assembly
Endorsements Received: 30 » Vitorianiania,
Gine Caruttiva,
America the Greater,
Illuminous Tee Swirl,
Mars Hotel,
Santu Surgo,
The Washington Federation,
Hot Catboys,
The Nex,
Chronic and Violent IBS,
Greater Drussi,
New Zephyra,
Aya Democratic Republic, and