by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Empire of Mechabuel

“Strong people make strong country” A4Mecha

Category: Moralistic Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Envoy

Location: Far East Oriental Federation



Population2.24 billion



The Empire of Mechabuel is a massive, efficient nation, ruled by A4Mecha with an even hand, and notable for its multi-spousal wedding ceremonies, rampant corporate plagiarism, and triple-decker prams. The hard-nosed, hard-working, humorless, devout population of 2.24 billion Mechabuelians are highly moralistic and fiercely conservative, in the sense that they tend to believe most things should be outlawed. People who have good jobs and work quietly at them are lauded; others are viewed with suspicion.

The tiny, corrupt government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Industry, and Administration. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Hilldon. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 3.6%.

The frighteningly efficient Mechabuelian economy, worth 435 trillion Rocks a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Retail industry, with major contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Uranium Mining, and Information Technology. Black market activity is frequent. Average income is an impressive 194,460 Rocks, but there is a vast disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 1,442,287 per year while the poor average 7,804, a ratio of 184 to 1.

Glassy-eyed Mechabuelian wives lifelessly chant "I love you" on command, preschools put children down for naps with milk, cookies, and a gruesome story of vengeance, smart fridges sing the praises of Maltianity for fear of being iced, and declaring that "some kids are just born evil" is not endearing A4Mecha to progressive thinkers. Crime, especially youth-related, is all-pervasive, probably because of the absence of a police force. Mechabuel's national animal is the Dragon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to toxic air pollution, and its national religion is Maltianity.

Mechabuel is ranked 60,305th in the world and 78th in Far East Oriental Federation for Largest Cheese Export Sector, scoring 4,186.24 on the Mozzarella Productivity Index.

Highest Crime Rates: 776thMost Armed: 925thRudest Citizens: 1,003rdMost Avoided: 1,041stHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 1,042ndHighest Wealthy Incomes: 1,397thGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 1,573rdFattest Citizens: 1,676thLargest Retail Industry: 1,749thLowest Overall Tax Burden: 1,765thHighest Disposable Incomes: 1,952ndMost Ignorant Citizens: 3,021stTop
Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 3,471stMost Rebellious Youth: 4,348thMost Devout: 4,893rdLargest Soda Pop Sector: 5,073rdMost Valuable International Artwork: 6,204thMost World Assembly Endorsements: 7,307thLargest Manufacturing Sector: 8,061stMost Efficient Economies: 8,673rdMost Corrupt Governments: 8,696thLargest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 8,859thLargest Mining Sector: 9,090thLargest Pizza Delivery Sector: 10,900thLargest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 11,161stMost Influential: 11,320thHighest Average Incomes: 12,347thMost Advanced Defense Forces: 13,378thMost Subsidized Industry: 17,198thTop
Largest Agricultural Sector: 24,424thLargest Furniture Restoration Industry: 26,912th
Lowest Overall Tax Burden: 1st in the regionFattest Citizens: 1st in the regionMost Armed: 1st in the regionMost Avoided: 1st in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 1st in the regionMost Rebellious Youth: 1st in the regionMost Devout: 1st in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 1st in the regionMost Ignorant Citizens: 1st in the regionRudest Citizens: 2nd in the regionHighest Disposable Incomes: 2nd in the regionLargest Retail Industry: 2nd in the regionHighest Wealthy Incomes: 2nd in the regionLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 3rd in the regionLargest Manufacturing Sector: 3rd in the regionLargest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 3rd in the regionLargest Soda Pop Sector: 3rd in the regionGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 3rd in the regionMost Valuable International Artwork: 4th in the regionLargest Mining Sector: 4th in the regionMost Efficient Economies: 4th in the regionHighest Average Incomes: 5th in the regionMost Corrupt Governments: 5th in the regionTop
Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 6th in the regionMost Advanced Defense Forces: 6th in the regionMost Subsidized Industry: 6th in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 6th in the regionMost Influential: 7th in the regionLargest Black Market: 12th in the regionLargest Agricultural Sector: 18th in the regionHighest Economic Output: 20th in the regionLargest Furniture Restoration Industry: 20th in the regionLargest Pizza Delivery Sector: 24th in the regionMost Scientifically Advanced: 25th in the regionTop
Largest Information Technology Sector: 31st in the regionLargest Governments: 32nd in the regionMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 39th in the regionMost Stationary: 51st in the regionLargest Gambling Industry: 57th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, declaring that "some kids are just born evil" is not endearing A4Mecha to progressive thinkers.
  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, smart fridges sing the praises of Maltianity for fear of being iced.
  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, preschools put children down for naps with milk, cookies, and a gruesome story of vengeance.
  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, glassy-eyed Mechabuelian wives lifelessly chant "I love you" on command.
  • : Mechabuel was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Subsidized Industry.
  • : Mechabuel voted for the World Assembly Resolution "Repeal "World Assembly Central Library Compact"".
  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, an increasing number of animal species are named 'Bob'.
  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, convicted criminals are given free limo rides to jail.
  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, public urination is on the increase.
  • : Following new legislation in Mechabuel, law schools are hurrying to teach the "prank defense" to their students.

