Spotlight on:
“eat prune juice”
Oingo Schnizel Von Prune Juice
Category: Democratic Socialists |
Civil Rights: Good |
Economy: Powerhouse |
Political Freedoms: Below Average |
Regional Influence: Power
Location: Watford
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Back in the 1500s, countries Oingo and Boingo united along with several other colonies and became OingoBoingo. The country was free and prosperous and was a pretty good inspiration to the world. However, in 1957, the commies came and staged a coup, ousting former President Poingo. Their leader, Ooofo turned OingoBoingo into a dictatorship, making it lose a lot of popularity globally. But, in 1978, there was a revolution staged by Poingo II. He and his followers retook OingoBoingo and tried to remake it like it once was. In 2006, there was a continental shift, tearing the land OingoBoingo resided on and some other vacant fields away from the Continent of Janjapa and creating the OingoBoingan Archipelago. However, OingoBoingo still has good relations with its former neighbours Bapa Lapa Land and Hayqastan. The current President is Oingo Schnizel I and the Vice President is Boingo Valizaza. While OingoBoingo may not be the popular and inspirational place it once was, it is making a comeback.