Category: Psychotic Dictatorship | ||
Civil Rights: Few |
Economy: Strong |
Political Freedoms: Rare |
Regional Influence: Squire
Location: Lakes in Finland
The Federation of Oulujarvi Lake is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its multi-spousal wedding ceremonies, public floggings, and frequent executions. The compassionate, cynical population of 1.308 billion Oulujarvi Lakeans are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."
The large, corrupt, socially-minded, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Administration. The average income tax rate is 67.3%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The strong Oulujarvi Lakean economy, worth 93.7 trillion gambles a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is quite specialized, is led by the Tourism industry, with significant contributions from Beef-Based Agriculture, Soda Sales, and Woodchip Exports. Average income is 71,620 gambles, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.
Asking 'does my bum look big in this?' leads to 30 hours of self-esteem classes, all government communication requires the imprimatur of the Truth Police, the navy is chrome-plating its battleships to prevent rust, and fancy dress parties are raided by military police for new recruits. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a very well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Oulujarvi Lake's national animal is the gamble, which is also the nation's favorite main course.
Oulujarvi Lake is ranked 54,768th in the world and 11th in Lakes in Finland for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 67.28 Effective Tax Rate.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
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Oulujarvi Lake was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Authoritarian.
- : Following new legislation in
Oulujarvi Lake, fancy dress parties are raided by military police for new recruits.
- : Following new legislation in
Oulujarvi Lake, the navy is chrome-plating its battleships to prevent rust.
- : Following new legislation in
Oulujarvi Lake, all government communication requires the imprimatur of the Truth Police.
- : Following new legislation in
Oulujarvi Lake, asking 'does my bum look big in this?' leads to 30 hours of self-esteem classes.
- : Following new legislation in
Oulujarvi Lake, thousands of picky mothers-in-law have been recruited to serve as even pickier cookery instructors.
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Oulujarvi Lake was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Valuable International Artwork.
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Oulujarvi Lake was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Largest Agricultural Sector.
- : Following new legislation in
Oulujarvi Lake, shoppers have literally had their hands full since plastic bags were banned.
- : Following new legislation in
Oulujarvi Lake, gambles are considered a delicacy.