by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Kingdom of Pres Trump

“By The People For The People”

Category: Psychotic Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Unheard Of
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Power

Location: Followers of the Word of God


Pres Trump

Population6.321 billion


The Kingdom of Pres Trump is a colossal, safe nation, notable for its frequent executions, restrictive gun laws, and stringent health and safety legislation. The hard-nosed, cynical population of 6.321 billion Trumps are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

The large, moralistic, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Education. The average income tax rate is 42.2%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The large but underdeveloped Pres Trumpian economy, worth 182 trillion Rubles a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is a slick, highly efficient, quite specialized black market in Gambling, Book Publishing, Uranium Mining, and Arms Manufacturing. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is 28,939 Rubles, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

The government is seen to favor traditionalist religions, young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables, forty-year-old men are asked for their ID before watching the latest pony cartoon movies, and motivational posters send motorists positive vibes in high-risk areas. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Pres Trump's national animal is the Eagle, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to toxic air pollution.

Pres Trump is ranked 195,524th in the world and 4th in Followers of the Word of God for Most Extensive Public Healthcare, scoring 974.07 on the Theresa-Nightingale Rating.

Most Authoritarian: 10,051stHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 12,849thTop
Most Ignorant Citizens: 19,339thMost Conservative: 27,540th

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