by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Kingdom of The Islamic Country of Honour

“May Allah bless us all Ameen”

Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Minnow

Location: the Rejected Realms



NOTA on the Ballot Act

Author: The Islamic Country of Honour

Sponsor: Fishergate


In order to give the citizens of Thaecia who are discontent with the candidates standing in the election a voice

Congress hereby agrees,

There shall be a "None of the above" option at the end of the ballot for the elections to the House, the Senate, the Prime Minister and the Presidential elections. This includes snap elections to these posts. A "None of the Above" option signifies that the citizen is not satisfied with any of the candidates and doesn't want to vote for any of the candidates nor rank them

Section-A: A person voting "None of the Above" is not to rank candidates as he/she has already stated that they don't want to vote for any of them.

Section-B: The "None of the Above" votes shall be counted and published along with the results.

Section-C: In the case of a voter opting for "None of the Above" and also ranking candidates, his/her "None of the Above" vote will be discounted as he/she has chosen to vote for candidates of his/her choice on the ballot

In the case of an election, where “None of the Above" gets more than 50% of the votes(legal votes), there shall be another fresh election.

Section-A: The Fresh Election must be held within 4 days of the original election and the voting and announcement of the results must be concluded within 7 days of the original election

Section-B: The Fresh Election shall have a new Candidacy Declaration Period when anyone can enroll for the elections, not just the earlier participants. The earlier participants can opt not to run in the special election.

Section-C: In the fresh election, if the "None of the Above" again gets more than 50% of the legal votes cast, there shall be another election.

The "None of the Above" would however not be used when voting on the bills in the Senate or the House.
