by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Kingdom of The Islamic Country of Honour

“May Allah bless us all Ameen”

Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Minnow

Location: the Rejected Realms



Impeachable Offences Act

Author: The Islamic Country of Honour

Sponsor: Fishergate, Pap sculgief


Noting that the impeachable acts aren’t specified legally even though the Constitution states “impeachable offences decreed by the law” and in order to legally specify them,

The following actions are hereby declared impeachable and thus the President and Prime Minister are subject to impeachment if they commit any of the actions below:

Congress hereby agrees,

Obstruction of Justice shall be defined as “the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process”

Perjury shall be defined as “the giving of false testimony under oath on an issue or point of inquiry regarded as material.”

If the President or Prime Minister is found to be witholding or confiding any information that the region's interest, security or sovereignty is in danger, this action of confiding such information shall be deemed impeachable.

This shall include actions such as sending region-wide telegrams, which they can do with their "communications" authority, advertising their re-election campaign bid etc

This shall include incidents where the President or Prime Minister is found to be conspiring with a foreign region to undermine Thaecia's state institutions or the region itself by leaking secret information or helping them with the power vested in them.

Since the President and Prime Minister are an integral part of the region, it's vital for them to remain active. So if the President or Prime Minister remains inactive for a minimum of 2 weeks on Discord or NationStates without sending out any prior notice of their inactivity or delegating their task to their deputy, they shall be impeached. However if the President or Prime Minister announced beforehand they are going to be inactive and delegates their tasks to their Deputy, they shall not be impeached.

This includes actions listed in the "Legal Code Act" Bill such as "Bribery", "Doxxing", "Blackmail", "Fraud", "Electoral Fraud", "Harassment", "Conspiracy", "Incitement", "Preventing the Course of Justice", "Libel" and "Treason" or any further crimes added to the legal code.

This includes actions where the President or Prime Minister uses his/her power to suppress any of the rights the Constitution has granted to the citizens. For example, if the President or Prime Minister deprives someone of their right to freedom of Speech, they shall be impeached.
