by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Kingdom of The Islamic Country of Honour

“May Allah bless us all Ameen”

Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Minnow

Location: the Rejected Realms



Amendments to the Military Commission Act

Authors: Andusre, Brototh
Sponsor: The Islamic Country of Honour
Amended by: The Islamic Country of Honour, Sevae

Understanding that the author of the Military Commission Act (MCA) always intended for the bill to be amended once the military had sorted itself out,
Worried about the major opsec (operation security) concerns in the MCA,
Believing that the military will be able to function much better should the bill be amended,
Noting, that this bill is a rewrite - it amends the entirety of the Military Commission Act (it is not a repeal and replace). The original text of LR 040 can be found here: page=dispatch/id=1441758#40

Congress hereby agrees,

  • Section I - There must be a Thaempirial Army, which shall have the duty of protecting the interregional sphere and contributing to Thaecian interests abroad. The Thaempirial Army will consist of a Commander in Chief (the President), and subordinate officers, and loyal soldiers.

  • Section II – There must always be an established 'Secretary of Defence' nominated by and under the President,

    • Section IIa – Whose duties it shall be to create military policy;

    • Section IIb – To engage in Military affairs, domestic and interregional;

    • Section IIc – To maintain and coordinate a Thaempirial Army.

  • Section III - The Secretary of Defence must be confirmed with a simple majority vote in the House of Commons.

  • Section IV - The Secretary of Defence can be dismissed through unilateral dismissal by the President or a vote of no-confidence by the Senate, with an absolute majority required for the vote of no-confidence to succeed.

  • Section I - The Thaempirial Army which shall be under the competence of the President who shall be the Commander in Chief, with the Secretary of Defence as its operational Most Senior Officer, shall have the responsibility to defend Thaecia, uphold international military engagements, provide military assistance to allies, protect and forward collective Thaecian interests abroad and domestically, and occupy regions.

  • Section II – The Executive shall have the prerogative and duty to engage in any military measures to secure the interests of the Region and to maintain the sovereign integrity of the Region and/or its collective interests abroad.

  • Section III – The Executive shall, when making use of the Thaempirial Army for any purpose, inform and interact with the Senate as equal partners, and conduct rigorous self-oversight.

    • Section IIIa - Specifically, whenever the Executive makes use of the Thaempirial Army, they shall inform and interact with the Chairperson of the Senate, who then shall pass on information to the Senate, the Foreign Affairs Minister, and the Speaker of the House of Commons, as equal partners.

    • Section IIIb - If the President, the Prime Minister, and the Secretary of Defense believe the disclosure of any fact to the Chairperson of the Senate relating to an operation prior to it occurring would cause a legitimate threat to that operation, they may withhold those facts until the operation takes place.

    • Section IIIc - After the conclusion of an operation, the Executive shall provide a full, detailed, and honest report of that operation to the Senate and House of Commons as a whole.

  • Section IV – The Senate shall have the power to require the Executive to cease and desist any military operation through a motion with two thirds of the chamber's support.

  • Section V - The Prime Minister shall have the authority to veto or withdraw participation in a military operation for any reason, but that reason must be given to the Secretary of Defence. The Foreign Affairs Minister shall be able to veto participation in an operation only if said participation would incur significant harm to the region's Foreign Affairs. The Prime Minister shall have the authority to overturn this veto.

  • Section I - Neither the Thaempirial Army nor any member of the Thaempirial Army shall knowingly partake in griefing occupied regions while on a Thaempirial Army operation. An individual doing so will be considered a felony offence, prosecutable in the High Court of Thaecia.

  • Section II - Griefing shall be defined as refounding of an occupied region, applying passwords to an occupied region, or the ejection/banjection of inhabitants of occupied regions.

    • Section IIa - An inhabitant shall be defined as a resident of a region who is not residing in the region for a primarily military purpose.

  • Section III - Members of the Thaempirial Army shall report griefing by any Thaecian or by a member of another organisation with which the Thaempirial Army is collaborating with the Secretary of Defence. Should a member of the Thaempirial Army become aware of griefing in these circumstances but knowingly fails to report it, they may be expelled from the Thaempirial Army.

  • Section IV - If the Thaempirial Army has taken part in an operation that griefs a region, the whole organisation will be required to withdraw from the operation as soon as possible. A Thaempirial Army member who defies the order to withdraw from the operation in question shall be expelled from the Thaempirial Army and shall never be readmitted.

    • Section IVa - The Secretary of Defence must inform operation participants that the Thaempirial Army has a zero tolerance on griefing prior to it participating in any operation. If a participant declares their intention to grief, or it is disclosed that the operation is of a griefing nature, the Thaempirial Army shall not take part in that operation unless said participant agrees not to grief, or said participant is removed from the operation.

  • Section V - This article shall not apply to regions that are fascist, racist, or LGBTQphobic in nature.

    • Section Va - The Senate may also, at the request of the President, Prime Minister or Secretary of Defense and by a motion passed with a simple majority, exclude any region from the protections afforded by this article.

  • Section I – To join the Thaempirial Army, an application must be submitted to the Secretary of Defence (or a delegated deputy/staffer) who will choose to accept or decline the application for whatever reason they see necessary.

    • Section Ia - Soldiers will not be legally barred from being members of other region's militaries, however, the sitting Secretary of Defence may choose to decline applicants for this reason.

    • Section Ib - The Thaempirial Army may not admit anyone who has been tried and found guilty of treason. If a member of the Thaempirial Army is found guilty of treason, they will be immediately expelled. They may only be allowed back into the Thaempirial Army if the High Court overturns their decision to find them guilty.

    • Section Ic - A nation may be removed from the Thaempirial Army at the will of the Prime Minister, President, or Secretary of Defence should they think it is beneficial to do so. They must provide a reason for doing so.

      • Section Ica - A nation can appeal their removal to the other two with the power of dismissal. If they both approve the reinstatement, the nation will be reinstated. If the appeal is rejected, said nation may appeal again after a period of 2 (two) months.

Section I - The passage of this bill will replace the entirety of L.R. 040 with the above bill, not including this Article, or the Preamble.
