Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | ||
Civil Rights: Good |
Economy: All-Consuming |
Political Freedoms: Very Good |
Regional Influence: Minnow
Location: the Rejected Realms
Political Parties Factbook
Opposition to Direct Democracy - The Freedom Party of Thaecia stands in opposition to the implementation and ratification of direct democracy. We believe that direct democracy is a heavily flawed system and that our current system enables everyone, including newcomers, the opportunity to get involved in Thaecian politics.
Pro-Bicameralism - We support having two chambers of Congress, a Senate and a House. We deeply oppose the introduction of a citizen's chamber as our bicameral structure has served effectively for years and is the root of Thaecian political activity.
Opposition to Judicial Terms - We stand in opposition to the currently established judicial terms, as the party believes they will contribute more to the politicization of the High Court. The party believes that the only means to remove justices should be impeachment, and this mean must rely on adequate justification.
Creation of a Security Council - The party supports the creation of a Security Council, which would be tasked with keeping the region safe from foreign or internal infiltrators through their influence gained from endorsements and will largely have an administrative role than one that creates or enacts policy.
Congressional Internships - We support the creation of Congressional Internships, which will increase citizen involvement and interest in our legislative branch and law making process. It can also help new citizens get involved in Thaecia and possibly run for Congress in future elections.
Regional Military - The party advocates for full autonomy of the regional military, so long as it remains uninvolved with griefing and other harmful practices for foreign regional communities. We further believe that the military should remain transparent to at least one chamber of congress, and it should avoid conducting operations in the midst of Midterm and General Elections.
Inter-regional Relations- The Freedom Party of Thaecia stands for the region's neutrality in the world stage, not taking any stances in the isolationism vs globalism dispute, however always ensuring the region's best interests take priority in decisions regarding foreign affairs.
Inter-regional Organisations - The Freedom Party of Thaecia stands in opposition to memberships in Inter-regional organisations which require Thaecia to give up any regional autonomy, however is open to the idea of membership in other organisations, provided membership is determined through democratic means. The Party also strongly believes Thaecia should cooperate with other regions in game-wide events, such as N-Day.
Foreign Embassies - We believe Thaecia should continue to build embassies with big regions for the benefit of our standing in the international community. Our party also believes in the maintence of relations with smaller friendly regions, however we tend to support discord embassies exclusively for those.
Recruitment Policy - Our party stands in support for all viable means of recruitment, so as to ensure Thaecia's community continues to grow. This includes: manual recruitment, stamp recruitment, and API.
All citizens of Thaecia are allowed to apply for membership in the Freedom Party of Thaecia. The FREE Council, with a simple majority vote, with approval by the Party Chair, may evict a member at any time.
The Freedom Party of Thaecia shall be led by a Party Chair, who is responsible for organising and managing the party on a regular basis. They shall be the lead campaign manager for the party and is responsible for all elections within the party. The Party Chair has the right to appoint Department Chairs to assist party management. The Party Chair position shall be up for election every 4 months.
There shall be a FREE Council, which consists of 5 members. The Council shall be elected every 4 months and is tasked with approving party manifesto and party constitution changes, evicting members of the party, and any other purpose given to the committee not defined by this constitution. the Party Chair is also eligible to serve on the FREE Council.
All changes to the Party Constitution must be approved by 2/3rds majority of the FREE Council.
If you are interested in joining the Freedom Party of Thaecia, please telegram or DM Snowflame
Marvinville: Prime Minister
Snowflame: Legal Affairs Minister
Santa Marana: Deputy Communications Minister
Seats in the Senate: 3 out of 7
Seats in the House of Commons: 3 out of 11
Snowflame (FREE Chair)
Marvinville (FREE Council)
Zon island (FREE Council)
Santa Marana (FREE Council)
The All-Violetian Unitarian Party (A.V.U.P. or simply the Unitarians) is an organisation in the Imperial Royarchy of Violetia, founded in January 2023 by Syrasia.
Put simply, Unitarian ideals are about strong, unionist government. A.V.U.P. rejects the notion that direct democracy, frequent debates and political squabble are even necessary in Violetia. We are here to enjoy NationStates for the worldbuilding experience, and the Unitarians are the vanguard party of that experience.
- — After all, when we play NationStates to escape the political realities and have fun, why then would we want to encounter those same problems on a game?
Violetia must not become a region of hyperbolic, pathetic discussion on "experience" or that every election is the "crossroads" to a "new era". Essentially, they start talking in riddles because it's easier than talking straight. It becomes impossible for Violetia to maintain a stable and friendly community which we have all worked so hard to create. Our opponents wish to see Violetia devolve into regions which end up decaying due to endless argument, infighting, and above all, stagnation from a lack of direction or order.
Roleplay and politics do not go hand in hand. They are mutually exclusive. We are here to escape the worries and quams of the harsh reality we live in. Every year, things seem to get worse, and Violetia has become a safe space for those who need it. The Unitarians will not let politics hijack the region and turn it into a hollow shell of its former self.
A.V.U.P believes in strong leadership. A concept which is defined by the ability to defend the interests of one's people and one's region, has the ability to listen and act upon the wishes and advice of the people they serve, and can act with the temperance and benevolence expected of any strong leader. The Imperial Royarch of the region is the embodiment of this strong leadership. The elected Minister President of the region, and thereunto their Ministers, should act as delegates to execute the wishes of the Imperial Royarch. The direct democracy model and politcal tendencies advocated by our opponents are not only unfounded, but unsafe for the health of roleplay in the region.
This does not mean that the All-Violetian Unitarian Party stands against democracy and debate - far from it. By ensuring a vanguard against the disease of crony politics, A.V.U.P guarantees and protects a pure democratic system by eliminating the backhand deals from behind closed doors. By ensuring open debate and discussion, Violetia can continue to be a calm safe haven for those wishing to worldbuild. By ensuring that there is a strong and secure vanguard of the roleplaytariat, we are defending the core principles of Violetian liberty.
The Imperial Constitution of the All-Violetian Unitarian Party is a governing set of rules by which the party operates.
Responsible for maintaining and growing the Unitarians
Recognised as the head of the party and co-chair of party campaigns
Able to select and recall the Chair of the Council of the party
No term limit is to be applied to the office of First Secretary
Responsible for selecting the Unitarian candidate for General Elections
Recognised as the co-chair of party campaigns
Recognised as the deputy leader of the party
The Chair of the Council is selected at the discretion of the First Secretary from the Council of the Party
Three (3) Councillors will serve on the Council of the Party
Their terms will be defined by challenge elections; those wishing to be a Councillor must challenge a seat
Recognised co-ordinators of party policy
Aid the Chair in selecting election candidates
These are a broad range of ideals that A.V.U.P generally holds about the status quo.
Maintain and uphold the rights of Violetian citizens
Recognise the All-Violetian Unitarian Party as the Party of the State
Ensure that roleplay maintains its separation from regional politics and keep the Roleplay Chancellor appointed
Recognise December 11th as a regional holiday, Founding Day, in order to preserve regional history
Recognise April 13th as a regional holiday, Day of the Royarchy, in order to preserve regional history
Amend the Second Constitution to dissolve the Praesidium and remove politics from the region
Consider a new layout for the Violetian Discord server
Create a new merit system, known as the Imperial Orders, with various merit ranks
Encourage more regional events outside general roleplay, such as films, videogames, and other events
Maintain the tenet of strong leadership in order to deter raiders
Consider a new Embassy Protocol
Maintain the Sovereignty of the Region; not bending the knee to regions who dislike how we operate simply to keep an embassy open, and pre-empt them by closing the embassy ourselves
Maintain distance from the World Assembly forums and debates; they are needless wastes of time and do not contribute anything to Violetia's community
Support all viable means of recruitment and aid in the donations of stamps
Maintain Foreign Affairs Reports on the Embassy Thread of Violetia
January 2023 | V I C T O R Y | |
Astrellin for Minister-President | March 2023 | V I C T O R Y |
The Alternative Party of Thaecia [ALT]
- The Alternative Party stands for full representative democracy. We believe that our bicameral, representative democracy is the cornerstone of what sets Thaecia apart from the vast majority of regions in NationStates. It gives our region an identity, attracts newcomers from the Pacifics and other established regions alike, and is a great drive for activity. We believe that a direct democracy would take away what makes Thaecia unique and special, and hybrid democracy would turn into a bureaucratic nightmare, so we fully support representative democracy.
We support Judicial term lengths of six months pending reconfirmation by Congress. This check on Justices is important for keeping their power in check, and providing a sensible way for the people to voice their dissatisfaction with the Judiciary, by keeping them accountable to the legislature. We oppose Judicial term limits though, because this would weaken the Court by preventing those who can take office, and would force the region to have unskilled Justices even if they were active, popular, and hardworking, as well as feed partisan politics into the Courts.
We call for recall reforms, as the current requirement of upwards of seventeen nations to initiate a recall on an unpopular or otherwise inactive or potentially abusive of their power member of the government is outrageously high, and that the people should be able to more easily initiate recalls on the representatives that are failing them. We also believe that it could be beneficial to have two separate votes for recalls and for elections, instead of combining them so that larger parties cannot force out politicians who they disagree with, allowing everyone to have a fair voice in the region's government.
The Alternative believes it's time to open up debate on our citizenship process in order to find a more secure and safe method of obtaining citizenship in order to keep Thaecia protected from those who would seek to do it harm. We also believe that any expansion or reduction of Congress should happen on a practical case-by-case basis, instead of outright supporting or rejecting an expansion, but we also support making the process easier to allow for better representation of the people.
The Alternative Party believes that Senate classes should be introduced in order to provide a fun change to the system without entirely ripping down regional culture or history. At the same time, we understand that any implementation of this plan must be done so that it does not unnecessarily disadvantage smaller parties and independents from having their deserved representation in Thaecia's democracy.
- We believe that the regional military should have full autonomy, away from Congress. By informing Congress of all operations before their occurrence, it could endanger the privacy and security of the operation when Thaecia is working to advance our interests. We believe that the Senate should not be allowed to interfere with the military's activities and should only intervene to remove a Minister of Defence that is actively harming the region's policy.
Party Constitution
There shall be a Party Chair and Party Council; the Council shall consist of three members. The Party Chair shall be responsible for the party's electoral campaigns, and the Party Council shall be responsible for the day to day running of the party. The Party Chair and Party Council members shall be elected every four months, after the conclusion of the General Elections, or in time of a vacancy, by method of ranked choice voting.
The Party Chair may be ejected at any time by a unanimous vote of the Party Council; if this occurs, one of their own shall become interim Chair until the conclusion of the special election for the position of Chair.
If five citizens sign a petition to remove the Party Chair and/or a Party Councillor (or multiple thereof), a vote shall be held for each individual nation to be recalled; if a majority of voting party members vote to remove the nation, they immediately vacate the position and may not run in the election for their position. If the vote fails, they will be immune to any other recall votes for a period of twenty-one (21) days.
All citizens of Thaecia may join the Alternative Party so long as they do not actively attempt to damage the party or region as a whole; any such nation may be ejected from the party by the Party Chair and a 2/3rds majority of the Party Council.
Party Members
Brototh - Party Chair
Korsinia - Party Council
Of Altonianic Islands - Party Council
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