by Max Barry

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by The Post-Revolutionary State of Unfallious. . 737 reads.

Power Index

The RA Power Index
Disclaimer: These rankings are made soley by me (Unfallious) and are, at the end of the day, just my opinion. They are also capable of changing as the RP goes on. Please note it only contain nations I believe are active.

A state with a dominant position in international relations and is characterised by its unparalleled ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale.
Le rochelle
The Ebony Republic

Great Powers
A state which possesses the ability to exert its influence on a global scale.
The Confederation of Northern Germany

Regional Powers
A nation that exercises a large amount of influence and power within a region. A regional power often holds a large amount of influence on the global stage, too.
The inglorious pan

Middle Powers
Influential states. A middle power has sufficient strength and authority to stand on its own without the need of help from others.
United kanter
Czardom republic

Emerging Powers
Rising powers that can no longer be considered small and are steadily increasing their presence on the global stage either economically, diplomatically or militarily.
Imperial xenon
Paradox republic

Fading Powers
Powers that once held a degree of influence, but have since fallen into decline. These powers may no longer be taken seriously on the global stage, but generally retain some form of residual influence.
New hirizionburg

Small Powers
While a small power in the international system may never equal or surpass the impact of larger powers, they can nevertheless influence the workings of the international system together with others. These powers may be small, but they cannot be ignored.
The canadian republic of north america
