by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Caius of United States of Dictators

“Aonaichte tha sinn a’ seasamh, aonaichte tha sinn a’ fa” President Hikemet Dinc

Category: Civil Rights Lovefest
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Shoeshiner

Location: The North Pacific



2022 House and Senate Elections- National Capital District.

The House of Representatives and The Senate elections have taken place in the National Capital District, 30 out of the 50 seats in the district's House of Representatives were contested and 20 out of the 35 seats in the district's Senate were contested. The election was a victory for Halk Partisi who won 19 out of the 30 contested seats in the House of Representatives and 13 out of the 20 contested seats in the Senate. Here are a list of all the parties who took part in the election:

  • Halk Partisi

  • Neo Federation League

  • Libertarian Union

House Seats
  • 19 out of 30

  • 6 out of 30

  • 5 out of 30

Senate Seats
  • 13 out of 20

  • 7 out of 20

  • 0 out of 20

The new Senators and Representatives are expected to be sworn into office in 2 days by the Speaker of the House.
President Himeket Dinc, who is the leader of Halk Partisi has congratulated the HP Representatives and Senators on their win.
This election is part of the broader nationwide 2022 House and Senate Elections whose results will be published in a short time.

This is part of the now finished 2022 House of Representatives and Senate Elections
