by Max Barry

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National Flag

The Disputed Territories of Upper Hadrimpirion

“Unity, Discipline, Work”

Category: Benevolent Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Superpower

Location: Gosh coalition


Upper Hadrimpirion

Population4.169 billion


The Disputed Territories of Upper Hadrimpirion is a massive, orderly nation, notable for its absence of drug laws. The hard-working, cynical population of 4.169 billion Upper Hadrimpirionians enjoy great individual freedoms in everything except elections, which, where they exist at all, are populist shams for a dictatorship government that has no intention of ever giving up power.

The tiny, liberal, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Education, and Law & Order. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 8.7%.

The strong Upper Hadrimpirionian economy, worth 238 trillion marks a year, is fairly diversified and led by the Soda Sales industry, with major contributions from Furniture Restoration, Door-to-door Insurance Sales, and Information Technology. Average income is 57,127 marks, with the richest citizens earning 7.9 times as much as the poorest.

Politicians are losing their jobs in a plan to make the government 'leaner and fitter', extreme political groups are outlawed, a valid legal defense is 'dead men tell no tales', and a dictator has seized power and outlawed elections. Crime is a problem, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Upper Hadrimpirion's national animal is the bison.

Upper Hadrimpirion is ranked 79,946th in the world and 3rd in Gosh coalition for Largest Cheese Export Sector, scoring 3,659.29 on the Mozzarella Productivity Index.

Largest Soda Pop Sector: 19,344thMost Extensive Civil Rights: 24,164thLargest Insurance Industry: 29,767thHighest Drug Use: 30,431st

National Happenings

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