by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Twin Starred Federation of Varnash

“Raised in the mountains, forged in the snow.”

Category: Liberal Democratic Socialists
Civil Rights:
Very Good
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Enforcer

Location: Panam



Environment of Varnash

Leviathan glaciers and icy tundras dominate the Varnashi environment. There are few trees in southern Varnash, but there are some in the south where the snow-covered beaches and the oceans of ice are.

The Northern Environment:
Northern Varnash is known for its snow-covered beaches and oceans of ice. Northern Varnash is hotter than southern Varnash and is habitable above ground during Summer, Spring, and Autumn. During winter, however, Northern Varnashis must travel from place to place via subway networks to avoid the cold.

The Southern Environment:
Southern Varnash is known for its colossal glaciers and monolithic mountains. The freezing temperatures of southern Varnash render it nearly uninhabitable on the surface, except during Summer. Northern Varnashis have to live underground to survive the extreme weather, so they do not get as much sunlight as they need. This makes northern Varnashis abnormally pale, which is sometimes laughed at by southern Varnashis.
