by Max Barry

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Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Federation of Virifortis

“Ordem, Progresso e União”

Category: New York Times Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Sprat

Location: the South Pacific



Federal Constitution


We, the representatives of the people, gathered in the National Constituent Congress, with the aim of establishing a sovereign, free, fair, democratic, secure and unprejudiced country, hereby promulgate the following Constitution of the Federation of Virifortis:

I. Fundamental Principles

(1) The Federation of Virifortis is formed by the indissoluble union of States and the Federal District, constituting a Democratic State of Law.
(2) The Federation of Virifortis is a sovereign and independent country and will not submit to anything or anyone other than its own people, in accordance with this Constitution.
(3) All power emanates from the people who exercise it in accordance with this Constitution.
(4) The portuguese is the official language of the Federation of Virifortis.
(5) The national flag, motto, anthem and coat of arms are symbols of the Federation of Virifortis.
(6) The Powers of the Union are the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial Power, which are independent and harmonious with each other.
(7) A citizen invested with functions of any of the three Powers of the Union may not exercise those of another.

II. Rights and Duties

Individual and Collectives Rights and Duties
(1) Individual rights and duties are defined and guaranteed by this Constitution, in the following terms:
a. everyone is equal before the law, without distinction of any kind;
b. everyone is equal in rights and duties, under the terms of this Constitution;
c. everyone has the right to life, to freedom and to the pursuit and achievement of their interests, under the law;
d. no one shall be obliged to do or refrain from doing anything except by virtue of law;
e. no one will be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment;
f. the expression of thought is free;
g. the right of response is guaranteed, proportional to the grievance, in addition to compensation for material, moral or image damage;
h. freedom of conscience and belief is inviolable, the free exercise of religious worship is guaranteed and, in accordance with the law, the protection of places of worship and their liturgies is guaranteed;
i. the provision of religious assistance in civil and military collective internment entities is ensured, in accordance with the law;
j. no one will be deprived of rights due to religious belief or philosophical or political conviction, unless they invoke them to exempt themselves from the legal obligation imposed on everyone and refuse to comply with alternative benefits, established by law;
k. the expression of intellectual, artistic, scientific and communication activity is free, regardless of censorship or license;
l. the intimacy, private life, honor and image of people are inviolable, ensuring the right to compensation for material or moral damage resulting from their violation;
m. the house is an inviolable asylum for the individual, and no one can enter it without the resident’s consent, except in the case of a flagrant crime or disaster, or to provide assistance, or, during the day, by court order;
n. the secrecy of correspondence and telegraphic communications, data and telephone communications is inviolable, except, in the last case, by court order, in the cases and in the form that the law establishes for the purposes of criminal investigation or criminal procedural instruction;
o. it is free to carry out any work, trade, profession or economic activity, in accordance with the law;
p. access to information is guaranteed to everyone and the confidentiality of the source is protected, when necessary for professional practice;
q. movement within the national territory is free in times of peace, and any person may, under the terms of the law, enter, remain in or leave it with their goods;
r. everyone can gather peacefully, without weapons, in places open to the public, regardless of authorization, as long as they do not frustrate another meeting previously called for the same place, with only prior notice to the competent authority being required;
s. freedom of association for lawful purposes is complete, paramilitary association is prohibited;
t. the creation of associations and, according to the law, cooperatives do not require authorization, and State interference in their operation is prohibited;
u. associations may only be compulsorily dissolved or have their activities suspended by court decision, requiring, in the first case, a final judgment;
v. no one may be compelled to join or remain associated;
w. associative entities, when expressly authorized, have the legitimacy to represent their members judicially or extrajudicially;
x. the right to property is guaranteed;
y. private property can be expropriated only to serve the public utility, through law and prior compensation;
z. the law will establish the procedure for expropriation, whether permanent or temporary, guaranteeing the contradiction and broad defense of private interests;
aa. in the case of imminent public danger, the competent authority may use private property, ensuring the owner subsequent compensation, if there is damage;
ab. the small rural property, as defined by law, as long as it is worked by the family, will not be subject to seizure to pay debts arising from its productive activity, the law providing for the means of financing its development;
ac. authors have the exclusive right to use, publish or reproduce their works, transferable to their heirs for the period established by law;
ad. are ensured, in accordance with the law:
i. the protection of individual participation in collective works and the reproduction of the human image and voice, including in sporting activities;
ii. the right to monitor the economic use of works created or in which creators, performers and their respective union and association representations participate.
ae. the law will guarantee the authors of industrial inventions a temporary privilege for their use, as well as protection for industrial creations, the ownership of brands, company names and other distinctive signs, taking into account the social interest and the technological and economic development of the country;
af. the right of inheritance is guaranteed;
ag. the succession of assets of foreigners located in the country will be regulated by the National Congress for the benefit of the virifortisian spouse or children, whenever the personal law of the “custodian” is no longer favorable to them;
ah. everyone is guaranteed, regardless of payment of fees:
i. the right to petition public authorities in defense of rights or against illegality or abuse of power;
ii. obtaining certificates from public offices, to defend rights and clarify situations of personal interest;
ai. the law will not exclude injury or threat to rights from the Judicial Power's assessment;
aj. the law will not harm acquired rights, perfect legal acts and res judicata;
ak. there will be no court or tribunal of exception;
am. the institution of the jury is recognized, with the organization given to it by the National Congress, ensuring:
i. the fullness of defense;
ii. the secrecy of votes;
iii. the sovereignty of verdicts;
iv. the jurisdiction to judge intentional crimes against life;
al. there is no crime without a previous law that defines it, nor a penalty without prior legal punishment;
am. the criminal law will not be retroactive, except to benefit the defendant;
an. the law will punish any discrimination that violates fundamental rights and freedoms;
ao. no penalty will pass from the person of the convicted person, and the obligation to repair the damage and the decree of forfeiture of assets may be, in accordance with the law, extended to the successors and executed against them, up to the limit of the value of the transferred assets;
ap. the law will regulate the individualization of the sentence and will adopt, among others, the following:
i. deprivation or restriction of liberty;
ii. loss of property;
iii. fine;
iv. alternative social provision;
iv. suspension or interdiction of rights;
as. there will be no penalties:
i. of death;
ii. of a perpetual nature;
iii. forced labor;
iv. banishment;
iv. cruel.
aq. the sentence will be served in different establishments, according to the nature of the crime, the age and sex of the prisoner;
ar. prisoners are guaranteed respect for their physical and moral integrity;
as. woman inmates will be ensured conditions so that they can remain with their children during the breastfeeding period;
at. no one will be extradited, except for a naturalized citizen, in the case of a common crime, committed before naturalization, or proven involvement in illicit trafficking of narcotics and similar drugs, in accordance with the law;
au. no one will be prosecuted or sentenced except by the competent authority;
av. no one will be deprived of their liberty or their property without due legal process;
aw. litigants, in judicial or administrative proceedings, and defendants in general are guaranteed contradictory and full defense, with the means and resources inherent to it;
ax. evidence obtained through illegal means is inadmissible in the process;
ay. no one will be considered guilty before the criminal conviction becomes final and unappealable;
az. the civilly identified person will not be subjected to criminal identification, except in the cases provided by law;
ba. private action will be admitted in public action crimes, if this is not initiated within the legal deadline;
bb. the law may only restrict the publicity of procedural acts when the defense of privacy or social interests so require;
bc. no one will be arrested except in flagrante delicto or by written and substantiated order from a competent judicial authority, except in cases of military transgression or specifically military crime, defined in law;
bd. the prisoner will be informed of their rights, including that of remaining silent, and will be assured of the assistance of their family and a lawyer;
be. the illegal arrest will be immediately relaxed by the judicial authority;
bf. no one will be taken to prison or held there, when the law allows provisional release;
bg. there will be no civil imprisonment for debt, except for that of the person responsible for the voluntary and inexcusable non-compliance with the alimony obligation and that of the unfaithful depositary;
bh. “habeas corpus” will be granted whenever someone suffers or is threatened with suffering violence or coercion in their freedom of movement, due to illegality or abuse of power;
bi. a writ of mandamus will be granted to protect a clear and certain right, not supported by “habeas corpus” or “habeas data”, when the person responsible for the illegality or abuse of power is a public authority or agent of a legal entity exercising public authority duties;
bj. the collective writ of mandamus can be filed by:
i. political party with representation in the National Congress;
ii. trade union organization, class entity or association legally constituted and in operation for at least one year, in defense of the interests of its members or associates;
bk. a writ of injunction will be granted whenever the lack of a regulatory standard makes the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms and the prerogatives inherent to nationality, sovereignty and citizenship;
bl. “habeas data” will be granted:
i. to ensure knowledge of information relating to the person of the petitioner, contained in records or databases of governmental or public entities;
ii. for data rectification, when it is not preferred to do so through a confidential, judicial or administrative process.
iii. for recording in the interested party's settlements, contesting or explaining true but justifiable data that is pending judicial or friendly proceedings.
bm. any citizen is a legitimate party to propose popular action aimed at canceling an act harmful to public property or an entity in which the state participates, administrative morality, the environment and historical and cultural heritage, with the author remaining, unless proven bad faith, exempt from legal costs and the burden of succumbing;
bn. the State will provide full and free legal assistance to those who prove insufficient resources;
bo. the State will compensate the person convicted of judicial error, as well as anyone who is imprisoned beyond the time set in the sentence;
bp. are free for the known poor, in accordance with the law the civil birth registration, the death certificate and the electoral card.
bq. “habeas corpus” and “habeas data” actions are free, and, in accordance with the law, the acts necessary for the exercise of citizenship;
br. everyone, in the judicial and administrative sphere, is guaranteed a reasonable duration of the process and the means that guarantee the speed of its processing;
bs. the right to the protection of personal data is guaranteed, under the terms of the law, including in digital media;
bt. everyone has the right to know how much, what taxes they pay, who they pay them to and for what purpose they are intended;
bu. everyone has the right to receive from public bodies information of their particular interest, or of collective or general interest, which will be provided within the legal period, under penalty of liability, except those whose secrecy is essential to the security of society and the State.
(2) The rights and guarantees expressed in this Constitution do not exclude others arising from the regime and principles adopted by it, those inherent to people or international treaties to which the Federation of Virifortis is part.
(3) International treaties and conventions on human rights that are approved, in each House of the National Congress, in two rounds, by three-fifths of the votes of the respective members, will be equivalent to constitutional amendments.

Social Rights
(4) Social rights include education, health, food, work, housing, transport, leisure, security, social security, hygiene, clothing, protection of maternity and childhood and assistance to the destitute, in the form of this Constitution.
(5) Free, quality and universal healthcare and education must be provided to everyone by the States and the Federal District.
(6) All virifortisians in a situation of social vulnerability will have the right to a basic family income, guaranteed by the public authorities in a permanent income transfer program, whose rules and access requirements will be determined by law, in compliance with fiscal and budgetary legislation.
(7) Every professional and trade union association is optional, and no one can be forced to join or remain joined or contribute to any associations of which they are not voluntarily part.
(8) The right to strike is guaranteed, and it is up to workers to decide on the opportunity to exercise it and on the interests that they must defend through it.
(9) The law will define essential services or activities and provide for meeting the community’s urgent needs.
(10) Abuses committed subject those responsible to the penalties of the law.

Political Rights
(11) Popular sovereignty will be exercised by universal suffrage and by direct and secret vote, with equal value for all, and through:
a. plebiscite;
b. referendum;
c. popular initiative.
(12) Voter registration can be done by those who are:
a. virifortisian citizens;
a. eighteen years old or older;
b. in full enjoyment of their political rights.
(13) The following are eligibility conditions, as per the law:
a. virifortisian citizenship;
b. the full exercise of political rights;
c. voter registration;
d. the electoral domicile in the constituency;
e. the minimum age of:
i. thirty-five years for President and Vice President of the Federation and Senator;
ii. twenty-one years for Deputy.
(14) Voter registration and voting are optional.
(15) Those who do not meet the requirements for voter registration are ineligible.
(16) To run for other positions, the President of the Federation, the Governors of State and the Federal District and Mayors must resign from their respective mandates up to six months before the election.
(17) Enlistable military personnel are eligible if the following conditions are met:
a. if they have less than ten years of service, they must leave the activity;
b. if they have more than ten years of service, they will be added by the higher authority and, if elected, they will automatically, upon graduation, become inactive.
(18) The National Congress will establish other cases of ineligibility and the deadlines for its termination, in order to protect administrative probity, the morality for exercising a mandate considered in the candidate’s previous life, and the normality and legitimacy of elections against the influence of economic power or abuse exercising a function, position or employment in direct or indirect administration.
(19) The elective mandate may be challenged before the competent federal authority within fifteen days of the diploma, provided that the action is provided with evidence of abuse of economic power, corruption or fraud.
(20) The action to challenge the mandate will be processed in secret, with the author being liable, in accordance with the law, if reckless or manifestly in bad faith.
(21) The revocation of political rights is prohibited, the loss or suspension of which will only occur in cases of:
a. cancellation of naturalization by final judgment;
b. absolute civil incapacity;
c. criminal conviction that has become final and unappealable, while its effects last;
d. refusal to fulfill obligation imposed on everyone or alternative provision, under subsection “h” of section 1 of this article;
e. administrative improbity, under the terms defined by the National Congress.
(22) Every popular initiative will be made possible by presenting a petition in the form of a petition, containing signatures collected from valid voters.

Political Parties and Elections
(23) Electoral enlistment is mandatory for candidacy, with party affiliation for elected office being optional.
(24) The law will provide for the submission of candidacy for elective office regardless of party affiliation.
(25) The creation, merger, incorporation or extinction of political parties are free, respecting the following principles:
a. receiving financial resources from foreign entities or governments or those subordinate to them is prohibited;
b. receiving financial resources from people that hold public office is prohibited;
c. accountability to the competent authority, as defined by the National Congress.
(26) The political party is guaranteed autonomy to define its internal structure, and its statute must establish rules of discipline and party loyalty.
(27) Political parties, after acquiring legal personality, will register their statutes at the competent authority.
(28) The link, financing and use, by political parties, of a paramilitary organization are prohibited.
(29) The National Congress will provide for financing for political campaigns, and the use of these resources must be detailed and publicly disclosed, and other electoral rules and procedures that are deemed necessary.
(30) In elections, plebiscite and referendum that involves the population, null and blank votes will not be counted.
(31) In elections held under preferential voting, the voters will rank candidates according to their preferences. In each round, the candidate with the fewest first-place preferences is eliminated and the next preferences of each of their voters are redistributed, ignoring any eliminated candidates and discounting ballots that only list candidates eliminated, until a candidate receives more than half of the first-place preferences, or only one remains, then becoming the winner. If candidates tie for elimination, all those receiving the fewest second-place preferences among them are eliminated.

(32) Are virifortisians:
a. born:
i. those born in the Federation of Virifortis, even if of foreign parents, provided that none of them is in the service of their country;
ii. those born abroad, of a virifortisian father or mother, provided that either of them is in the service of the Federation of Virifortis;
iii. those born abroad, of a virifortisian father or mother, as long as they are registered in a competent virifortisian office or come to reside in the Federation of Virifortis and choose, at any time, after reaching the age of majority, for virifortisian nationality.
b. naturalized:
i. those who, according to the law, acquire virifortisian nationality;
ii. foreigners of any nationality, residing in Virifortis for more than ten uninterrupted years and without criminal conviction, who apply for virifortisian nationality, provided it is granted by the competent authority.
(33) The law may not establish distinction between native and naturalized virifortisians, except in the cases provided for in this Constitution.
(34) For the naturalization of those originating from portuguese-speaking countries only residence for two uninterrupted year and moral integrity are required.
(35) The loss of nationality will be declared for the virifortisian who has their naturalization canceled, by court decision, due to activity harmful to the national interest or if they are convicted of:
a. terrorism;
b. heinous crimes;
c. participation in an organization or association that advocate the suppression of the Democratic State and national sovereignty;
d. participation in an organized criminal group or criminal association;
e. trafficking in drugs, people, organs or weapons;
f. child pornography, pedophilia or sexual exploitation;
g. smuggling or trafficking of native species;
h. biopiracy;
i. crimes against the country, espionage, cyber crimes and invasion of personal data of virifortisian citizens;
j. corruption or any other crime against the public treasury; or
k. crimes against national sovereignty.
(36) The person considered dangerous to the national security of the Federation of Virifortis, due to fraud related to the naturalization process or an attack against the constitutional order and the Democratic State will have their naturalization suspended upon indictment, which may imply their deportation, expulsion or extradition, under the terms of the law.
(37) The loss of nationality will be declared for virifortisians, born or naturalized, who acquire another nationality voluntarily, except in cases:
a. recognition of original nationality by foreign law;
b. of imposition of naturalization, by foreign law, on virifortisians residing in a foreign State, as a condition for remaining in its territory or for exercising civil rights.

III. Organization of the State

General Principles
(1) The Union, the States and the Federal District are all autonomous, under the terms of this Constitution.
(2) Planápolis is the Federal Capital.
(3) The Federal Territories are part of the Union, and their creation, transformation into a State or reintegration into the State of origin will be regulated by the National Congress.
(4) States may merge with each other, subdivide or dismember themselves to annex themselves to others, or form new States or Federal Territories, subject to approval by the population directly concerned, through a plebiscite, and by the National Congress.
(5) The Union, the States and the Federal District are prohibited from:
a. establish religious cults or churches, subsidize them, hinder their operation or maintain relationships of dependence or alliance with them or their representatives, except, in accordance with the law, for collaboration in the public interest;
b. refuse faith in public documents;
c. create distinctions between virifortisians or preferences between them.

(7) The following are Union assets:
a. those that currently belong to it and those that will be assigned to it;
b. vacant lands essential for the defense of borders, fortifications and military constructions, federal communication routes, and environmental preservation, defined by the National Congress;
c. lakes, rivers and any water currents on land under its control, or that border more than one State, serve as boundaries with other countries, or extend to or originate from foreign territory, as well as marginal lands and river beaches;
d. river and lake islands in areas bordering other countries; the sea beaches; oceanic and coastal islands, except those areas affected by public service and the federal environmental unit;
e. the natural resources of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone;
f. the territorial sea;
g. marine land and its additions;
h. hydraulic power potentials;
i. natural underground cavities and archaeological and prehistoric sites;
j. lands traditionally occupied by indigenous and quilombola populations.

(8) Each State organize itself and is governed by the Constitution and laws they adopt, observing the principles of this Constitution and the following precepts:
a. the principle of separation and independence of the Powers;
b. republican form, representative system and democratic regime.
(9) The States are reserved the powers that are not denied to them nor attributed to the Union by this Constitution.
(10) The rules of this Constitution on inviolability, immunities, loss of mandate, leave, impediments and incorporation into the Armed Forces for Deputies apply to members of the Assemblies of the States.
(11) The National Congress will provide for popular initiative in the state and district legislative process.
(12) The Governor who assumes another position or function in the direct or indirect public administration will lose their mandate, except for taking office due to a public competition and subject to immediate leave without resurfacing of the latter.

Federal District
(13) The Federal District organize itself and is governed by the Constitution and laws it adopts, observing the principles of this Constitution.
(14) The District Constitution must respect:
a. the principle of separation and independence of the Powers;
b. republican form, representative system and democratic regime.

Federal Territories
(15) The law will provide for the administrative and judicial organization of the Federal Territories.
(16) The Federal Territories may be divided into Municipalities which will be responsible for whatever the National Congress provides.
(17) The Federal Territory Government's accounts will be submitted to the National Congress, with a prior opinion from the Federal Court of Accounts.

(18) The Union will not intervene in the States or the Federal District, except for:
a. maintain national integrity;
b. repel foreign invasion or invasion of federative one unit in another;
c. put an end to serious impairment of public order;
d. guarantee the free exercise of any of the Powers in the federative units;
e. reorganize the finances of the federative unit that suspend payment of the debt founded for more than two consecutive years, except for reasons of force majeure;
f. provide for the enforcement of federal law, court order or decision;
g. ensure compliance with the following constitutional principles:
i. republican form, representative system and democratic regime;
ii. human rights;
ii. transparency in the accountability of public administration, direct and indirect.
(22) The Union will not intervene in the Municipalities located in Federal Territory, except when:
a. fails to be paid, without reasons of force majeure, for two consecutive years, the debt founded;
b. accounts are not provided, in accordance with the law;
c. the State Supreme Court grants representation to ensure compliance with the principles indicated in the State Constitution, or to provide for the execution of a law, order or judicial decision.

IV. Legislative Power

National Congress
(1) The Legislative Power of the Union will be vested in the National Congress, which is composed of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
(2) In addition to other cases provided for in this Constitution, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate will meet in joint session to:
a. inaugurate the legislative session;
b. draft the common regulations and regulate the creation of services common to both Houses;
c. receive the commitment of the President and Vice President of the Federation;
d. know about the veto and decide on it, which may be revoked by the vote of an absolute majority of Deputies and Senators.
(3) The National Congress will meet annually in the Federal Capital, from February 2 to July 17 and from August 1 to December 22.
(4) Meetings scheduled for the dates mentioned in section 3 of this article will be transferred to the first subsequent business day when they fall on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
(5) Each of the Houses will meet in preparatory sessions, starting on February 1, in the first year of the legislature, for the inauguration of its members and election of their respective Boards, for a two-year term.
(6) The Board of the National Congress will be chaired by the President of the Senate, and the other positions will be held, alternately, by those holding equivalent positions in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
(7) The extraordinary convocation of the National Congress will take place:
a. by the President of the Senate, in the event of federal intervention being declared and for the commitment and inauguration of the President and of the Vice President of the Federation;
b. by the President of the Federation, by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, by the President of the Senate or at the request of a simple majority of the National Congress.
(8) Unless otherwise provided by the Constitution, the decisions of each House and its Committees shall be taken by majority vote, with an absolute majority of its members present.
(9) The National Congress or its Committees may summon Ministers of State and any holders of bodies directly subordinated to the President of the Federation to personally provide information on a previously determined matter, implying a crime of responsibility for absence without adequate justification.
(10) Deputies and Senators are inviolable, civilly and criminally, for any of their opinions, words and votes.
(11) During their term, Deputies and Senators cannot be arrested, except in flagrante delicto. In this case, the records will be sent within twenty-four hours to the respective house, so that, by the vote of the absolute majority of its members, it decides on the arrest.
(12) Deputies and Senators cannot:
a. since the issuance of the diploma:
i. sign or maintain a contract with a legal entity governed by public law, autarchy, public company, government-controlled company or public service concessionaire, except when the contract comply with uniform clauses;
ii. accept or hold another paid or elected position, function or job, including those that may be dismissed “ad nutum”, in the entities listed in this clause "i" of this section.
b. since taking office:
i. be owners, controllers or directors of a company that benefits from a contract with a legal entity governed by public law, or hold a remunerated position therein;
ii. hold a position or function that may be dismissed “ad nutum”, in the entities referred to in clause “i” of subsection “a” of this section,
iv. sponsor a cause in which any of the entities referred to in clause "i" of subsection "a" of this section is interested;
iv. hold more than one office or elective public mandate.
(13) The Deputy or Senator will lose their mandate:
a. that violates any of the prohibitions established in the previous section of this article;
b. whose procedure is declared incompatible with legislative decorum, the latter being established by the internal regulations of each House;
c. who fails to attend, in each legislative session, one third of the ordinary sessions of the House to which their belongs, except on leave or on a mission authorized by the latter;
d. who lose or have their political rights suspended;
e. who has been criminally convicted in a final judgment.
(14) In the cases referred to in subsections "a", "b" and "e" of section 13 of this article, the loss of mandate will be decided by the Chamber of Deputies or the Senate, by absolute majority, upon request from the respective Board or political party represented in the National Congress, ensuring full defense.
(15) In the cases provided for in subsections "c" and "d" of section 13 of this article, the loss will be declared by the Board of the respective House, ex officio or upon request by any of its members, or by a political party represented in the National Congress, ensuring full defense.
(16) A Deputy or Senator will not lose their mandate if licensed by the respective House due to illness, or to deal with, without pay, a private matter, provided that, in this case, the absence does not exceed one hundred and twenty days per legislative session.

Attributions of the National Congress
(17) It is the responsibility of the National Congress, with the sanction of the President of the Federation:
a. legislate on civil, commercial, criminal and labor law;
b. legislate on procedural, tax, penitentiary and electoral law of the Union;
c. regulate the tax system of the Union, the collection, and distribution of federal revenues;
d. provide for the budgetary legislation of the Union;
e. authorize the public debt of the Union and credit operations;
f. regulate financial, exchange, and monetary matters, as well as financial institutions and their operations;
g. provide for currency, its minting and issuance, as well as legal tender;
h. establish the monetary and measurement system, as well as titles and guarantees for metals;
i. formulate the policy on credit, exchange, insurance, and value transfer;
j. create national, regional, and sectoral development plans and programs;
k. determine the boundaries of the national territory, air and maritime space, and assets belonging to the Union;
l. authorize the temporary transfer of the headquarters of the Federal Government;
m. create, transform and abolish positions, jobs, and public functions;
n. create, abolish, structure, and define the responsibilities of Ministries and bodies of the federal public administration;
o. regulate foreign and interstate trade;
p. establish general rules for the States regarding forests, hunting, fishing, fauna, nature conservation, soil defense, and natural resources, environmental protection, and pollution control;
q. establish general rules for the States regarding the protection of historical, cultural, artistic, tourist, and landscape heritage;
r. establish general rules for the States regarding education and healthcare;
s. authorize civil and military requisitions in cases of imminent danger and in times of war;
t. regulate the exploration, facilities, resources, and services of water, energy, communication, highways, and railways, provided they are interstate, international, in areas belonging to the Union, or indispensable for the defense of the country;
u. regulate the regime of ports and navigation in lakes, rivers, seas, air, and outer space;
v. legislate on traffic and transportation;
w. establish rules on nationality, citizenship, and naturalization;
x. regulate emigration and immigration, entry, extradition, and expulsion of foreigners;
y. provide for indigenous and quilombola populations;
z. organize the national system of statistics, cartography, and geology;
aa. regulate public records;
ab. establish general rules for bidding and contracting in all modalities for the direct, autonomous, and foundational public administrations of the Union, the States and the Federal District, as well as for public and mixed-economy companies;
ac. ensure transparency in public administration and its activities;
ad. standardize accounting rules and standards for income statements and public budgets;
ae. authorize and monitor the production and trade of war material;
af. protect virifortians and their rights guaranteed by this Constitution, both inside and outside the national territory;
ag. manage the country's foreign exchange reserves;
ah. prohibit activities, products, and services that may compromise public health, public safety, national security, the environment, fauna, and flora;
ai. organize the national postal service and airmail;
aj. guarantee amnesty;
ak. organize and maintain official services for statistics, geography, geology, and cartography nationwide;
al. plan and promote permanent defense against national public calamities;
am. establish maritime, airport, and border police services;
an. organize the Federal, Federal Highway and Federal Railway Police;
ao. formulate and implement nuclear policy;
ap. provide for external affairs and national defense;
aq. regulate the protection and processing of personal data;
ar. enact laws and resolutions necessary for the exercise of the powers described in this section and all others that belong to the Union.
(18) It is the exclusive competence of the National Congress:
a. definitively resolve international treaties, agreements or acts or revoke them;
b. authorize the President of the Federation to declare war, to celebrate peace and to allow foreign forces to transit through national territory or to remain there temporarily, by two thirds of National Congress, except in cases provided for by the National Congress;
c. authorize absence of the President or Vice President of the Federation when this exceeds fifteen days;
d. approve federal intervention or suspend it;
e. temporarily change its headquarters;
f. establish identical remuneration for Deputies and Senators for the next term;
g. establish remuneration for the President of the Federation and their Vice and the Ministers of State for the next term;
h. annually judge the accounts provided by the President of the Federation and evaluate reports on the execution of government plans;
i. supervise and control, directly, or through any of its Houses, the acts of the Executive Power, including those of indirect administration;
j. approve Executive Power initiatives relating to nuclear activities;
k. authorize referendum and call plebiscite;
l. authorize external operations of a financial nature, in the interest of the Union, the States, the Federal District, the Federal Territories;
m. establish, at the proposal of the President of the Federation, global limits for the amount of consolidated debt of the Union, the States and the Federal District;
n. provide for global limits and conditions for external and internal credit operations of the Union, the States and the Federal District, their autarchies and other entities controlled by public power;
o. establish global limits and conditions for the amount of securities debt of the States and the Federal District;
p. suspend the execution, in whole or in part, of a law declared unconstitutional by final decision of the Federal Supreme Court;
q. approve, by absolute majority and by secret vote, the ex officio dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Federation before the end of their term of office.

Chamber of Deputies
(19) The Chamber of Deputies is composed of three hundred Deputies elected by the people, by direct, district and preferential vote, in each State, in each Territory and in the Federal District for a four-year term.
(20) The number of Deputies elected by State, by the Federal District and Territories will be established by the National Congress, proportional to their populations, with the recount being carried out in each year prior to the elections, taking into account that the federative units mentioned must have the right to elect at least one Deputy.
(21) Each State, the Federal District and each Territory will be divided into districts for federal elections, ensuring the equitable distribution of voters on the territorial basis of each federative entity mentioned, since each district cannot belong to two or more of them, in addition to being composed of contiguous territories. Candidates may apply to run in only one district.
(22) If there is a vacancy, an election will be held to fill the vacancy if more than fifteen months remain until the end of the mandate for the remainder to be completed.
(23) It is the exclusive responsibility of the Chamber of Deputies:
a. authorize, by two-thirds of its members, the initiation of proceedings against the President and Vice President of the Federation for crimes of responsibility, as well as all other high-ranking officials of the Union liable to trial for such crimes for these same crimes or for crimes of the same nature connected to those;
b. carry out the accounting of the President of the Federation, when not presented to the National Congress within sixty days after the opening of the legislative session;
c. draw up its internal regulations;
d. provide for its organization, operation, Police, creation, transformation or extinction of positions, jobs and functions of its services, and the federal law initiative to establish the respective remuneration.

(24) The Senate is made up of Senators elected by the people, by direct and preferential vote, for a eight-year term.
(25) Each State, the Federal District and each Territory will elect two Senators.
(26) If there is a vacancy, an election will be held to fill the vacancy if more than fifteen months remain until the end of the mandate for the remainder to be completed.
(27) The Senate is partially renewed every four years, alternating this renewal between one half and the other.
(28) The Senate is exclusively responsible for:
a. prosecute and judge the President and Vice President of the Federation for crimes of responsibility, as well as all other high-ranking officials of the Union liable to trial for such crimes for these same crimes or for crimes of the same nature connected to those;
b. approve in advance, by open vote, after public oral exam, by absolute majority, the Governors of Federal Territories, the Prosecutor General of the Federation, the Attorney General of the Union and other positions indicated in this Constitution;
c. approve in advance, by secret vote, after oral exam in a secret session, by absolute majority, the choice of heads of permanent diplomatic missions;
d. authorize external operations of a financial nature, in the interest of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Federal Territories, subject to veto by the President of the Federation;
e. establish, at the proposal of the President of the Federation, global limits for the amount of consolidated debt of the Union, the States and the Federal District;
f. provide for global limits and conditions for external and internal credit operations of the Union, the States and the Federal District, their autarchies and other entities controlled by the Federal Public Power;
g. provide for limits and conditions for granting Union guarantees in external and internal credit operations;
h. establish global limits and conditions for the amount of securities debt of the States and the Federal District;
i. suspend the execution, in whole or in part, of a law declared unconstitutional by final decision of the Federal Supreme Court;
j. approve, by absolute majority and by secret vote, the dismissal, ex officio, of the Prosecutor General of the Federation before the end of their term;
k. draw up its internal regulations.;
l. provide for its organization, operation, Police, creation, transformation or extinction of positions, jobs and functions of its services, and the law initiative to establish the respective remuneration.
(29) In the cases provided for in subsection “a" of the section 28 of this article, the President of the Federal Supreme Court will act as President of the Senate, limited to condemnation.

Legislative Process
(30) The National Congress will provide for the preparation, drafting, amendment and consolidation of laws.
(31) The Constitution may be amended by means of a proposal:
a. of at least one third of the members of the Chamber of Deputies or the Senate;
b. of the President of the Federation;
c. of more than half of the Assemblies of the States and of the Federal District, each of them expressing itself by the simple majority of its members.
(32) The Constitution may not be amended during federal intervention.
(33) The proposal will be discussed and voted on in each House of the National Congress, in two rounds, and will be considered approved if it obtains, in both, three-fifths of the votes of the respective members.
(34) The amendment to the Constitution will be promulgated by the Boards of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
(35) The proposed amendment aimed at abolishing the following shall not be subject to deliberation:
a. the republican and federative form of State;
b. direct, secret, universal and periodic voting;
c. the separation of Powers;
d. individual rights and guarantees.
(36) The matter contained in a proposed amendment that is rejected or considered to be invalid cannot be the subject of a new proposal in the same legislative session.
(37) The initiative for federal laws lies with any member or Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, the President of the Federation and citizens, in the manner and in the cases provided for in this Constitution.
(38) The popular initiative may be exercised by presenting to the Chamber of Deputies a bill signed by at least one percent of the national electorate, distributed across at least five States, or across the Federal District and four States, with no less than three tenths of a percent of the voters of each of them.
(39) The discussion and voting of bills initiated by the President of the Federation will begin in the Chamber of Deputies.
(40) The bill approved by one House will be reviewed by the other, in a single round of discussion and voting, and sent for sanction or promulgation, if the reviewing House approves it, or archived, if it rejects it. If the project is amended, it will return to the initiating House.
(41) The House in which the vote has been concluded will send the bill to the President of the Federation, who, if they acquiesces, will sanction it.
(42) If the President of the Federation considers the project, in whole or in part, unconstitutional or contrary to the public interest, they shall veto it in whole or in part, within fifteen working days, counting from the date of receipt, and shall communicate, within forty-eight hours, to the President of the Senate the reasons for the veto.
(43) After the fifteen-day period has elapsed, the silence of the President of the Federation will result in sanction.
(44) The veto will be considered in a joint session, within thirty days of its receipt, and may only be rejected by the vote of an absolute majority of Deputies and Senators.
(45) If the veto is not upheld, the bill will be sent to the President of the Federation for promulgation.
(46) If the law is not promulgated within forty-eight hours by the President of the Federation, in the cases of sections 43 and 45, the President of the Senate will promulgate it, and, if they does not do so within the same period, it will be up to the Vice President of the Senate.
(47) The matter contained in a rejected bill may only be the subject of a new bill, in the same legislative session, upon proposal by an absolute majority of the members of either Houses of the National Congress.

V. Executive Power

President and Vice President of the Federation
(1) The Executive Power of the Union will be vested in the President of the Federation, who is assisted by the Ministers of State.
(2) The President and the Vice President of the Federation will be elected directly by the citizens, by preferential voting, for a four-year term and only one re-election allowed.
(3) The election of the President of the Federation will involve that of their Vice registered with them, clearly and obligatorily evidenced in their electoral campaign.
(4) The Vice President of the Federation will replace the President of the Federation, in the case of impediment, and will succeed them, in the event of a vacancy.
(5) In case of impediment of the President and Vice President of the Federation, or vacancy in their respective positions, the President of the Chamber of Deputies and the President of the Senate will be called successively to the presidency and a replacement will be elected to finish the term if necessary.
(6) The Vice President of the Federation will also assist the President of the Federation, whenever called by them for special missions.
(7) The way and cases in which the election is carried out due to vacancy or impediment will be defined by the National Congress.
(8) The President of the Federation may not, without permission from National Congress, be absent from the country for a period exceeding fifteen days, under penalty of loss of office.
(9) The President and Vice President of the Federation will take office in a session of the National Congress, making a commitment to maintain, defend and comply with the Constitution, observe the laws, promote the general good of the virifortisian people, sustain the union, integrity and independence of the Federation of Virifortis.
(10) If, ten days after the date set for inauguration, the President or Vice President of the Federation, except for reasons of force majeure, have not assumed the position, it will be declared vacant.

Duties of the President of the Federation
(11) The President of the Federation is exclusively responsible for:
a. nominate and dismiss Ministers of State;
b. exercise, with the assistance of Ministers of State, the superior direction of the federal administration;
c. sanction, promulgate and publish laws, as well as issue decrees and regulations for their faithful execution;
d. veto bills, in whole or in part;
e. maintain relations with foreign states and accredit their diplomatic representatives;
f. conclude international treaties, conventions and acts, subject to referendum of the National Congress;
g. decree and execute federal intervention;
h. send a message and government plan to the National Congress at the opening of the legislative session, explaining the national situation and requesting any measures deemed necessary;
i. grant pardons and commute sentences, with a hearing, if necessary, of the bodies established by law;
j. exercise the supreme command of the Armed Forces, nominate Commanders of the Navy, Army and Air Force, promote their general officers and nominate them to positions that are exclusive to them;
k. nominate the Prosecutor General of the Federation, the Attorney General of the Union and the Governors of Federal Territories, with Senate confirmation, and nominate other positions provided for in this Constitution, in accordance with the due process established;
l. declare war, celebrate peace and allow foreign forces to transmit in national territory, authorized by the National Congress;
m. send to the National Congress the budget proposals provided for in this Constitution;
n. perform other obligations assigned to them in this Constitution.

(12) Crimes of responsibility are acts of the President of the Federation that violate this Constitution and, especially and beyond it, against:
a. existence of the Union;
b. free exercise of the Powers of the Legislative and Judicial Power, the Public Ministry and the Constitutional Powers of the federative units;
c. exercise of political, individual and social rights;
d. national internal security;
e. probity in administration;
f. the budget law;
g. compliance with laws and court decisions.
(13) Crimes of responsibility will be defined in a special law, which will establish procedural, judgment rules and all other high-ranking officials of the Union liable to trial for such crimes.
(14) The President of the Federation shall be suspended from their duties:
a. in common criminal offences, if the complaint or criminal complaint is received by the respective court that will judge them;
b. in crimes of responsibility, after the admission of the process by three-fifths of the Chamber of Deputies.
(15) Once the accusation against the President of the Federation is admitted, by two thirds of the Chamber of Deputies, they will be subjected to trial before the Court that will judge them, in common criminal offenses, or before the Senate, in crimes of responsibility.
(16) If, after a period of one hundred and eighty days, the judgment is not concluded, the removal of the President of the Federation will cease, without prejudice to the regular continuation of the process.
(17) Until a conviction is issued, in common offences, the President of the Federation will not be subject to arrest.

Ministers of State
(18) Ministers of State will be chosen from among virifortisians over the age of twenty-five and in exercise of their political rights.
(19) The Ministers of State, in addition to other duties established in this Constitution and in the law, are responsible for:
a. exercise guidance, coordination and supervision of federal administration bodies and entities in the area of its competence and endorse acts and decrees signed by the President of the Federation;
b. issue instructions for the execution of laws, decrees and regulations;
c. present to the President of the Federation an annual report on their management at the Ministry;
d. perform acts relevant to the duties granted or delegated to them by the President of the Federation.

VI. Judicial Power

General Provisions
(1) The Judicial Power of the Union will be vested in a Federal Supreme Court and in as many Federal Regional Courts and Federal Section Courts as the National Congress shall create.
(2) The Judges, Appellate Judges and Ministers of the federal courts are prohibited from:
a. exercise, even if available, another public position or function, except for teaching, President, Vice President or Inspector of their respective court and those in another court provided for in this Constitution;
b. receive costs or participation in proceedings;
c. dedicate themselves to party political activity;
d. receive aid or contributions from individuals, public or private entities, subject to exceptions provided for by law;
e. practice law in the court or tribunal from which they left, before three years have passed since leaving the position due to retirement or dismissal.
(3) Once a request for review has been made, it must be granted collectively to all members of the collegiate, within the deadline defined by the National Congress, as well as the consequences of non-compliance with the deadline.
(4) The Judicial Power of the Union will adhere to budgetary constraints.
(5) The National Congress will establish the Statute of the Judiciary.
(6) Judges, Appellate Judges and Ministers of the federal courts will have life term, which, in the first instance, will only be acquired after two years of exercise, with compulsory retirement at the age of seventy-five, unless impediment or vacancy, and may be tried for crimes of responsibility.
(7) Judges, Appellate Judges and Ministers of the federal courts may be temporarily replaced, as established by the National Congress.
(8) The federal courts are exclusively responsible for:
a. elect its governing bodies and draw up its internal regulations, in compliance with procedural rules and procedural guarantees for the parties, providing for the competence and functioning of the respective jurisdictional and administrative bodies;
b. organize their secretariats and auxiliary services and those of the courts linked to them, ensuring the exercise of the respective correctional activity;
c. grant leave, vacations and other absences to its members and to the judges and employees immediately linked to them.

Federal Supreme Court
(9) The Federal Supreme Court is made up of eleven Ministers, all having right to one vote, chosen by the President of the Federation, with Senate confirmation, from among citizens over fifty and under sixty-five years old, of notable legal knowledge and an unblemished reputation.
(10) The Federal Supreme Court is exclusively responsible for:
a. prosecute and judge, originally:
i. the constitutionality analysis of a federal or state law or normative act;
ii. the dispute between a foreign State or international organization and the Union, the State, the Federal District or Federal Territory;
iii. the causes and conflicts between the Union and the States, the Union and the Federal District, or between one and the other, including the respective indirect administration entities;
iv. extradition requested by a foreign State;
v. conflicts of jurisdiction between a Federal Court and any other Court or between Courts of one State and Courts of another, or of the Federal District.
b. judge, in ordinary appeal, cases in which the parties are a foreign State or international organization, on the one hand, and, on the other, a State, the Federal Districts or person resident or domiciled in the Country.
c. judge, in special appeal, the cases decided, in sole or last instance, by any Court, when the appealed decision:
i. contravene provision of this Constitution;
ii. declare the unconstitutionality of a treaty or federal law;
iii. contravene treaty or federal law, or deny them validity;
iv. judge a contested act of local government valid in the face of federal law or of this Constitution;
v. gives federal law a different interpretation than that given to it by another court.
vi. judge contested local law valid in the face of federal law.
(11) The Federal Supreme Court is entitled to reject, by the majority of its members, the constitutionality analysis proposal.
(12) The following may propose a constitutionality analysis:
a. the President of the Federation;
b. the members of the National Congress;
d. the political parties with representation in the National Congress;
e. the members of the Assemblies of the States and of the Federal District;
f. the Governors of the States and of the Federal District;
g. the Prosecutor General of the Federation;
h. the Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court;
i. citizens, by popular initiative, in the form defined by the National Congress.

Federal Regional Courts
(13) Each Federal Regional Court is made up of at least five Appellate Judges, all having right to one vote, recruited in the respective region and chosen by the President of the Federation, with Senate confirmation, from among citizens over fifty and under sixty-five years old, of notable legal knowledge and an unblemished reputation.
(14) The Federal Regional Courts are exclusively responsible for judging, on appeal, cases decided by the Federal Section Courts within their jurisdiction.

Federal Section Courts
(15) Each Federal Court is composed of one or more Federal Judges, as established by the National Congress, which will also define the method for choosing them.
(16) The Federal Section Courts are exclusively responsible for prosecuting and judging:
a. causes in which the Union, an autonomous entity or a federal public company are interested as plaintiffs, defendants, assistants or opponents;
b. causes between a foreign State or international organization and a State, the Federal District or person domiciled or residing in the Country;
c. causes based on a treaty or contract between the Union and a foreign State or international organization;
d. political crimes and criminal offenses committed to the detriment of goods, services or interests of the Union or its autonomous entities or public companies, excluding misdemeanors;
e. crimes provided for in an international treaty or convention, when, once execution has begun in the country, the result has or should have occurred abroad, or vice versa;
f. crimes against the organization of work and, in cases determined by law, against the financial system and the economic-financial order;
g. crimes committed on board ships or aircrafts;
h. the crimes of illegal entry or stay of a foreigner, the execution of a letter rogatory, after the "exequatur", and of a foreign sentence, after approval, the cases relating to nationality, including the respective option, and naturalization;
i. the dispute over indigenous rights.

VI. Functions Essential to Justice

Public Ministry
(1) The Public Ministry is essential to the jurisdictional function of the State, and is responsible for defending the legal order, the democratic regime and the inalienable social and individual interests.
(2) The institutional principles of the Public Ministry are unity, indivisibility and functional independence.
(3) The Public Ministry covers:
a. the Public Ministry of the Union, which includes:
i. the Federal Public Ministry;
ii. the Public Ministry of the Federal District and Territories.
b. the Public Ministries of the States.
(4) The Public Ministry of the Union is headed by the Prosecutor General of the Federation, appointed by the President of the Federation from among career members over thirty-five years of age, after approval of their name by an absolute majority of the members of the Senate, for a two-year term, with reappointment permitted.
(5) The dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Federation, on the initiative of the President of the Federation, must be preceded by authorization from an absolute majority of the Senate.
(6) Laws of the Union and the States will establish the organization, attributions and status of their respective Public Ministries.
(7) The institutional functions of the Public Ministry are:
a. privately promote public criminal action, in accordance with the law;
b. ensure that Public Authorities and services of public relevance effectively respect the rights guaranteed in this Constitution, promoting the measures necessary to guarantee them;
c. promote civil investigation and public civil action, for the protection of public and social assets, the environment and other diffuse and collective interests;
d. promote the constitutionality analysis or representation for the purposes of intervention by the Union and the States, in the cases provided for in this Constitution;
e. defend the rights and interests of indigenous populations in court;
f. issue notifications in administrative procedures within its jurisdiction, requesting information and documents to support them;
g. exercise external control of police activity, in accordance with the supplementary law mentioned in the previous article;
h. request investigative measures and the opening of a police inquiry, indicating the legal grounds for their procedural statements;
i. perform other functions that are conferred upon it, as long as they are compatible with its purpose, and is prohibited from providing legal representation and legal consultancy to public entities.
(8) Admission to the Public Ministry career will be through a public examination of tests and qualifications, requiring bachelor's degree in law and have at least three years of legal activity and observing, in the appointments, the order of classification.
(9) The legitimacy of the Public Ministry for the civil actions provided for in this article does not prevent third parties from taking the same actions, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the law.

Advocacy General of the Union
(10) The Advocacy General of the Union is the institution that, directly or through a linked body, represents the Union, judicially and extrajudicially, and is responsible, under the terms established by the National Congress that will establishe its organization and operation, for the activities of consultancy and legal advice to the Executive Power.
(11) The Advocacy General of the Union is headed by the Attorney General of the Union, freely appointed by the President of the Federation from among citizens over thirty-five years of age, of notable legal knowledge and reputation.
(12) Admission to the initial classes of the careers of the Advocacy General of the Union referred to in this article will be done through a public competition of tests and qualifications.

(13) The lawyer is indispensable to the administration of justice, being inviolable for their acts and statements in the exercise of the profession, within the limits of the law.

Public Defender
(14) The Public Defender Office is a permanent institution, essential to the jurisdictional function of the State, and is fundamentally responsible for providing legal guidance, promoting human rights and defending, at all levels, judicial and extrajudicial, individual and collective rights, in a comprehensive and free manner, to those in need.
(15) The National Congress will organize the Public Defender's Office of the Union and the Federal District and Territories and will prescribe general rules for its organization in the States, in career positions, filled, in the initial class, through a public competition of tests and qualifications.

VIII. Transitional Provisions

(1) This Constitution will be promulgated only when the people approve it through a referendum.
(2) On the fifth day of the term of office of those elected in the general elections, in which the President and Vice President of the Federation and the members of the National Congress will be elected, held after the promulgation of this Constitution, the electorate will define, through a plebiscite, the form, republic or constitutional monarchy, and the system of government, parliamentarism or presidentialism, that must prevail in the Country.
(3) A constitutional review, by the vote of the absolute majority of the members of the National Congress, in a unicameral session, shall be carried out on the day after the results of the plebiscite referred to in Section 2 of these Transitional Provisions are declared.
(4) On the day following the promulgation of this Constitution, the Constituent Congress, in meeting, will elect, by preferential and secret vote, the Provisional President and of the Federation, who will hold office until the winners of the general elections will be declared.
(5) Three months after the promulgation of this Constitution, general elections will be immediately called, in which the first legislature of the National Congress, the President and Vice President of the Federation will be elected as established in this Constitution. During this period, the National Constituent Congress may only legislate on urgent and indispensable matters, especially those involving the electoral law of the Union.
(6) The Senators of the first legislature of the National Congress will be elected simultaneously, in two different ballots, and a candidate cannot run in both.
(7) The first legislature of the National Congress, the President and Vice President of the Federation will take office ten days after the proclamation of the winners, as defined by the National Constituent Congress, and their terms will end on the dates provided for in this Constitution.
(8) In the first legislature of the National Congress, during the preparatory work, the Senate will randomly determine the first and second half of the Senators, whose terms will end at the end of the first and second four-year periods, respectively.
(9) The first legislature of the National Congress will set the remuneration of the positions defined in this Constitution for the respective term and the subsequent one.
(10) The State that, one year after the promulgation of this Constitution, has not decreed its Constitution, will be subject, by deliberation of the National Congress, to that of one of the others that seems most convenient, until it promulgates its own.
