by Max Barry

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by The Corporate Imperium of Dyzistrolux. . 5 reads.

When the Rich Perish

Dyzistrolux's largest cruise ship, the Unwavering Seas, has disappeared! The cruise ship carrying the CEO's of some of Dyzistrolux's largest companies and many of their top level employees, set out on a royal cruise to celebrate the past quarter's earnings once more. While on the cruise, Dyzistrolux received a distress call from the Unwavering Seas, detailing a blinding flash in the distance, and then a sudden an enormous wave approaching the ship. The ship was luckily well prepared for such an event, and initiated its hazard avoidance protocol, activating the ship's advanced nuclear thusters to fly the ship over the approaching wave. Unfortunately, one of the thrusters failed, causing an explosion that vaporised the ship in it's entirety.

Dyzistrolux is proud to announce that it's citizens rose to the occasion. Lower level employees filled upper management roles efficiently, and all companies managed to continue normally without so much as a blip on the stock market. Unfortunately, some of Dyzistrolux's richest were aboard the ship, and as such the average income of the rich fell substantially. Those distinguished guests aboard the Unwavering Seas will be remembered, and a monument will be built in their name.

In this day of mourning,
The Unspoken

The Corporate Imperium of Dyzistrolux

