by Max Barry

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by Just chilling. . 17 reads.

The Third Conflict of the Eetradorian Civil War – The Horn of Gabriel

In the year of our God Emperor 2018 on the 17th of May, Alexander VI personally entered the Eetradorian Civil War.

Though he was assumed dead, in reality Alexander VI had simply allowed Alexander VII to assume leadership of Signum Crucis while he chose to protect the holy empire from behind the scenes. Alexander VI headed the top-secret Project Archangel GBRL-XII, or simply Project Gabriel. The top scientists of Signum Crucis hooked up Alexander VI's body to a massive machine of war, capable of sustaining Alexander VI's body indefinitely while performing several Miracles of War.

With Project Gabriel finally complete on Signum Crucis's own moon base, Alexander VI personally descended upon Project Utopia and seized the moon base single-handedly from the grasp of the Supreme Archgouda. The Supreme Archgouda, donning his advanced battle armor, did battle with Alexander VI's Project Gabriel, and the battle was said to be long and trying for both sides. However, in the end it is said that Alexander VI finished off the Supreme Archgouda by unleashing a pillar of vaporizing light from the massive sword of Project Gabriel, annihilating the Supreme Archgouda and critically damaging Project Utopia. With the Supreme Archgouda slain and Project Utopia crippled, Project Gabriel then descended upon Eetrador to turn the tide of war.

Project Gabriel descends.

Utilizing the machine's capability to generate bread and water by absorbing water and organic plant matter around it, Project Gabriel first nourished the armies of Eetrador. Then, as the ground conflicts returned to the devastated lands of Dycetrolux, Project Gabriel unleashed twin miracles of pillars of vaporizing light and swarms of bees upon the dread armies of Vecna and the EEUC.

With Dyzistrolux withdrawing aid from the EEUC, the dread army was noticeably weakened. Finally, the tide of battle changed in favor of the allied forces of Eetrador under God Emperor Dennis, and it finally started to seem like the war could be won. The devastated land of Dycetrolux was recaptured, and the forces of Vecna and the EEUC were forced to retreat.

At least, the darkness started to be pushed back.

Just chilling
