by Max Barry

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by The Holy Federal Monarchy of DACOROMANIA. . 23 reads.

Info Center of Dacoromania Dispatches

Info Center of Dacoromania Dispatches

DACOROMANIA is a Postmaster and a Site-Supporter, with a permanently reserved nation name, meaning that this lasts forever.

Nation Name Reservation: In NationStates, when a nation isn't active (logged in) for 28 days, it ceases to exist, but the owner can still come back and restore it just by entering the password. After a long period of inactivity, though, the nation's name may be made available for re-use, so someone else can create a new nation using the same name. In that case, the older nation is permanently retired as "Ancient" and can no longer be restored.

Current site rules allow nation name re-use after five years of inactivity in nations with a population under 500 million. Site Supporter nations are permanently reserved and their names can never be re-used.

NS Forum Topic: [Nation] DACOROMANIA - Center of Infos, Relations & Others

Here is a list of dispatches made by DACOROMANIA for to be easier to find them in the case if the owner may no longer be active on the site.



☀️ NationStates Report : DACOROMANIA (on 25 December)

🌍 The History of DACOROMANIA (Part 1) - about the ancestors and their origins

🌍 The History of DACOROMANIA (Part 2) - about the Gepid Kingdom

Foreign Relations of DACOROMANIA

Human Sacrifice only for the DACOROMANIA's nation

🎗️ Test audio

🏛️ Air-Space National Defense

🏛️ Dacoromania - Regional RolePlay - Military Forces and Equipment

2. Region: Holy Byzantine Eurasian Confederacy

The Charter - Constitution of Holy Byzantine Eurasian Confederacy

H.B.E.C. Regional Government and Diplomacy

H.B.E.C. Guide for Newcomers

Alliance Partners and Treaties

HBEC Role-Play Map

[Important][GUIDE] How to help this region > Holy Byzantine Eurasian Confederacy

Regional News > Holy Byzantine Eurasian Confederacy invites you !

HBECs NS Media News

Inter-regional Role Play - The First Convention of Galaxy

3. Old Treaties and Alliances:

The League of Allied Regions For Freedom & Independence

Euro-Balkanic or Byzantine Freedom Agreement

4. Region: Koguria

Koguria (region)

Kogurian Decree for the Constitution

Warning: Koguria don't sleep! We're watching you!

5. Region: Roman Byzantine Union

Center of Information for Roman Byzantine Union

Charter - Constitution of the Roman Byzantine Union

Edicts and Acts of the Roman Byzantine Union

Join the Roman Armed Forces !

