Dispatch → Factbook → Religion
The Religion of Corporatism
The official sanctioned religion of Dyzistrolux, corporatism is a relatively new religion created by the Unspoken leader himself. The basis of the religion was founded upon a combination of the Core Principals as well as a highly successful book on investing written by the genius CEO G. D. D. R VI Memory, of General Incorporated, Inc.Corporatism's sacred scriptures are contained within The Divescivis, a holy book 1400 pages long in standard A4 format with 12 point Computer Modern font (2cm margins). The information contained within presents a single page containing the "11 Praecepta", as well as 12,435 reviews from citizens who have achieved great success through the practice of Corporatism.
The 11 Praecepta are as follows:
1. Thou shalt have no other debts before me
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any fraudulent misrepresentation
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Unspoken in vain
4. Remember the overtime, to keep it unpaid
5. Honour thy profits and thy debts
6. Thou shalt not be in the red
7. Thou shalt not commit bankruptcy
8. Thou shalt not give
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy corporation
10. Thou shalt not covet without action
11. Thou shalt disregard Praecepta in the name of personal gain
The 11 Praecepta are also inscribed on the pillars of the 1st Headquarters of Corporatism, a 134 story holy site in which citizens may practice Corporatism freely after paying a generous fee to the building's owner, General Incorporated, Inc.