by Max Barry

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by Dasko. . 17 reads.

Charter of Rights


WHEREAS the people seek the unalienable rights that Governments have hitherto failed to provide;

WHEREAS the people seek the rule of law;

WHEREAS the people seek a just society where humankind lives in harmony;

WHEREAS the people seek a charter to codify theses unalienable rights;

WHEREAS the people seek these civil liberties for their posterity;

NOW, THEREFORE the people of the Republic shall establish this Charter of Rights to create a society of liberty and democracy.

  1. All citizens of the Republic shall have the following freedoms:

    1. The freedom of speech;

    2. The freedom of the press or other media communication;

    3. The freedom of thought, belief and expression;

    4. The freedom of religion and conscience;

    5. The freedom of peaceful assembly; and

    6. The freedom of association.

  2. Parliament and the President shall make no law that abrogates these freedoms.

  1. All citizens of the Republic aged 18 or older shall have the right to vote for members of Parliament and any legislative assembly in the region where they reside.

  2. All citizens of the Republic aged 18 or older shall have the right to hold office in any legislative assembly in the region where they reside.

  1. All citizens of the Republic shall have the right to enter, remain and leave the Republic.

  2. All citizens of the Republic and everyone who has the status of permanent resident shall have the right to take up residence in any province and pursue a livelihood there.

  3. Social services may impose reasonable residency requirements that may limit (2).

  4. The aforementioned rights do not prevent laws that improve conditions of the socio-economically disadvantaged.

  1. All citizens of the Republic shall have the right to life, liberty and security, which may not be deprived from anyone except when such individual has contravened the law.

  2. All citizens of the Republic shall be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

  3. All citizens of the Republic shall have the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.

  4. All citizens of the Republic, upon arrest or detention, shall be immediately informed the reason therefor, retain and instruct counsel immediately and to be informed of such right, and be released if the detention is not lawful.

  5. All citizens of the Republic who are charged with a crime shall have the right:

    1. To be informed of the specific offence immediately;

    2. To be tried within a reasonable delay;

    3. To not be a witness in proceedings against themselves;

    4. To be presumed innocent until proven guilty before an independent and impartial tribunal according to law;

    5. To not be denied reasonable bail without just cause;

    6. To be sentenced at maximum for five years when tried by jury, except under military law;

    7. To not be found guilty on account of any act or omission, unless the criminal act was considered criminal under the principal of the law;

    8. To not be tried for the offence again, and if found guilty, not be punished for it again; and

    9. To have the lesser time used, if found guilty and if the punishment has varied between time of commission and time of sentencing.

  6. All citizens of the Republic shall have the right not to be subject to cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.

  7. All citizens of the Republic shall have the right in any proceedings as a witness not to have self-incriminating evidence be used against the witness, unless in a prosecution for perjury or giving contradictory evidence.

  8. All citizens of the Republic shall have the right to the assistance of an interpreter if they do not understand the language of the proceedings.

  1. All citizens of the Republic shall be equal before the law.

  2. All citizens of the Republic shall have the right to equal protection and equal benefit before the law.

  3. All citizens of the Republic shall be free of discrimination due to race, nation and ethnic origin, color, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

  4. The aforementioned rights do not prevent any law that seeks to improve the socio-economic conditions of those who are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

  1. Any citizen of the Republic whose rights have been infringed upon may seek a remedy a court considers appropriate.

  2. No part in this Charter of Rights shall be construed as to promote a single race.

  3. No part in this Charter of Right shall be construed as to extend legislative powers of any body or legislature.

  4. This Charter of Rights and the Constitution of the Republic shall comprise the Basic Law of the Republic of Dasko.

