by Max Barry

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by The consulate of libertatem. . 314 reads.

The Constitution of The Consulate of Libertatem

Constitution of Libertatem

In order to re-establish rule of law, protect their rights, and safeguard their future, the people of Libertatem establish this Constitution:

Article I “The Consulate”

Section I
The people of Libertatem invest supreme Executive and Legislative power in the institution of the Consulate.

The Consulate shall be comprised of the First Consul, the Second Consul, and the Third Consul.

Section II
The First Consul shall serve as presiding officer of the Consulate when it acts as a legislature. In specific he shall have the power to:

    a.) Open and close legislative sessions.
    b.) Present or refuse to present, at his discretion, all legislation to the Consulate to be voted upon.
    c.) Establish or disestablish rules of procedure for the legislature itself as he sees fit.

Section III
The Second Consul shall exercise control over Foreign Affairs. In specific he shall have the power to:

    a.) Negotiate treaties, appoint ambassadors, and exercise complete sovereign power over foreign affairs and diplomacy within the law.
    b.) Command the Libertatem Armed Forces, control the enlistment of soldiers, appoint and promote officers, execute military policies, and exercise complete sovereign power over the military within the law.

Section IV
The Third Consul shall exercise control over Internal Affairs. In specific he shall have the power to:

    a.) Administer citizenship and establish the processes by which citizenship is acquired, and execute sovereign power over domestic policy, within within the law.
    b.) Issue criminal charges, and serve as the litigator on behalf of the government.

Section V
Consuls shall serve for a four month term, beginning immediately after election. Consular elections shall be public, and require a simple majority vote of citizens.

A Consul can be removed from office by a two-third majority vote of citizens. If a Consul is removed from office, a special election must immediately take place.

Section VI
The sole authority to promulgate new legislation, declare war and make peace, and ratify treaties shall belong to the Consulate.

When meeting as a legislature, the Consulate may ratify treaties with foreign powers by unanimous vote, and may pass other legislation by simple majority except where the Constitution mandates another majority. Each Consul shall have one vote within the legislature.

Section VII
No person may hold multiple Consular offices at the same time.

Article II “The Judiciary”

Section I
The people of Libertatem invest supreme Judicial power in the office of the Court Justice.

Section II
The Court Justice shall be appointed by the Consulate through unanimous vote, shall serve a term of six months, and shall have original jurisdiction on all criminal, civil, and constitutional matters.

Section III
The Court Justice may not hold any other office within the government of Libertatem.

Article III “Rights and Citizens”

Section I
All of Mankind has been endowed by Nature and Providence with three fundamental and unalienable rights. These three fundamental rights are the Right to Life, the Right to Liberty, and the Right to Property. The government shall pass no law, or otherwise infringe upon the people's right to:
    a.) Hold and express their opinions, regardless of what they shall be, so long as their expression does not violate the rights of others.
    b.) Assemble and to associate freely.
    c.) A public trial by jury with assistance of counsel if accused of a crime, and due process under the law.
    d.) Be free of cruel, unusual, and excessive punishment if convicted of a crime.

Section II
While the government of Libertatem recognizes the fact that all individuals possess, and have always possessed, these three rights, it is only obligated to uphold and protect the rights of the citizens of Libertatem.

Section III
Citizens of Libertatem may not have their citizenship revoked except as a consequence of disappearance from the region for a period of no less than one month, or as a result of conviction of treason.

Section IV
Treason shall be defined only as the waging war against the constitution of Libertatem, or knowingly aiding and abetting those who wage war against the constitution.

Section V
If one-fifth of the citizens petition the Regional Justice, he shall call a vote to veto legislative action by the Consulate. If two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor of vetoing a bill, the bill shall be considered void.

Article IV “Amendments and Ratification”

Section I
This constitution will come into force if ratified by a simple majority of all votes cast. Only the votes of individuals who resided in Libertatem when the vote began shall be counted.

If ratified, Consular elections shall begin within three days, with all those eligible to vote on the ratification of this constitution being considered provisional citizens.

Section II
This constitution can be amended through the unanimous decision of the Consulate and a 2/3 majority of citizens.

Written by Highway Eighty-Eight, The new icelandic commonwealth and The United States of Patriots

The consulate of libertatem
