by Max Barry

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by Kogskinogska. . 8 reads.

Nogski-majority village in East Adalzica subject to shooting, Adalzican government suspected

Kogskinogska Broadcasting Agency
A horrifying video from the village of Waïskartoflod near the Nogski-Adalzican border appears to show unknown officials ordering residents to step outside into the city square if they were Nogski, then proceeding to gun down the crowd. The video was posted on Instasnap by an anonymous user, and was taken down within 2 hours due to its graphic nature. The video was captioned "the army told nogskis to step outside and this happened... im so scared", and its GPS post coordinates match the filming location. Other videos have surfaced as well, showing different angles.

The primary video clip shows military forces not bearing any indentifying insignia entering the village and proceeding to the town hall. Once inside, an announcement is made on the loudspeakers, stating that "as part of a census of this constituency, persons of Nogski descent are required to stand in the town square for convienience". Murmuring can be heard in the background as around 600 of the 800 people in Waïskartoflod gather in the town square. Soldiers standing at the podium in front of the crowd then immediately open fire on the crowd and begin breaking down doors to houses in order to get Nogski residents outside. The words "death to socialism" and "kingdom or death country" are heard shouted by soldiers in the background.

The video has caused a state of panic to take hold in Western Nogska. Ici Upæ, the Municipal Chairman for Ästkartoflod a mere 14 kilometres away from where the incident is believed to have occured, has declared a state of emergency and called for military backup to be sent to the border. "We could be looking at a rogue militia that has made its first attack and could very well attempt to cross the border into this municipality."

Others suspect that instead of a rogue group, this attack was actually the work of the Adalzican military itself. Leem Beral, Secretary-General of the Progressive Party after the death of Jacob Stilan, said on Tweetbook:

It appears that footage has surfaced of a massacre against Nogskis in Adalzica. You can see that the group carrying out the attack had access to cutting-edge military technology. I firmly believe that this is the work of some government, and Adalzica seems like the obvious culprit.

- Gen-Sec. Leem Beral

#PrayForWaiskartoflod #voting4pp #nogska #adalzica

- RealProgressiveParty [verified Kogskinogski party] (2019/07/23)

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