by Max Barry

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by Trillmore. . 204 reads.

The Social Conservative Axis


The Social Conservative Axis

Welcome to The Social Conservative Axis! The S.C.A was founded in May 6, 2019, by The United Conservative States of Trillmore. We are an extremely conservative region that was founded to stop the leftist hegemony that devastates everything, so that conservatives have a place to argue without being censored by progressive dominance.

In this region we promote traditional values, social conservatism and Christianity as a means of salvation to a society infected and destroyed by progressivism. In this region we all join together to fight against the left.

Why The S.C.A?

Why should you choose us?

  • We are one of the few regions that support conservatism and oppose the hegemonic progressive movements. We strongly oppose: Feminism, Communism, LGBT, Liberalism, Progressivism, Anarchism, Nazism, etc.

  • We have an active regional chat and a LinkDiscord server, also very active, where we discuss politics and other issues about the region. We have a founder and very active players who will always be if you have any questions.

  • You will always be taken into account. These days it is difficult to find conservative people, so we value your participation in the axis, you can also talk at any time with the founder, Trillmore.

  • The Regional Map. You can claim a piece of land in the regional map depending your influence in the axis, just select the states or provinces in the world you want and telegram Trillmore

  • The Political Parties. You can join a political party by sending a message to the chairman of that party, joining a party is a good way to represent your ideas.

  • You can have fun in our great RP Forum.

Social Conservatism

Social conservatism refers to conservative values on non-fiscal matters, such as the promoting defense of marriage, opposition to abortion, opposition to homosexuality, and promoting common sense Christian values.

A social conservative may be defined as one who regards as still valuable the ideals that have traditionally been regarded as central to the welfare of our society. Those who are socially conservative in Western society may be regarded as radical were they to promote their ideas in another society, such as Saudi Arabia.

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