by Max Barry

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by The Grand Imperium of Imperial-Octavia. . 188 reads.

[Military] Imperial Octavian Fleet

Military Name
[size=125][b][region]Military Name[/region][/b][/size][hr]

Flag Subtitle







Imperial Space Fleet, Imperial Aqua Fleet, Mechanator Fleet

Grand Admiral


Grand Admiral


Grand Admiral


Enlistment Age


Active Personnel

100 million and growing

Reserved Personnel


Total Personnel

100 million and growing


1 quintillion Energy coins


-The Ascension War

Table of Contents

1. Introductory

2. History

3. Chain of Command

4. Personnel

The Imperial Octavian Fleet is a proud force keeping order in the thousands of planets held by Imperial-Octavia and expanding the borders spreading the truth of the glory of assimilation


The Imperial Fleet was created soon after The Paramount´s victory against the Royalist dissenters to further expand the borders of Imperial-Octavia. At the time of its inception, it was made up of mostly scout ships from the Oligarchic era to explore past the held star system and send colonists to their destinations unmolested by anything that may try and interrupt their colonization. Over time with the discovery of Xenos with equivalent tech to the Imperium The Paramount made the decision to make war-ready classes of ships such as the Karsh'Ka class Destroyer and Assimilation class Cruiser. This rapid buildup has made the production of ships on forge world´s double in the last 20 years. This buildup of forces is still ongoing and seems to want to continue for much longer.

Chain of Command

There is a one to one link between each ship AI and the Tactical Codex who can operate while disconnected with the Tactical Codex as they often do. The three Grand Admirals are now only for propaganda purposes for their aid at the beginning of the revolution which put The Paramount in power


The personnel of the Imperial Fleet is mostly made up of AI with only a few exceptions in manned ships. Crews have become the relic of a bygone era to the Imperium and the technological progress being made shows that this pattern will only continue.[/color]

-The Imperial Space Fleet: This is the Largest of the Imperium's fleets and is responsible for ensuring that the nation's space lanes are protected and defending the nation from an invasion from space in times of war

-The Imperial Aqua Fleet: This long-forgotten portion of the fleet is very disorganized, the quality, number, and leadership vary from planet to planet. The Aqua fleet is equipped with the most advanced technology the Imperium has for it which is 10+ years old at this point. This branch of the fleet is dedicated to the terrestrial defense and stopping rebels/crime on the seas especially on the Ocean Worlds of the Imperium.

Recently the Aqua fleet has received more attention however and and new model of ship has been introduced very recently to bolster the Imperium's ability to capture Ocean Planets.

-Mechanator fleet: This is the main fleet of the Mechanators, the force making sure that planets assimilate and bind their consciousness to a metal shell and furthermore squashing rebellion before it can begin. This fleet is mostly made up of Scout ships and fast-moving corvettes to catch those who would try and escape assimilation or rebels trying to escape the punishment of the Imperium. Most of their ships are made seeking to prioritize speed, but some like the Grand Mechanator's massive "Voidscreamer" are made to intimidate and lay down the Imperial Law on entire planets when needed to stop a rebellion.

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