by Max Barry

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by The national populist party. . 93 reads.

NPP Platform

National Populist Party Platform

The National Populist Party

Populist Governance: The NPP will always push for more regional votes and referendums among the region's population. Therefore, the NPP will call for a constitutional amendment allowing for a two fifths vote among Senators to call a referendum among the general population, disregarding puppet states, on certain issues. The NPP will also push for a special Senate Region where Senators vote through puppet Senator nations, allowing for a more open voting process among the regional population, rather than the current Discord system. The NPP is also in favor of loosening Senator requirements and other reforms aimed to create a more balanced government, with proactive Senators who will interact more with regular citizens of the region.

Executive and Judicial Accountability: The NPP will push for a more powerful Senate over the Presidency. The NPP will push for a three fifiths, not two thirds, vote to overturn executive orders. The NPP is also in favor of Judicial Branch reforms, especially regarding term limits, recusing, appointment and selection, and trial procedures. The NPP will also push for a separation of powers doctrine, and ban members of the Executive and Judicial branches from voting in the Senate during their term.

Regional Military: The NPP will implement a stronger and more active regional military. The NPP will create a new "Federal Security Council" of Senate leadership, the Secretary of War, and the Chief of Intelligence, to advise the President on military matters. The Regional Military will be reorganized, reformed, and rebuilt. We also believe that the Senate and Secretary of War should approve any military action. The NPP will also push for alliances among like-minded regions to bring down dictatorial and communist regions. A conscription system will be set up for times of extraordinary crisis, however nations may choose to be conscientious objectors and will be exempt. The FCN will become a force for democracy in a tyrannical world.

Border Security: The NPP believes in a strong border security system and vetting process, allowing amicable nations to reside in the FCN while removing nations dedicated to interfering with the functioning of the region.

The World Assembly: The NPP will establish a FCN that works for itself, and not the WA. Under the NPP's proposed system, the WA delegate will represent the Senate, and will be directed to vote in accordance with the Senate's direction, and WA members of the FCN can petition the Senate Speaker to hold a WA-only poll on how the Senate is to direct the WA delegate. However, the NPP does not believe in punishing or taking any action against citizen nations who vote against the opinion of the Senate, as freedom of speech and thought should be held up as guiding lights in the FCN, not derided. The NPP is also in favor of coordinating votes with other conservative regions to spread the cause of conservatism and democracy throughout the entire WA.

Inter-Regional Relations: Under the NPP, the FCN will establish friendly relations with other democratic regions, and military alliances with conservative democratic regions. The NPP is also a staunch supporter of Senate Motion 10-3 (No Nazi Allies Doctrine) and will formally request to extend the No Nazi Allies Doctrine to all other authoritarian ideologies as well.

Inter-Regional Outreach: A new Cabinet officer, the Regional Recruiting Officer, will be created in order to actively seek out and recruit likeminded nations in the world to join the FCN.

Regional Roleplay: The NPP will implement new and creative roleplays, to be conducted on the RMB or Discord. The NPP is also in favor of creating a new Sub-Cabinet position called the "Regional Activities Director", who will serve under the Secretary of Internal Affairs, to help administer and serve as a nonbiased judge during regional roleplays. Roleplays with randomized outcomes (such as battles in militaristic roleplays) will also be implemented.

The Constitution: Our founding document, the Constitution is beloved by the NPP. We will always consult the Constitution and follow it to the letter when implementing domestic and foreign policy. However, the NPP is in favor of reviewing and amending the Constitution as needed to add or remove ideas to fit the ever changing nature of the FCN.

Political Parties: The NPP is a strong advocate of pluralism in the Senate and of multiparty systems. Nations have the right to express their views and create their own political party, and the inclusion of multiple parties will encourage an end to gridlock and usher in compromise.

Conservatism: We are a region of conservatives, by conservatives, and for conservatives. We will declare the FCN to be noncompliant with any left wing resolutions in the WA, and left wing ideals such as abortion, economic control, or nationalizing private property will never be implemented under the NPP.

Democracy: Democracy is the only rightful form of government, and the NPP will push to ensure free and fair elections.

Other Proposals and Promises: The NPP is in favor of creating a Puppet Registry, so to track and record all puppet nations.

The national populist party
