by Max Barry

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by Trollz. . 1 reads.

The Empire of Tamriel: Siege of Leyawin 3rd Frostfall, 4E 203

Approaching Leyawin a small scouting party of the Akaviri met the army raised by Sir Mazog. After a brief skirmish the scouts fell back to Leyawin. Sir Mazog realizing that the Akaviri must now be aware of their presence halted the army with Leyawin visible just on the horizon. Setting camp he takes counsel about how to proceed.

"Has there been any word from the other nations?" Sir Mazog inquires of his couriers.

"Sir, Alofstead has reported in a Dispatch that the Akaviri have invaded eastern Morrowind, and so their Councilor has had to decline to come to our aid in order to make haste back to defend his province." One of the scouts replies and hands Sir Mazog the Dispatch.

"Hmm, I see, I had feared that Leyawin might not be the only place they had invaded. What of the others?" Sir Mazog frowns as he reads the Dispatch.

"Sir, no word from the others yet." The scouts reply one after another.

"Perhaps it is best you call upon the Aldmeri Dominion, your force is too small to recapture Leyawin." Colada, the Altmer representative of the Aldmeri Dominion speaks up with a sly tone. His sister, Tizona by his side nods approvingly.

Sir Mazog's face turns stony as he debates in his mind this proposal. Not wishing to involve the Aldmeri Dominion anymore than they need to be, but also in need of troops the orc opens his mouth. Just before he can speak though he is spared from having to decide as a disheveled Imperial messenger bearing the red insignia of Nadd bursts into the tent. Making a curt bow the messenger speaks.

"Councilor Mazog, I have come to report that Princess Clivia has agreed to send you reinforcements. The Princess has sent 120 cavalry southwards to meet with her brother, Prince Regulus where they are training up more cavalry and hiring mercenaries nearby at Mede Villa, not far from here in the Nibenean Valley. She will need reimbursement from the Imperial treasury, but if you can hold out long enough the Provisional Nibenay Cavalry will....." The messenger from Nadd begins to speak when suddenly a terrible din is heard outside.

The officers run out of the tent to see a magical hail pouring down upon the makeshift camp. Soldiers are frozen in place and the rudimentary defenses that were being assembled are being pounded into the ground. In the distance the terrible Kamal ice mages of Akavir are assembled and sending volleys of hail upon the camp. Tizona and Colada, the high elf siblings, swiftly depart to rally the Thalmor and the Mages. Sir Mazog spots Trollz in the distance with some infantry dashing towards the Kamal.


A blast of freezing spells hits the infantry and several are wounded and slowed down. Trollz throws himself in front of Sir Jaquavis and takes a mighty frost bolt squarely to his chest, but now that he is a frost troll, his natural resistance to the cold renders this but a small stinging nuisance. Sir Plutarch is struck with an ice spear which pierces his heavy armor and wounds him in the shoulder, but the portly Imperial breaks the icicle off and runs to the side of Sir Jaquavis and Trollz. Beating his chest Trollz gives out a trollroar, and the rest of the infantry that aren't badly wounded or frozen to the ground rush forward.

As the infantry close in on the Kamal suddenly out of the ground a series of ice spike traps burst upward impaling some soldiers and forming a barrier between the Kamal and the infantry. Sir Jaquavis with his great agility dodges and weaves through the exploding ice traps and is the first upon the enemy, ramming his bladed arm into a Kamal before leaping upon another. Sir Plutarch just in time rolls out of the way of another incoming icy javelin. Trollz steps squarely upon an ice trap and wounds his foot slightly, but his weight shatters the ice spikes. Realizing that the ice does not effect him badly, Trollz starts smashing through the icy barrier making a gap for the infantry to pour in.

Seeing that the Tamrielic forces have burst through their barrier the Kamal fall back slightly, seeming to retreat before too many of their mages are killed. The infantry pursue the Kamal, cutting down the stragglers. However the Kamal as they make their way into a bog turn about and suddenly another small division of Kamal appear on both flanks and begin to pour all their cold wrath upon the infantry. Another icy barrier goes up behind the infantry, cutting them off from the main army. A well laid ambush greets the troops.

Sir Plutarch bludgeons a Kamal to death but a stream of cold magic from the side pours upon him, freezing his legs to the ground. Sir Jaquavis artfully bops and weaves past the spells but finds that the growing ice barrier around him has hemmed them in. The Redguard yells out that it is a trap and that the infantry should retreat. Trollz is faring very well against the Kamal, their magic being very ineffective against him, he beats down many. Turning to see his friend Sir Plutarch stuck he ambles over to the portly Imperial and breaks the ice from off his legs. The remainder of the infantry finish off the last stragglers within the circle of ice, but then begin to panic seeing that they are trapped. Trollz pounds upon the wall of ice encircling the company trying to break it, but the Kamal have made it too thick for even for his strong arms to burst.

Just as all seems lost, suddenly the sky itself seems to waver with haze. Suddenly a blaze of fireballs rains down upon the Kamal just beyond the ice wall. Turning about the troops see the Thalmor led by Tizona and Colada, and the Mages Guild wizards, along with Cassandra, combining their magic to send a firestorm upon the Kamal. Suddenly being immolated the Kamal ambush is repaid in interest and many fall taken by surprise at the unexpected show of magic from the forces of Tamriel. Seeing that they are defeated for now, the remainder of the Kamal retreat back to the safety of Leyawin.

The mages and the Thalmor melt a hole through the ice wall freeing the cut off troops. Trollz seeing the great blaze freaks out and runs off into the wilderness while the wounded and the dead are gathered from the field. Cassandra locates Trollz later and calms him down and they return to the camp. Sir Mazog moves up a bit on the field and begins digging entrenchments and commissioning a palisade wall to be built. Using the bog in front of them where the infantry had been fighting as an additional defense, the forces of Tamriel dig in and lay siege to Leyawin.


