by Max Barry

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by Peshwas. . 19 reads.

Amendment of the Constitution (Clause 6.1)

Peshwas, acting on the field M3 of The Constitution of The Great Experiment;

HAVING DEEPLY STUDIED The Constitution of The Great Experiment;

ALARMED BY the clause 6.1 of the constitution that states "This dispatch shall be pinned to the region page immediately upon its ratification, remain at the top of the pinned dispatches list, and may not be unpinned by any bill. Any duly ratified amendment shall receive the same privileges, and only the latest amendment of this Constitution may remain pinned.";

QUESTIONING the constitutionality of the clause's second part and asks about the likely scenario where there are copies of the exact same constitution pinned to the Regional Factbook Entry;

CONTEMPLATING if the constitution be given such power, which makes it's uniqueness obsolete, such that any nation in authority of the appearance of the region may post their own version of this constitution and make it unconstitutional to unpin it;

WANTING to prevent such an abuse of power;

Hereby recommends that:

(I) Clause 6.1 be amended to the following: "This dispatch shall be pinned to the region page immediately upon its ratification, remain at the top of the pinned dispatches list, and may be unpinned by only in the case of (a)multiple copies of it being pinned or (b) Ratification of another constitution by passing a bill in simple majority. Any duly ratified amendment shall receive the same privileges, and only the latest amendment of this Constitution may remain pinned."

(II) Add clause 6.1 (a) "The unpinning and pinning of the constitution will be only an authority of The Founder, The World Assembly Delegate, or someone duly assigned by them through an official post on the RMB."


