by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 69 reads.

Vote Against GA resolution Ban on Forced Blood Sports

General Assembly Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Ban on Forced Blood Sports
Vote Recommendation: Against

Resolution Analysis
A revision of an earlier failed proposal, "Ban on Forced Blood Sports" attempts to achieve what its predecessor could not. The proposal sets out to prohibit animal blood sports that carry a significant risk of harm to any participant, and establishes a framework for the processing of newly-freed participants. The proposal also bans non-consensual sapient blood sports.

However, this is where the issues begin. The proposal's second and third clauses are inherently contradictory, as a blood sport involving both animals and sapients would be prohibited even if it did not carry a significant risk of harm to any participant, since animals are fundamentally unable to provide informed consent. Additionally, the proposal mandates that blood sport participants be "given [their] freedom" or "relocated to [their] natural habitat," without specifying how this release is to occur, or that it occurs humanely.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting Against the at-vote GA proposal, "Ban on Forced Blood Sports".

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