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by The Autocracy of Fijian Islands. . 11 reads.

MBC And Chancellory Records

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{{ 1st Session of the NCC }}

New Cretanjan Chancellery's Legislation Page

82 pieces of legislation proposed to the MBC!
{{ 16th and Final Session of the MBC }}

(A) Article of the Government's Conduct, Requirements, Restrictions, and Obligations

1. Monarchy
( #316-1-8 ) The Monarchy has the authority to remove the Prime Minister from office with the the suspicion that they're abusing their government appointed powers or is simply neglecting their duties without just cause or notice.
( #316-4-25 ) Should a government shutdown ever occur where there's simply not enough citizens within the region to carry out the government's duties, the Monarchy is to assume absolute control over the region until any recruitment advancements produce a substantial amount of immigrated citizens to fulfill the region's potential.
( #316-6-31 )(*) Royal Succession Rights Act: The Monarch will be the only deciding member in who the throne and crown is passed to and the rules of the Cretanjan succession.
( #416-10-38 ) The Monarch reserves the right to disband the institutions that make up the Cretanjan government at anytime.
-( #416-10-38/Attachment 1 ) The Monarch, once removed the powers of the Cretanjan government may propose and pass Her/His own pieces of legislation. Once added onto the Official Legislation Page, The Monarch reserves the right to enforce said pieces of legislation.
-( #416-10-38/Attachment 2 ) Any laws proposed, passed, and enforced under a Monarch's imposed government shut-down will be subjected to scrutiny under the Ministry Board Committee once reinstated into legitimately government powers.
-( #416-10-38/Attachment 3 ) The Monarch is restricted from holding a government shut-down for over a month's time. Failure to reinstate the Ministry Board Committee within the time limit given will result in the crown being unrecognized as Head of State and immediate removal from the throne.

2. Prime Minister
( #216-25-3 ) That there be predetermined term-limits for the Prime Minister position.
-( #216-25-3/Attachment 1/Revision 3 ) The predetermined term-limits for the Prime Minister's Position will be one ternion. However, anyone within the region can call for a reelection after the 14th day of the Prime Minister being in office where the petitioner(s) of the reelection must run for the position. Any petitioner who successfully is elected into the position will remain the Prime Minister until the end of the ternion or until the position is challenged. The Monarch reserves the right to approve of an early election for challengers, without waiting the fourteen day wait limit.
( #316-6-34 ) There will be no extra attempt to make it known of the pending laws awaiting the Prime Minister's approval. The Prime Minister is responsible for checking the legislation page and cast their vote on any law needing approval. Failure to approve/veto new legislation within (2) days, will result in the Deputy Prime Minister having final say.
( #1116-24-53 ) The Prime Minister will have a set list of requirements upon being elected into office. Such requirements include appointing a Deputy Prime Minster, assembling the Ministry with regards to the Monarch's concerns, providing an introduction of themselves to all Cretanjan Allies, and hosting meetings/talks with the Monarch, Ministers, and Tribunes.
-( #1116-24-53/Attachment 1 ) The Prime Minster will as well be responsible for ensuring that appointed Ministers of the MBC are using their gifted powers in the best interests of our citizens, our government's legitimacy, our monarch's long reign, and our Queendom's Sovereignty.
( #1018-1-76/Revision 1 ) The Prime Minister, if elected by the people to serve in a dual office of Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister ( WA Delegate ), will receive Executive Powers by the Monarchy to share equal powers over the Cretanjan Realm.

3. Deputy Prime Minister
( #316-2-17 ) The Deputy Prime Minister must act as Prime Minister anytime the Prime Minister is unable to fulfill their duties of the office. Should the Prime Minister 'cease to exist' the Deputy must then be lifted as Prime minister until a regional election can be hosted.
217-17-69 The Deputy Prime Minister will be granted the right to vote in pending legislation. At any time the Deputy will need to act as Prime Minister, the Deputy will be prohibited from casting votes on pending legislation. At any time the Deputy must act as Prime Minister, they will be granted and restricted political rights as any other democratically elected Prime Minister.

1.2 Prime Minister and Monarchy
( #216-26-5 ) Filibuster Act: The Prime Minister or the Cretanjan Monarchy can extend the normal voting period of three (3) days for any piece of legislation where not all Ministers of the MBC have cast their vote for the indication that in their personal opinion the legislation in question is significant to every day citizens and the Queendom as a whole.
( #216-26-6 ) Only the Prime Minister or the Cretanjan Monarchy can create new Ministry titles / offices.
( #316-1-9 ) The Prime Minister and the Monarchy have the authority to remove, add, and rearrange Ministers and their titles of the Ministry.
( #416-24-48 ) If a political party is found to front malicious means, it may be banned by the Prime Minister or Monarch.
-( #416-24-48/Attachment 1 ) If a specific citizen creates multiple malicious political parties and institutions, they are subject to due punishment.
( #1116-24-52/Revision 1 )(*) Preservation of the Monarchy Act: The Monarch of Cretanja will be allowed to give titles of nobility in accordance to rank to citizens at the Monarch's discretion. It is necessary that the titles of nobility be given to highborn citizens. The obtainable titles of nobility from highest to lowest are as follows: Prince/Princess of Royal, Duke/Duchess of Norsta, Count/Countess of Ausland, Count/Countess of New Heights, Count/Countess of Tadbergers, and Baron/Baroness of Borton. Should the Monarch's Account 'CTE' at any given time, that Monarchy's Line of chosen succession go into immediate effect. The highest ranking highborn noble of the Queendom will then be lifted as King / Queen of Cretanja. The new Monarch will be expected to follow and be held to Cretanja's Traditional more Matriarchal view-point. Should the original reigning Monarch's account be restored, as founder, they will be reintroduced as Monarch. The reigning Monarch may grant noble titles as they please and may revoke nobility to any citizen previously granted a rank. There must, however, always be at least one citizen with a nobility title.
-( #1116-24-52/Attachment 1/Revision 1 )(*) Abroad citizens of the Queendom are restricted from being granted titles of nobility. Any citizen within the region of highborn status may be granted a noble title and may be in legal grounds to stand as a member of the royal line of succession.
-( #1116-24-52/Attachment 2 )(*) Preservation of the Monarchy Accordance Plan Act: In the event that the reigning Monarch 'CTE' and the line of royal succession is put into effect, certain offices within the governance of Cretanja must change in accordance to the new Monarch of Cretanja. Firstly, the role that the new Monarch had previously held in Cretanjan Society must now be filled. If they were the Prime Minsiter, then the Deputy Prime Minister would be lifted as acting Prime Minister. If they were a member of the Ministry, that Ministry title would be passed to another citizen. Etc. Secondly, The Prime Minister ( or Deputy Prime Minister ) would notify all highborn citizens of the Queendom to immediately and officially 'endorse' the new Monarch while withdrawing all other 'endorsements' sent to other highborn citizens. Failure to do so would result in the immediate ejection from the Queendom's borders. The new Monarch is to be the only citizen of the Queendom to be endorsed until stability within the Queendom is restored. Third, the Cretanja Queendom Realm/Region would immediately pass-word protect the region and close Cretanja's Borders. Fourth, the previous Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration WA Delegation would now be reclassified as the Monarch's Delegation. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration will be demoted to a regular ministry title with no voting process for the office. The FAI. Minister will then be appointed by the Prime Minister or the Monarch of Cretanja.
( 1216-9-64 ) The Cretanjan Monarch is the only member of the Queendom that has the authority to approve of the incorporation of another region within the Queendom. The Prime Minister is the only member of the Queendom that has the authority to approve of a inter-regional organization.
217-18-70 With the monarch's consent the Prime Minister reserves the right to determine the requirements and process for which citizenship will be offered. The Monarch reserves the right to block the Prime Minister from determining citizenship; in any such case the responsibility will fall to the Ministry Board Committee.

4. Ministry of Cretanja
( #216-26-5/Revision 1) Not every member of the Ministry Board Committee is required to vote on any given legislation. If any members of the Ministry Board Committee have failed or chosen not to vote on the pending legislation within three days, the results of those that did stand.
-( #216-26-5/Attachment 1 ) All pending legislation proposals must be either dismissed or approved before the end of the ternion. Any and all pending legislation still remaining on the table will be either veto'd or approved from the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister fails to clear the table for the next ternion, the monarch has final say.
-( #216-26-5/Attachment 2 ) To ensure that no member of the MBC can propose legislation last-minute without the debate from other members of the MBC, the MBC will stop accepting proposals 10 days before the end of the ternion.
( #316-1-13 )(*) All citizens of the region may be appointed to the Ministry. The status of the citizen, whether commoner ( non-world assembly ) or highborn ( world assembly ) will not be a determining factor into their ability to perform the appointed duties of the position given.
( #316-2-16 ) Shared Interests Act: Any legislation receiving a unanimous vote will be immediately dismissed / enforced. Upon a unanimous vote the Prime Minister and Monarchy lose their veto privileges. Once a piece of unanimous legislation passes and is enforced, only the citizens can dismiss the law via petitions and polls. Unanimous pieces of legislation will be marked with (*).
( #316-6-32 ) Ministers appointed to the Ministry by either the Monarch or the Prime Minister may also simultaneously serve as an elected Tribune of the people.
( #416-22-45 )(*) Ministry Board Committee's Regional Powers Act:
All regional powers will be under strict guidelines as to their proper use for the holders of said regional powers, including the consequences to the misuse of any one regional power.
( #1018-1-75 )(*) Ministers have the right to serve in their appointed office, including the elected office of Minister of Foreign Affairs, if elected.

Appearance Power: Members of the MBC who're granted this power must use this power to keep the WFE up-to-date and relevant to the queendom. Contents of the WFE must adhere to the queendom or any agenda that the queendom has during that time. The WFE may be used to publicly spread word concerning important political issues, important updates to the region, or the broadcast of important organizations/events that the queendom is hosting. Any misconduct of using the appearance power incorrectly will result in the immediate removal of who is responsible. Misconduct includes but is not limited to slander, sexism, homophobia, racism, or vulgarity. *Only the Monarch and Prime Minister will be legally allowed to add/remove the flag, dispatches, or tags.

Border Control Power: Members of the MBC who're granted this power must use this power to keep the queendom safe from domestic terrorism. Any member of the MBC that wishes to use this power concerning a problematic citizen, must telegram the Monarch AND Prime Minister on the accusations of the citizen in question where detailed instructions will be given. If 24 hours pass without hearing from either the Monarch or the Prime Minister, the MBC Member may only "Eject (No Ban)" the citizen in question under legal grounds. If a citizen is removed from the queendom unlawfully, the member that ejected the innocent citizen will be removed from office with the potential of being ejected themselves. *Only the Monarch or Prime Minister can "Eject and Ban" a citizen of the queendom. *Only the Monarch of Prime Minister can password protect the queendom.

Embassies Power: Members of the MBC who're granted this power must use this power to ensure that the queendom maintains and keeps diplomatic relations with other regions. *Only the Monarch or Prime Minister can make decisions concerning the queendom's RMB and who can use it. The misuse of this power will result in the member being removed from office. Misuse includes but is not limited to putting diplomatic relations with cretanjan allies at stake and sending embassy requests to regions that clearly aren't legal under Cretanjan law.

Communications Power: Members of the MBC who're granted this power must use this power in patrolling and maintaining cretanjan conduct laws on the RMB. Members with this power may use it to suppress posts on the RMB with legal grounds that MUST be stated or telegramed to the citizen in question. *Only the Monarch and Prime Minister can use the communications power in the administration page ( Region-Wide Telegrams, Welcome Telegrams, and Recruiter ). Misuse of this power will result in either being removed from office or being ejected from the queendom.

Polls Power: Members of the MBC who're granted this power must use this power in creating clean and relevant polls for the citizens' participation. Misuse of this power will result in being removed from office. Misuse includes but is not limited to creating polls that which include slander, sexism, homophobia, racism, or vulgarity.

*All NS++ power additives must be approved with the Prime Minister or the Monarch before being used.
( #1116-30-56 ) Any ministry office within the Queendom whom's occupant has fail to align with a recognized political party of Cretanja will be enlisted within the Independent Party of Cretanja.
( #1116-28-55 ) Only the Ministry Board Committee can call for the removal of an Article and all the attached legislation within in. The Monarch, Prime Minster, or petition by the people may suggest for it's removal but the MBC have final say.
( #1216-1-59 ) Ministers appointed to the Ministry have no term limits. Any one minister may serve for as long as the Prime Minster and the Monarch approve.
-( #1216-1-59/Attachment 1) Should the Prime Minister or Monarch wish to appoint a member to the Ministry that has once held an official Ministry Office and resigned from that position, they must be held accountable by being barred from holding that office and the responsibilities there-in. Any reappointed Ministry to the Ministry must be reappointed under a new Ministry position, title, and office.
( #1218-30-79 ) Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister or the Monarch may serve in a dual office position taking upon the tasks, administrative responsibilities, and official duties set forth by the offices held under request by the Prime Minister or the Monarch. Any appointed citizen to hold a dual office position must: Firstly, agree to offices requirements. Secondly, be able to comfortably give a recommendation for any citizen who may need to be appointed in the case that holding a dual office positions proves too strenuous and overwhelming. ( Does not into Offices of the Grande Court )

5. Tribunes of the People
•( #316-4-19/Revision 1 ) Citizens' Representation Act: Citizens of the region reserve the right to run and elect one tribune per party to represent and vote on the people's behalf within the Ministry Board Committee. Tribunes would be allowed to propose legislation to the MBC, but only legislation concerning the well being, the protection, the rights, and the political voice of the citizens of the Queendom.
•( #416-10-41/Revision 1 ) Tribunes will have no term limits. Once elected, they stay a single party's tribune until a member of that party decides to challenge them in an election for the position.
•( #416-22-46/Revision 2 ) Tribunes will be prohibited from holding Regional Administrative Powers. If a Tribune is appointed to the Ministry, however, they will be allowed to serve as tribune and a member of the Ministry.

6. Crown Council of the Monarch
( #216-25-2 ) That the Crown Council officially has and will never have any form of political power.

7. Knights of the Cretanjan Commonwealth
( #1018-15-77 )(*) Knights of the region reserve the right to form a Knights' Council to discuss important issues regarding the safety of and prosperity of the Realm. Any such Council will be officially announced as the Knight's Board and will have a permanent position within the MBC.

8. Grande Court of Cretanja Queendom
• ( #1218-5-80/Revision 2 ) Grande Court of Cretanja; Regional Rights and Restrictions Act ( GCCRRR )
I. The Grande Court of Cretanja will consist of three (3) justices; the leading High Lord Justice and two (2) Junior Justices. Each justice will be elected by the people of Cretanja via a regional poll lasting (3) days.
II. The High Lord Justice and lower Junior Justices may each, separately, be challenged for their position on the fourteenth (14) day after assuming office. Early challenge elections will be denied unless approved by the Monarch or Prime Minister.
III. The High Lord Justice and lower Junior Justices may be impeached for failing to execute their office effectively, or treason.
IV. Only the Monarch can dismiss the High Lord Justice and lower Junior Justices without an election or impeachment, for whatever reason the monarch feels like. ( Ex. Security threat. )
V. The Grande Court of Cretanja's purpose is not to interpret and change past law. Every piece of legislation that went into effect before December 4th, 2018 cannot be declared void or failing to meet the standards of passed Cretanjan Law. The Court's purpose is to interpret new law to ensure it meets the requirements of previous passed law.
VI. Neither the Prime Minister nor the Monarch can appoint a Junior Justice when their is a vacancy. Elections must be held to fill a judicial vacancy. Elections will be hosted for three (3) days regarding the offices of the High Lord Justice and Junior Justices.
VII. Its the responsibility of the High Lord Justice to confer with the lower Junior Justices, and to work together as one body.
VIII. If all three (3) Justices declare a new law unconstitutional, the High Lord Justice must telegram the queen so an election can be held.
IX.. The Grande Court of Cretanja will decide whether or not something goes against Cretanjan Law. If Half of the people agree with the Grande Court in a hosted regional poll, the ruling stands. If half the people reject the Grande Court's view, then the ruling is over-turned, and the legislation stands.
• ( #1218-5-80/Attachment 1 ) The High Lord Justice and Junior Justices of the Grande Court of Cretanja may not serve within dual offices, and can only serve as a member of the Grande Court. Justices of the Grande Court caught participating within the Legislative Government of Cretanja will be subject to due punishment.
• ( #1218-5-80/Attachment 2 ) Justices of the Grande Court may still be knighted by the Monarch of Cretanja but will be barred with Knightly Rights of Participating within the Ministry Board Committee.
• ( #1218-5-80/Attachment 3 ) Justices of the Grande Court, once elected into office resign from any previous offices of the Prime Minister's Ministry or the Tribunal Committee before being sworn into office.
• ( #119-17-81 ): Grande Court Regional Powers Act: The High Lord Justice and two accompanying Junior Justices will be granted the regional administrative powers of Border Control and Polls. Members of the Grande Court of Cretanja will be restricted in usage of the Border Control Power by only being able to use said power in the instance that a Grande Court Ruling calls for eviction of residency or a permanent ban from any citizen in question. Member of the Grande Court of Cretanja will be restricted in the usage of the Polls Power by only being able to use said power in the instance that should any legal citizen of Cretanja call for an overturn on a ruling the Justices have the ability to erect a regional poll.
( #919-10-82 ) : The High Lord Justice of the Grande Court of Cretanja must approve any culturally relevant material no matter who, in previous pieces of legislation were granted unchecked power to do so. Culturally relevant material includes: The flag of Cretanja, Coat of Arms, Logos, Banners, the name of Districts, States, Government Organizations and Agencies, and Government titles within. Culturally relevant material will also extend to the Legislation Page and the Articles and Sections within. Any such pieces of legislation granting unchecked permissions to culturally relevant material will be sited to this piece of legislation.

9. State Governors
• ( #919-10-81-1 ): The Governors of each state will be appointed by the monarchy to serve as representing mascots to the state they reside within. In no way, shape, or form will the State Governors play a role in the legislative branch of Cretanja nor inflict rule for the citizens living within the states they represent. State Governors will merely be an honorary title at the Monarch's discretion.

(B) Article of Regional Conduct, Requirements, Restrictions, and Obligations

1. Political:
( #416-10-40 ) One person/identity equals one vote. ( Dismissing: Tac System )
( #316-17-35/Revision 1 ) Pizza shall be deemed the regionally recognized dish.

2. Usage of Language
( #216-25-1 ) That the only region-wide accepted languages will be English, Cretans, and Esperanto.
-( #216-25-1/Attachment 1 ) Minority and unaccepted languages of the region will be respected.
-( #216-25-1/Attachment 3 ) A language may be voted upon to become accepted in a democratic vote conducted by citizens. The requirements for a nomination: The nominator must be of a government position (tribunes are also accepted), the language must be the primary language of at least 3 nations, and it must be officially recognized by the Monarch.
( #316-1-14 ) Casual cursing is permitted. Excessive cursing is just cause for a mandatory reprimanding.
( #316-1-15 ) The use of hate speech is prohibited. Hate speech defined as: Sexism, Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, the degrading of personal ideologies; religion and faith, and hate speech triggered from location, nationality, and personal-identities.

(C) Article of the Citizens' Rights

1. Political
( #216-26-7/Revision 1 ) Citizens Referendum Right Act:
Options of the People: (I) The people must express their desire to vote on the Legislation on the table. (I-I) One or more citizens have to announce on the RMB their intent to hold a referendum. (I-II) The voting on the Legislation must then hold for 12 hours. (I-III) The people need to acquire signatures of at least 25% of the total population. (I-IV) The Signatures must be presented to the Prime Minister and a carbon copy send to the Minister of the Interior and Information.

The Prime Minister: (II-I) The Prime Minister will start the poll. (II-II) The Poll will be started and will run for 48 hours.
( #316-1-10 ) During the voting process of new legislation, the votes that each minister casts is to be deemed a public right and that it be made accessible for the public's viewing.
( #316-1-11 ) Citizens reserve the right to protest on behalf of removing an appointed minister of the Ministry. Upon any request / protest made by a citizen to remove a minister, a regional poll will be erected where the majoutiry vote stands on the decision to either remove the minister in question or allow them to continue to serve the Queendom.
( #316-6-33 ) The creation of political parties that best align with a citizen's personal identity is deemed a right.
( #1216-6-60 ) Citizen's reserve the right to not participate or to participate within regional polls, elections, and discussions.
( 1216-14-66 ) Citizenry Protection Act: (I-I) All Citizens of the Cretanja Queendom are independent and has the right of self-determination in their life. (I-II) All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, subject to reasonable restrictions such as; spam, harassment and rudeness. (I-III) All citzens shall have the right of freedom of religion and the freedom to freely worship without persecution, however not on the RMB. (I-IV) All citizens shall have the right to membership of the WA or decline membership of the WA. (I-V) All citizens have the right to contact the government on all matters of their interest and receive a prompt and adequate response from the appropriate official. (I-VI) Citizens will have the right to apply for, stand for, vote for, and be appointed to government office provided they meet eligibility requirements.

2. Petitions
( #316-4-20 ) Citizens reserve the right to petition the Ministry for the removal of the embassy and all ties to any other region without an established treaty or documented agreement. The removal of any region with an established treaty or documented agreement can only be approved by the Prime Minister or the Cretanjan Monarchy.
( #316-4-21 ) Petitions of the people must be sent to the Cretanjan Monarchy, the Prime Minister, or the Ministry Board Committee as a whole. Petitions would need to include the date in which the petition began, the meaning for which the petition was made, and the majourity of the region's citizens' signatures ( list of names ).

3. Puppets
•( #416-10-36 ) Multiple Identities Act: The right to have multiple identities ( puppets ) within the Queendom will be considered permitted. All identities of a single "IRL" person will be treated with respect and granted the civil-rights of any other individual.
•( #416-24-49 ) Puppets will be barred the right to vote in any election, legislation, or poll.
-( #416-24-49/Attachment 1 ) Legislation #416-24-49 is to be exempt if the primary nation is unable to act for just reason.

4. Recreational Rights
•( #416-10-39 ) Citizen created organizations within the region are deemed a right; Citizens have the right to establish and maintain organizations within the Queendom.
-( #416-10-39/Attachment 1 ) All citizen created organizations will be subjected to the Ministry Board Committee. The Minister of Interior and Information will be responsible for the creation and maintenance of rules and regulations that all organizations must follow. The Ministry Board Committee will be held responsible for keeping a check on all enforced rules and regulations that come from the II. Minister to ensure they're fair and are justified.

(D) Article of Cretanjan Events, Organizations, and Recreations of the Region

1. Pseudo Monarchy
( #316-4-28/Revision 1 ) The Mock Monarch Restriction Act: (MMRA)
Stating that the Mock Monarch will have limited power, and if the Mock Monarch is compromised
or is in a state of tyranny the Ministry Board Committee may vote to disband him or her from power.

The following restrictions are:
1) The mock monarch may not be given any form of politcal power within the region.
2) The mock monarch may only serve two terms (56 days) until another the next mock monarch is chosen.
3)The mock monarch's chosen name for the next mock monarch successor must be approved by either the Prime Minister, The Monarch, Or The MBC.
-( #316-4-28/Attachment 1 ) If the pseudo monarch doesn't pick a name for the new pseudo monarch, the real monarchy reserves the right pick the new name of the next in line.
-( #316-4-28/Attachment 2 ) Any second term for the pseudo monarch must be petitioned by the people and approved by the Ministry Board Committee and ultimately the real Monarch.

2. Regional Radio
( #416-20-42 ) The International Song of the Month will be nominated and voted upon one week prior to the next month. The vote will be conducted in a democratic one-vote-per-person basis. If a tie occurs, the earlier nominated song takes precedent.
( #1216-1-58 ) The Prime Minster or the Monarchy has the authority to cancel or reboot the Cretanjan Regional Radio.

3. Holidays
( #416-25-50 ) The monarch and the Prime Minister will be only two citizens allowed to create regional holidays. However, the MBC must approve of any holiday proposals.
-( #416-25-50/Attachment 1 ) The Monarch reserves the right to remove any previously approved holiday's from being Regionally Recognized and practiced. The Prime Minster, members of the Ministry Board Committee, and citizens may petition for the removal of any holiday's but the Monarch has final say.
( #1116-30-57 ) No holiday shall be recognized by the Cretanjan Government that has religious of cultist origins.

(E) Article of the Royal Guard

( #316-4-18 ) All highborn ( world assembly ) citizens will be automatically enrolled within the Royal Guard.
( #316-6-29 ) Royal Guard Act:
1. The Royal Guard's chain of command will be as follows:
The Monarch -> Ministry of the Guard -> Division Commanders -> Soldiers.
2. Division Commanders command divisions of 2 nations and participate in military operations alongside their men.
3. In any operation, the Division Commander is the endorsee unless he chooses to appoint another nation for that role.
4. If more than 1 division is involved in the operation, the endorsee is appointed by the Ministry.
5. Any nation that has been in the region for at least 2 weeks and has proved its loyalty to the region is eligible to serve in the Royal Guard. To join the Guard, one must inform the Minister of the Guard.
6. The rank of Division Commander can be obtained through active involvement in military affairs.
7. The Ministry can promote any soldier to the rank of District Commander.
8. Serving in the Royal Guard requires having a dedicated military puppet with WA membership.
9. During peacetime, WA puppets must be stored in a launch point region.
10. The Royal Guard cannot be used outside of the territory of the Queendom and its possessions without the Monarch's consent.
11. As a reward for outstanding contributions, the Monarch may grant titles of nobility to Royal Guards.

(F) Article of Allies, Ambassadors, and International Affairs

1. Ambassadors
( #316-4-24 ) Ambassadors within the Queendom will be required to familiar themselves with Cretanjan Law.
( #217-17-68 ) Preservation of Ambassadors' Political Presence Act: Once an Official Ambassador has been established within Cretanja the Ambassador will be expected to represent their region whole-fully. The removal of an Ambassador without notice from mainland Cretanja will be unacceptable and will immediately terminate any Embassies and Treaties.
-( #217-17-68/Attachment 1 ) Any removal of an Ambassador must be approved by the Monarch, Prime Minister, or the Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister. If done so, legally by the correct official, the diplomatic relationship between Cretanja and another participating region may transition into a non-ambassador relationship.
( #918-30-74 ) Ambassadors of other regions, while inside the Cretanjan Realm, possess the ability to petition the Ministry Board Committee for dual citizenship between the region they represent and the Queendom. Should the MBC deny an ambassador dual citizenship, they must present notable reasons why.

2. International Affairs
( #416-10-37 ) The Queendom will only have diplomatic relations with other royal regions; which include Kingdoms, Queendoms, Principalities, Dukedoms, Earldoms, and any territories under a royal or noble family.
-( #416-10-37/Attachment 1 ) The Ministry Board Committee can vote/choose to stay in diplomatic relations with any region that isn't Monarchist if the benefits of having diplomacy with any such region is paramount to the queendom.
( #1116-24-54 ) Citizens Abroad Act: Cretanja will now allow citizenship to foreign citizens of other countries/regions. Before any citizen is accepted as an 'Abroad Cretanjan' their primary country/region and government must officially accept dual citizen between Cretanja and themselves. It will be required that a record of Abroad Citizens be maintained and kept up-to-date. Any citizen seeking citizenship within Cretanja without moving into our borders will be expected to present themselves and their interests to the Prime Minster and the Monarch. The Prime Minster must approve of any 'Abroad Citizen' before the Monarch has the final say. Should the Prime Minster deny someone citizenship and they insist their citizenship was denied for wrong reasons, the MBC will then be required to have final say.
-( #1116-24-54/Attachment 1 ) Abroad Citizens will be restricted from holding government appointed or elected offices with-in the Minstry Board Committee.
( #517-8-71 ) There shall not nor ever will be a legal way in which Cretanja will be subjected to giving Her Sovereignty up by transitioning into a memberstate or protectorate of another region. The only morally acceptable way to merge Cretanja Proper with another region, should be under the Article of the Commonwealth where Cretanja Proper remains head of the Commonwealth; retaining Her Sovereignty.

3. Regional Treaties
( #316-4-26 ) Regional treaties can only be authorized and enforced by the Prime Minister or the Cretanjan Monarchy.

4. Regional Territories
( #416-23-47 ) All regions liberated by military forces of the Cretanja Queendom are required to share an embassy with the Queendom.
( #918-25-73 ) All territories of the Realm are required to pledge undying loyalty to the Crown of Cretanja and to recognize the federal powers of the Ministry Board Committee over their legislative, judiciary, and executive government-invested-powers over the territory.
-( #918-25-73 ) The Ministry Board Committee will be held at high standards to govern over the Queen's Realm with dignity and respect for mainland Cretanjans and exercise just and fair governance over local territorial governments with respects to culture and language.

(G) Article of the Commonwealth

1. Commonwealth States
( 1216-9-61 ) The introduction of Commonwealth Territories ( regions ) will be deemed as separate but equal entities in Cretanjan Politics. Each Commonwealth Territory will be self sustainable and independent in the eyes of Cretanjan Law. Each Commonwealth Territory may form their own government and pass their own legislation. Each Commonwealth, however, must not pass contradictory laws to that of the Ministry Board Committee. While each will be considered separate and self sustainable, sovereignty of statehood shall only be deemed by the Crown and the Ministry Board Committee.
( 1216-9-62 ) The high born delegation of each Commonwealth States ( WA-Delegate ) will be granted the right to participate within the MBC.
( 1216-11-65 ) Commonwealth Participation Act:
(I) The Leadership of an aspiring Commonwealth member has to telegram the Queen with his/her intent to join, a carbon copy should be sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration. (I-I) The decision to either welcome or to deny a potential Commonwealth candidate lies solely with her Majesty the Queen.

Regional Leadership Rights and Duties:
(I)Provide an Ambassador to the Mother Region. (II) Provide a monthly Regional update. (III) Provide a monthly Regional census.
(I) Request a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration. (II) Start a Commonwealth exit procedure.

Her Majesty's Rights:
(I) Propose changes to the regional Leadership structure of a Commonwealth member. (II)Veto a decision made by the regional leadership. (III) Start a termination Procedure to exclude a member Region from the Commonwealth. (IV) Request meetings with the Regional Leadership.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Rights and Duties:
(I)Provide an ambassador to the Commonwealth Member. (II) Keep the regional leader of the Commonwealth Member apprised of major events in the Mother Region.
(I) Call for a meeting with the Regional Leadership. (II) Propose changes to the regional Leadership structure of the Commonwealth member.
