Dispatch → Factbook → Overview
The Ideology of the Polar Nation (WIP)
The Polar Nation is a hate group masquerading as a terrorist organization. People who belong to the Polar Nation believe that Polar peoples, a group that includes Eskimos, Sami, Siberians, Fuegians, most Nordics, many Russians, and some Mongolians, are the superior race and more worthy to lead in world affairs than those peoples the Polar Nation deems "tropicals", a very diverse group that includes anyone descended of peoples that originated between the tropics of Cancer of Capricorn, who are labeled inferior by the Polar Nation.
The Polar Nation has been unpopular in most countries, but with many sympathizers in places like Siberia, the Canadian territories, and Tierra del Fuego. The organization has many bases above the Arctic Circle, and many more territories in the tropics.
Unlike most aspects of the Polar Nation, international authorities know a lot about their ideology. That is because the leader thinks that by putting the Polar Nation's ideology online and on the news, more people will join the group. Sadly, that strategy has been working. The Polar Nation has been compared by the media to Nazi Germany, the KKK, and IS (the Islamic State).
The Peculiar Polar Nation Racialism
According to some people, the Polar Nation is a racially diverse group that merely works for Sami/Eskimo unity, without any other nefarious plans or hateful goals. That is not so, and any member of the Polar Nation would laugh at you if they heard you thought that.
The Polar Nation believes there are three kinds of people: Polars, temperates, and tropicals. Polar people are destined to rule the world, while tropicals are destined to be slaves and eventually killed off. Temperates are in the middle.
Polars are the superior race, those who are worthy of ruling, and those who make up the majority of Polar Nation people. Orthodox Polar Nation doctrine states that Polars are superior because they have evolved to live in colder climates.
Due to pragmatism, the definition of Polar was eventually widened to include people that didn't just reside above the Arctic Circle, but also peoples living near the Arctic Circle but not inside it. Due to this relaxing of the definition, some strange groupings have occurred. Maoris are considered Polar, while other Polynesians are tropical. Additionally, those Latinos living in southern Chile and Argentina are also Polar, while their brethren in the north of those countries are temperate or even tropical.
Some liberal Polar Nation people extend the definition of Polar to people living on mountains, such as Tibetans, the Incas, or the Swiss, because mountainous peoples have evolved to live in cold regions the same as Arctic peoples. Most other Polar Nation people laugh at that conjecture, and point out that the Incas and Tibetans were conquered eventually.
Temperates come in a spectrum. How worthy the temperates are depends on how close they are to the tropics. So temperates that live close to the tropics, such as Middle Easterners or Voxijan Basques, are regarded as little better than tropicals, while temperates that live closer to the Arctic Circles, such as Germans or Slavs, are much worthier than other temperates, and may even be respected by Polar Nation people.
Oh, how sad it is to be a tropical, in the eyes of the Polar Nation! Tropicals are worthless, and they shouldn't have rights. The reason for so many temperate nations' downfall is because they let tropicals into their societies, and there is a reason why so many Third World nations are in the tropics. The eventual Polar Nation goal is to exterminate all "tropicals", but the terrorist group is presently settling on putting all tropicals in their occupied territory into slave labor. There are very few tropical "quislings", since tropicals are usually "kill/enslave on sight".
Racial intermixing is regarded as a traitorous act in the Polar Nation. Oh, an Inuit and an Icelander can marry; they're both Polar after all. What the Polar Nation truly abhors are Polars or temperates mixing with tropicals. That means that the nation of Voxija is among the nations hated most by the Polar Nation, Voxija being of mixed Basque (temperate) and Vińak (tropical).
The hate towards tropicals also applies to fictional tropical nations, such as the Caribbean San Lorenzo in Cat's Cradle or the South American San Theodoros in Tintin.
Like all groups inhabiting the macro-ideology "ethnic nationalism", Polar Nation people believe that nationality and ethnicity depend on where your ancestry comes from, not where you were born. So someone of African descent whose family has been living in Canada for 300 years is more tropical than a Pole whose family has lived in Africa for 100 years.
However, there is a danger that can befall a group of Polar ancestry. If they migrate and live in a tropical or otherwise warm place for a long time, such as a thousand years, evolutionary pressures will get to them and morph their brains to match the madness of a tropical. This is why global warming is such a problem to the Polar Nation.
The "Science" Behind the Ideology
Along with believing that Polar peoples are better than everyone else, Polar Nation people believe that certain peoples of the North, namely Sami, Siberians, and Eskimos, belong to the same race, because all three peoples share the same sort of facial features. Many Sami who look just like Finns and Norwegians laugh at that, but those Sami didn't join the Polar Nation.
Paio Zubionda, the originator of the Polar ideology, theorized that the reason tropicals were less smart was because the heat made the brain slower, and that the humidity could make one crazy. This assertion has been compared to the state of the trolls in Discworld.
The languages of the far North, namely Inupiat, Finnish, and Japanese, are close grammatically to another, despite mainstream scientists believing they aren't related to each other. Namely, they are agglutinative, especially Inupiat and Finnish, which are both known for extremely long words that translate as sentences. Additionally, Finnish and Japanese are very similar phonetically, to the point where Finnish jokes involve saying things in Finnish which sound like Japanese. Coincidence? Probably, but the Polar Nation doesn't think so.
Polar peoples were joined together by the shared experience of being really cold, thus evolving them to look the same.
Around the equator there's more rain, rainforests, and monsoons. The rain causes floods and ruins everyone's day. In polar regions, there's little rain, and Antarctica is in fact the world's largest desert. Considering no rain is better than too much rain, the areas with less rain are better.
Even Non-Euclidean geometry and positive curvature have favored the top ends of the Earth. You see, when a plane tries to move in a straight line between destinations in the Northern Hemisphere, it finds that the fastest route is not a straight line on a map, but a line that on a map is curved towards the North Pole on a map but straight on a globe. Thus, Non-Euclidean geometry proves that everything tends towards the poles.
The "History" Behind the Ideology
Like many ethnic nationalist movements, the justification of the Polar ideology requires certain revisionism and stretching of history.
The definition of Polar is quite flexible. The Mongols, and modern Mongolians, are considered Polar despite their temperate latitude, since the great feats of the Mongol Empire prove they are actually Polar. That also applies to the Manchus, the Russians, and any group that used to be Vikings. Badassery in history (and skin color) is the true definition of race.
Inuits and Siberians are technically the same people, because back during the Ice Age, the Siberians crossed over to America via land bridges and boats, and they shared the same fishing grounds and interbred with each other up until their languages grew too different.
Slavery, historically, used to be Romans trading in Carthaginians, Vikings trading in Irishmen, and Americans, Europeans, and the Ottoman Empire trading in Africans. At least, that's how the Polar Nation views it, completely ignoring the Ottoman Empire trading in Slavs (the origin of the word slave), the Romans trading in various northern barbarians, or Africans trading in other Africans.
The Nazis were okay. They had the right idea, but they targeted the wrong kind of people. Also, the Nazis plunged Europe into an unnecessary war.
Polar Nation historians think the Romans were descended from Sami people from northern Finland, who had foolishly migrated to Italy because of the warmth. Over thousands of years, they got a Mediterranean tan and lost their worthiness.
White was historically the color of purity. That is not because of white cloth being harder to clean, but because of white skin untouched by the sun, and the colors of ice and snow.
The "Politics" Behind the Ideology
The reason why so many Polar Nation people profess a love for democracy is because snowier countries, to them, seem to be more democratic, and if they are not democratic, they are still stable. All of the coups and unrests? They all happen in tropical countries. Or the Middle East, but it is really hot there anyway.
There is more social progressiveness, freedom, and equality in nations in temperate and Arctic zones. While tropical nations? They ban the gays. This is of course, an oversimplification, but most views the Polar Nation has are oversimplifications, when they aren't complete falsehoods.
Worthiness, worthy, and worth are words that the Polar Nation uses often. The Polar Nation uses those words to justify hatred of tropicals and favoritism to "Polars". The concept of worthiness is related to the capitalization of "Polar", in that "Polars" are worthy of beginning with a capital letter, while other groups are not.
Simply put, Polars are worthy of rights, while tropicals are not. However, the Polar Nation concept of worthiness lies much deeper than that. If someone is worthy of something, then all measures must be taken to give them that something, up to and including murder, rape, terrorism, and slavery.
Worthiness means that that those who are worthy are destined by nature to fulfill their positions, while those who are worthless deserve nothing. A person or group can lose their worthiness by doing stupid things.
The Polar Nation practices slavery in their occupied territories, not because of economics, but because Sami Sessersuaq, the leader of the Polar Nation, states that tropicals deserve the dehumanization slavery gives them. Many people have joined the Polar Nation solely to experience what it is like to own slaves, since Polar Nation people will protect fellow members if they get accused of human trafficking.
There are three types of slavery in the Polar Nation: plantation slavery, domestic slavery, and camp slavery. All three are insidious in their own special way, and all three prove that there are fates worth than death. All Polar Nation slaves have suffered greater torture than most people can conceive, and many slaves cannot remember what it was like to be free. Thankfully, the Polar Nation hasn't existed long enough for a specific population to be born into slavery.
Plantation slavery gets its name from the fact that it is very similar to slavery in the antebellum South. Usually, a single Polar Nation person owns a large plot of land in an occupied territory, where he or she has the luxury to torture his or her slaves as he or she sees fit. Plantation slaves sleep in chains.
A lot of plantation slavers in the Polar Nation are independently wealthy, and work their slaves not to get money, but to make the slaves suffer. Like in other times and places, plantation slaves are also used to grow crops, or do other hard labor like breaking rocks. In every group, even of slavers, there are decent people, but among Polar Nation plantation slavers, they are shunned and mocked, and might be forced to pay off old debts with slaves.
Domestic slavery is not as blatant as plantation slavery in cruelty, but it is cruel nonetheless. In domestic slavery, a tropical slave lives with a Polar Nation person in their abode. The domestic slave accompanies the Polar Nation person on official Polar Nation business and performs most of the household duties. In some cases, this leads to the Polar Nation person becoming friends with the slave and realizing that their ideology is wrong, but most often, it leads to greater cruelty on the part of the slave owner, and greater debasement on the part of the slave.
Polar Nation domestic slavery is known for the terrible things it does to domestic slaves. Former enslaved persons can find it impossible to break out of the mental conditioning required to bear domestic slavery. While plantation slaves are somewhat distanced from the Polar Nation ideology, domestic slaves face it every day. Most domestic slaves have internalized Polar Nation ideology, and believe themselves to be worthless. Polar Nation people often bring domestic slaves to Polar Nation bases, which is an indicator of how confident the Polar Nation believes about the apathy of their slaves. Domestic slaves sleep on straw mats.
Camp slavery was copied wholesale from the Nazis. Practiced in some occupied territories, camp slavery can be described as plantation and domestic slavery combined. Camp slavery combines the arduous physical labor of plantation slavery and the mental degradation domestic slavery causes. Torture is almost a requirement of camp slavery. The biggest camp is hidden in the forests of Sri Lanka, and no one has escaped from it yet.
Camp slaves sleep in large groups in the same tiny room. This is unhygienic and will spread disease, but that is the point. Polar Nation people have the same goal the Nazis did with their camps: to eventually kill off the population within.
A small mercy of the Polar Nation system is that sexual abuse is rare. That is because if tropicals are so inferior, they aren't worthy of being attracted to, especially not physically.
For the Polar Nation, terrorism is a means to the end of becoming known, not a goal in of itself. The Polar Nation brings terrorism to its original definition of "a tactic for political action". Although the Polar Nation's ideology doesn't require terrorism be used, terrorism is used. A lot. It is indeed justified to call the Polar Nation terrorists.
Terror attacks perpetrated by the Polar Nation often target tropical countries like Indonesia. In many countries, however, the local special forces or counter terror units usually stop them. Lone terror attacks committed by Polar Nation people are quite common, and leadership usually approves of them.
Some extremist Polar Nation people won't buy food from tropical-owned businesses, even if the food naturally grows in the tropics like bananas. They will only eat these foods if they were grown by slaves.
Polar Nation ideology calls for members to like specific kinds of foods. It is unclear why, but some scholars believe that certain foods, such as the foods enjoyed by Scandinavians and Siberians, are considered more Polar than other foods, and if a food is Polar enough, it must be eaten.
Hákarl is considered a delicacy. Surströmming is also a prized dish. Well, Sessersuaq likes them. The entire Polar Nation, except maybe people from Iceland or Sweden, only eat them when they're offered.
Strangely, the Polar Nation takes interest in environmental causes. That is because if the climate grows even hotter, the poles won't have the qualities needed to generate a superior race anymore. Some Polar Nation people are even willing to work with tropicals on this issue.
If global warming continues, the tropics will become uninhabitable, so that means there'll be no native-born tropicals. But everywhere else will become as hot as the tropics are now, which means EVERYONE WILL BE A TROPICAL. Thus, the Polar Nation's environmentalism.
Some foolish commentators see the Polar Nation as merely an eco-terrorist, eco-fascist, or even just a normal environmentalist group. Those people are mistaken, and while environmentalism is a large part of Polar Nation ideology, it certainly isn't the only part.
Settlement of Antarctica
An important part of Polar Nation ideology is the settlement of Antarctica. It is considered abhorrent that this stretch of Polar land isn't home to any human peoples, and so the Polar Nation aims to change that. They have made great progress already, and the main headquarters of the Polar Nation are located near the South Pole. You say there's no permanent human presence in Antarctica? Well, you're wrong. It's just that the permanent human presence belongs to terrorists.
Many scientists studying in Antarctica have great sympathies for the Polar Nation, or are deep cover Polar Nation people themselves.
The goals of the Polar Nation are nebulous. While the leaders of the Polar Nation say they want to eventually kill all "tropicals" in the world, their present actions have been limited to taking over scraps of territory, enslaving the "tropicals" living there, and trying to assassinate prominent "tropical" leaders.
There is a split in the Polar Nation's long-term goals. More moderate Polar Nation people wish for an apartheid state where upper-class Polars and second-class temperates rule over an underclass of tropicals. This moderate faction is further split into those that want a restricted republic and those who want an autocracy. Others, the majority, and supported by the leader, want a complete dictatorship with Polars at the top, temperates as an oppressed underclass, and tropicals completely exterminated. While these ideological differences don't matter to the average Polar Nation person, they are creating cracks in the Polar Nation, and if the rifts start interfering in the Polar Nation's governance, it might fall soon.
Despite the name, the Polar Nation does not wish to unite all Polar peoples in a physical country. Rather, the organization wishes to create a symbolic, spiritual nation for the Polar race, at least until the Polar Nation gains the resources to kill everyone else.
Ever since the Moroccan paranoia of 2018, Polar Nation scientists have been looking into producing a weather machine to make places colder and hopefully slow down global warming. Alas, the technology to make a weather-controlling machine isn't around quite yet. The Bermuda Triangle base certainly doesn't exist.