by Max Barry

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by The Matriarchal Terrorist Group of The Polar Nation. . 30 reads.

The History of the Polar Nation (WIP]

The Rise of Paio Zubionda

Ironically, the background for the Polar Nation's ideology was provided by one they would call a tropical. Paio Zubionda, a Voxijan Basque living in the 18th century, was the first known source for the "Polar vs. Tropical" racial theory. Paio Zubionda was a footnote in Voxijan history, one of the many writers and philosophers living in Voxija during the Voxijan Enlightment, but he is everything to the Polar Nation.

Paio was born to a wealthy farming family. They were not nobility, though they might have been called landed gentry. Paio's family was Voxijan Basque, an ethnicity that Voxijans rarely identify as today that identified themselves as having more Basque ancestry than the usual Voxijan. However they most likely had some native Voxijan ancestry, like every other Voxijan.

When Paio grew up, he moved to the big city, Xirroni, where he began schmoozing with the great philosophers and writers of the Voxijan Enlightenment. He also began schmoozing with Violetists and other disreputable sorts. Paio developed a crush on the great atheist philosopher Nara Eturrija. When Nara spurned him, a hard psychological rock developed within Paio. Some historians say this was the catalyst for Paio's dark racial thoughts.

A few years later, Paio Zubionda published "A Dissertation on the Races of the World", a pamphlet which was soon expanded into a full book, Polars vs. Tropicals. The works asserted that humanity was divided, and that Polars, those who lived closer to Earth's extremes of cold, were destined to rule over tropicals, those who lived closer to the equator. To illustrate his theory, Paio pointed to American slavery and European colonization of Central and South America.

The book sold less than it cost to print. Voxijans were anathema to this philosophy, as they were a mixed-race people and proud of it. However, Paio Zubionda's theory was quietly popular in Europe and America, and his books stayed on the shelves of a few bookstores. Until a certain Canadian Inuit woman got a hold of these works.

The Rise of Sami Sessersuaq

Sami Sessersuaq wasn't always the feared leader of the Polar Nation. Once, she was merely a woman trying to survive in a tough job market (according to her), facing discrimination for being a First Nations woman (according to her), and always demanding to speak to the manager. Until she found Zubionda's works.

Sami was born into an Inuit family in Nunavut during the late seventies/early eighties. Her exact date of birth is unknown, and so are the names of her parents. However, international authorities know that "Sami Sessersuaq" is a pseudonym, with the "Sami" part adopted to foster inter-Polar unity, while her real name is unknown.

Most of what international authorities know about Sami's life was what she has decided to reveal, so it is most likely fabricated. However, it is the only data we have, and so here it is.

Sami Sessersuaq, or a woman fitting her known data, went to the University of Toronto in the mid-late nineties. However, she got expelled for unknown reasons. Sami then searched for a job, but she couldn't find one, a fact which Sami blamed on the market and discrimination but was probably because she got expelled from college. Sami remained jobless, borrowing money from others, until she discovered a certain book in a small bookstore in the city of Ottawa.

The book was a shoddy English translation of Polars vs. Tropicals, by Paio Zubionda. The theories contained within made great sense to Sessersuaq, and provided for her mind an explanation for her lack of success. It wasn't her own problems, the job market, or even the college administration system that was to blame. It was the damn tropicals, immigrating from places where it was too hot for the brain to function. Now Sami had a cause greater than ranting about the economy.

The Formation of the Polar Nation

Sami had to campaign for a couple of years before officially declaring the Polar Nation as an interest group. It started as a grassroots organization, and the first members were Sami's friends. Sami moved back to Nunavut to try and get her old school friends to join the Polar Nation.

The Polar Nation was officially formed in April 2016. Sami Sessersuaq knew that a wave of populist, right-wing nationalist, politicians was sweeping the world at that time, and Sami thought it best to ride that wave. It worked, and the Polar Nation grew quickly.

The early Polar Nation successfully deceived the Scandinavian governments, Greenpeace, and others into thinking it was an environmental organization, and that the Polar Nation's goals were merely to preserve the polar ice caps. These well-meaning groups gave funding to the Polar Nation, little knowing how wrong they were.

The Car Bombs of Jakarta

After about six months of recruiting, preparing, building bases, and taking territory, the Polar Nation decided it was time to make the world fear them. The prime target was Jakarta, being the capital of Indonesia, a large tropical nation that takes pride in her diversity. The perfect victim.

Car bombs were placed into several government vehicles, especially those of Joko Widodo, the president of Indonesia, by deep cover Polar Nation agents disguised as Australian tourists. At 11 AM sharp, on November 26, 2016, they bombs were detonated.

Three bodyguards died getting the president, who narrowly escaped death, out of the blast range. Jokowi had to be hospitalized. Many government officials were wounded in the bombing, and two government officials died. Although the president didn't die as expected, the operation was still a success.

Authorities found a pamplet-length typed treatise near the point where the cars exploded. The treatise revealed some points of the anti-tropical ideology, made fun of Joko Widodo's "pseudo-African" name, and generally told the world to be scared of the Polar Nation. This treatise in now in Voxija's government archives.

This event didn't shake the world. It didn't even warrant a mention in American news. But the countries that mattered at this stage—ASEAN, Oceania, and Australasia—they took notice of the Polar Nation, and they knew its strength.

The Rise of Slavery

Even before the Indonesian car bombs, the Polar Nation had taken bits of territory in New Guinea, South America, and the Congo. These territories could be used for something, but for what? Sami Sessersuaq's twisted little mind came up with slave labor. After all, there was a manpower shortage, the extremist faction of the Polar Nation didn't like buying food from tropical businesses, and it was the perfect way to degrade tropicals.

Many established human traffickers began doing business with the Polar Nation, and other people who were morbidly curious as to how slavery degrades the masters but drew the line at sex slavery joined the Polar Nation. Even the Polar Nation's leadership was surprised at how many people joined the Polar Nation because of slavery.

The Toothbrush Murder in Stockholm

In May 2017, a corpse of a Somali man was discovered in Stockholm with a sharpened toothbrush in his neck. The murder was traced to a Polar Nation man living on the outskirts of Stockholm who had been radicalized in a base in Norrland.

The man, Lukas Gundersson, confessed, claiming that it was his duty as a member of the Polar Nation to rid Sweden of tropicals. He declared that he hated guns, citing the toothbrush as a "superior weapon", and stated that the Swedish government was going to "take away [his] toothbrushes". He got five years in prison, but experts say it would be almost impossible to rehabilitate him.

The Moroccan Overreaction

In late 2018, Morocco was in a quandary. There were rumors that the Polar Nation was operating slave camps in neighboring Mauritania, and that they would soon take territory in the Atlas Mountains. In reality, the Polar Nation had no interest in Morocco, but the only people who knew that were higher-ups in the Moroccan government, and they weren't revealing it.

Moroccans, mostly the educated who actually knew the evil of the Polar Nation, started to become paranoid. Those living in cities began to see Polar Nation spies in every stranger on the street. As the weather got colder, the tension increased, as Moroccan conspiracy theorists claimed that the Polar Nation had a weather machine to bring snow to the desert.

The killings started on December 4. It seemed that every person in Morocco with skin lighter than the average was under suspicion for being a Polar Nation spy, and for a few unhinged Moroccans, there seemed to be only one solution: to kill every white person in Morocco. It was estimated 36 innocent people were killed during this period of paranoia.

It reached a head on December 16th, when the body of an innocent Canadian tourist was found in Rabat, with a crossed out "P" in the Latin alphabet drawn in marker on his cheek. The tourist was never identified, but the Moroccan government was horrified enough to issue an official statement against this sort of thing. The killings gradually stopped.

The Polar Nation has used this event to demonstrate the irrationality of tropicals and the psycho-ness of Morocco. Others who know about this event use it as a tool to demonstrate that you must never sink down to the level of your enemy.



Räikkonen and Sukarnoputri's Failed Infiltration

In November of 2019, an independently wealthy Finnish man named Simo Räikkonen teamed up with an Indonesian political scientist named Atok Sukarnoputri to steal a USB drive from the Polar Nation's Helsinki base. The drive contained a map of the main Polar Nation HQ.

The duo knew what organization to inform about the information within: Voxija's Alpha Forces, as Sukarnoputri had contacts with the Voxijan special forces unit. They tasked Simo and Atok with infiltrating the South Pole headquarters and transmitting data about the Polar Nation back to them.

The infiltration, which happened in the beginning of July, is the reason why international authorities know Sami Sessersuaq's gender and nationality. It is also the reason why Alpha Forces is the Polar Nation's archenemy, beyond the fact that it is the special forces unit of a subtropical mixed-heritage nation.

Alas, Sami Sessersuaq caught the brave men. Simo Räikkonen was killed, and Atok Sukarnoputri was made a slave and eventually stoned to death. So although a wealth of information was gained from the infiltration and the preceding USB drive, it was ultimately a failure. A dramatized version of the infiltration can be found here.
