by Max Barry

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by The Matriarchal Terrorist Group of The Polar Nation. . 79 reads.

Worthy Leader Sami Sessersuaq (WIP)

The Worthy Leader of the Polar Nation
Sami Sessersuaq

Image not available
The Founder of the Polar Nation


Worthy Leader of the Polar Nation

Time in Position

2016 – Present (Accounted Years)

Chance of Defecting



1978-1983? (40-ish)





Real Name







University of Toronto (expelled)


Traditional Inuit Religion

Sami Sessersuaq is the leader and founder of the Polar Nation, called "Worthy Leader" by her followers. A very mysterious person, not much is known about her life, and in fact it took years for international authorities to even figure out her gender. What international authorities know about Sami Sessersuaq's life consists mostly of what Sami let them know, and it is probably fake. This factbook consists mostly of conjecture and speculation, but it will have to suffice until the Polar Nation's internal records are revealed.

International authorities know more about the early lives of most high-ranking Polar Nation members than about the early life of Sami Sessersuaq, but they know more about Sessersuaq's personality and interests.

Early Life

Sami Sessersuaq was born sometime in the late seventies/early eighties, making her an Xennial. She grew up in the Northwest Territories, now Nunavut. Her exact date of birth and the names of her parents are unknown, although we do know that she was born into an Inuit family. "Sami Sessersuaq" is a pseudonym, invented to foster inter-Polar unity, although international databases have evidence that Sami was calling herself "Sami" before she founded the Polar Nation. Sami does not reveal her real name, and the databases don't know this.

According to a defected Polar Nation person, Sami has claimed that she was a very good student, and the teachers loved her. The defector also claimed that Sami loved leading the other students, and would always take the lead and volunteer for jobs like hall monitor.

Sometime in her teens, Sami's family moved to Ottawa. She hated it there, citing the city as too hot and too boring. Thus, when Sami turned 18, sometime in the mid-nineties, she enrolled in the University of Toronto, because it wasn't in Ottawa. No one knows what Sami Sessersuaq studied, but after an undetermined amount of years, Sami Sessersuaq, or someone fitting her profile, was expelled from the university for unspecified criminal activity.

For about a decade, Sami Sessersuaq remained jobless, making money through other means, such as mooching off her parents, convincing rich men to give her money, and minor criminal activities. Sami began using her pseudonym around this time. Sami blamed her unemployment on a number of factors, such as the job market, the Canadian economy, and discrimination against First Nations women. But Sami did not blame those of tropical origin. At least, not until she discovered the book that would change her life.

Development of Sami Sessersuaq's Ideology

One day, November 9, 2011, Sami Sessersuaq was spending the last of her money shopping for books. She went to a small bookstore in Ottawa that specialized in controversial and foreign books. When browsing the bookshelves, a book called Polars vs. Tropicals, by small-time Voxijan writer Paio Zubionda, caught her eye, and she picked it up.

Sami turned to the first page and immediately became engrossed. The racial theory Polars vs. Tropicals espoused, to her mind, was the reason for all her problems. It came like a flash to her. She wasn't poor and jobless because of the Canadian dollar, or bad luck, or even because no one would hire someone who had been expelled from college. No, it was the tropicals, those people who had immigrated to Canada and ruined the economy by the tropicals' natural idiocy. Sami didn't pay for the book; she shoplifted it.

While reading her copy in her friend Irma Jones's basement, which was where she was living at the time, Sami developed her own spin on Zubionda's racial theory, which she wrote down on little scraps of paper that Jones kept in her basement. It was during these frantic scribblings that she came up with the name "Polar Nation". Sami quickly converted Irma to the ideology, and so the seeds were sown.

Sami Sessersuaq's Ascendance

When Sami Sessersuaq was first forming the Polar Nation, she recruited her friends. Sami traveled all the way back to Nunavut to recruit her old school friends. This effort was moderately successful, although the only person Sami personally knew who joined the Polar Nation because of this effort was Sami's old school bully, Pupaluk Smith.


The Polar Nation ideology is synonymous with Sami Sessersuaq's political views. The main thing that defines Sami's political worldview is hatred of tropicals. She believes that they should be enslaved, stripped of their rights, made to realize their natural inferiority, and eventually killed off. Sami also believes in the merits of slavery.

Although Sami has not spoken for or against democracy, she has proven to be an iron leader in managing the Polar Nation. She has been compared to Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden, a girlboss feminist, and a Karen.

The scariest thing about Sami Sessersuaq's political views is that she believes genocide, slavery, and terrorism is completely right and necessary to improve the state of the world. She has a reason for these crimes rather than just being evil out of nowhere.

Strangely, Sami's politics include some progressive views. For instance, she believes in gender equality (only for Polars), freedom of religion (only for Polars), and LGB rights (only for Polars). Sami also believes that climate change is a drastic issue, and that there should be affirmative action to get more Polars into government. However, Sami laughs at all other progressive viewpoints. Sami has some TERF aspects, thinking that the third gender is ludicrous and that women should be proud to be born women, as expected from a late Gen-Xer.

Although these test results have been deemed to accurately represent Sessersuaq's ideology, they aren't part of the Polar Nation's canon. Sessersuaq doesn't take political tests, and even if she did, she definitely won't allow non-Polar Nation people to have access to them.

-The algorithm of this test prevented some results from being as extreme as some of Sami's views are, but it's close enough.


Link8Dreams (Axes)
-The only self is the self of the Polar, and the olden days were better because every ethnicity kept to themselves.

Link8Dreams (Compass)
-Sami Sessersuaq believes that the rights of the Polar person include the right to trample on tropicals. Thus the balance between complete oppression and complete individualism.

-Essentially, essentialism is an essential part of Sami's ideology.


"Seriously? This racial classification system is simple for a reason. It's so everyone gets it. The idiots can know who their natural superiors are, and their superiors know who is unworthy. And it's not a class system, either!" - After being inquired as to why the names of racial groups according to the Polar ideology are so obvious.

"Of course I've gone mad with power. Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring" -During a private conversation with Irma Jones.

"Submarines, submarines, submarines! Traaaaaains! Airplanes, airplanes, lots of airplanes! When we take over the world, we'll have lots of airplanes! Teeheehee."

“At least the tropical didn’t win” - Sami Sessersuaq on the 2024 election.


Sami Sessersuaq has a sort of dual personality, but not enough for it to be a mental disorder. She presents different emotions to different people, showing drastic changes in her personality depending on the situation. Sami has two main modes: angry and abrasive, and cool and emotionless.

Sami presents herself as a cool, emotionless leader to the average Polar Nation grunt. This effect is amplified by how she speaks, with a pleasant female voice and a soothing Canadian accent. Despite Sami's reluctance to reveal her face, she has no problem disguising her voice, figuring that no one would believe her real voice could belong to the ruthless leader of the Polar Nation.

Sami has a habit of presenting bad news in a way that makes people worried, usually by presenting a pessimistic view of the news, while also stating that she wants to keep people's morale up. She also omits the important parts of bad news, like how to deal with the bad news, in an attempt to keep morale up. Thankfully, Sami has her underlings to tell Polar Nation people the truth.

When Sami confronts tropicals or enemy agents trying to bring the Polar Nation down, her tranquil fury takes on a knife's edge. She likes to threaten people she's captured with a knife and describe the way she'll kill or torture them in detail, but Sami always leaves the actual killing to her underlings.

When Sami is ordering around the people closest to her, or dealing with people she thinks beneath her, Sami gets angry. Really angry. Sami always yells at her closest friends, and gets into arguments very quickly. Sami hates losing arguments, and can hold grudges for a very long time.

The thing Sami Sessersuaq hates the most are tropicals. That goes without saying. When Sami encounters someone she thinks is a tropical, she will refer to them as "it". Sami's hatred of tropicals is worse than virtually everyone else in the Polar Nation.


Sami takes a great interest in Inuit religion, especially the myths involving women. Specifically, she relates to the story of Sedna, a woman who was drowned and then became a goddess. It seems she was irreligious until she discovered the Polar ideology, then Sami became spiritual. There is evidence that Sami is egocentrically religious, that is, she practices religion only to validate herself. Evidence of that includes that Sami denies that a third gender was ever part of Inuit society.

Sami Sessersuaq is a bit of a foodie, but only for foods that are eaten in polar and subpolar regions. She likes hákarl and surströmming, and recommends these foods for the entire Polar Nation, even though it seems the entire Polar Nation can't stomach them.

Sami Sessersuaq’s favorite movie is Snowpiercer, the dystopian movie directed by Bong Joon-ho released in 2013. She really likes the idea of the earth covered in uninhabitable snow and ice, and would force the tropicals to the back of the train.

Sami Sessersuaq also really likes the Frozen series, especially Frozen 2, because Frozen 2 depicts two Polar peoples coming together and living in harmony. Sami often draws fan art of Anna and Elsa, a hobby that has been compared to Adolf Hitler drawing Snow White fan art. However, Sami really hates the direction Disney is taking, partially because of bad remakes, but mostly because of "forced diversity".

Sami Sessersuaq is sort of into Avatar: the Last Airbender, watching it when it appeared on Netflix, but she quit after Book One. It is a fact that the Water Tribe is based off of Inuits, and Sami thinks that the Fire Nation represents those dastardly tropicals. Sami absolutely hates both blue Avatar movies with the aliens.

Sami likes YouTubers such as the Critical Drinker and PewDiePie. PewDiePie has been accused of having a toxic fan base, and since the entry of Sami Sessersuaq into that fan base in October 2018, that has certainly been true. Sami considers T-Series to be emblematic of tropicals (Tropical-series?). She may also be stuck in pre-COVID Internet culture.

It is rumored that Sami posts on 4chan, but it seems international authorities will never know if those rumors are true. There used to be someone claiming to be Sami Sessersuaq on 4chan, who posts strange facts like how Sami Sessersuaq is actually a sentient polar bear and Cthulhu at the same time, but it has been proved that they were not actually Sami Sessersuaq.


-Sami Sessersuaq is Neutral Evil. That certainly is canon, although Sami neither plays D&D nor considers herself evil.

-Sami prefers the cold. She would rather be too cold than too hot.

-Sami Sessersuaq likes reindeer, and wants to know what it would be like to ride a reindeer.

-The Worthy Leader is a dog person.

This dossier is full of Forum 7 responses, jokes made about Sami Sessersuaq, and other miscellany that isn't canon at all.

-Sami Sessersuaq's greatest fear is apparently global warming. Thanks, Romextly!

-Sami's Pokémon type is Ice.
