Dispatch → Factbook → Geography
The Bases and Territories of the Polar Nation
Difference Between Bases and Territories
Polar Nation people draw a stark constrast between bases and territories. They are governed in completely different ways, and serve completely different purposes to the Polar Nation.
Bases usually take the form of buildings. The Polar Nation buys, builds, or squats in buildings for bases. The bigger bases were often built on a territory. The bases that aren't buildings are usually underground, although rarely in someone's basement. International authorities were extremely fixated on looking for Polar Nation bases in members' basements, but only one known basement base was found, in Ushuaia.
Bases are almost always in polar regions. The biggest base in in Antarctica, near the South Pole. The Polar Nation is governed from these bases, and new members sometimes live in these bases until they have enough experience to take over a new territory.
Territories are large tracts of land, either temporarily or permanently occupied by the Polar Nation. They are either controlled by military forces or owned by an individual Polar Nation person. Some bases are built in territories, especially territories in polar regions.
Territories are much worse than bases. These are where all the slavery, torture, and exploitation happens. Territories are usually in tropical regions, although some are in remote polar regions like Siberia, and they serve the purpose of causing terror in people and fulfilling the Polar Nation's dangerous ideology. Polar Nation people take great pride in importing tropicals to territories in polar regions, since it is believed that tropicals will more quickly perish of the cold temperatures.
The South Pole Base
This is the biggest base, and serves as the main headquarters of the Polar Nation. Sami Sessersuaq and her main underlings live permanently in this base, governing the affairs of the entire group. Despite name and rumor, it is not located directly on the South Pole, and is fact a distance of 100 miles from that area. The South Pole base is located underground, beneath the Antarctic snow, and is completely disguised from aerial view.
Simo Räikkonen and Atok Sukarnoputri tried to infiltrate this base and assassinate Worthy Leader Sessersuaq, but were captured and foiled in their plot.
The Alaskan Bases
There are five Polar Nation bases in Alaska, and all five are structured exactly like each other.
The Norrland Base
A medium-sized base in the north of Sweden. The Toothbrush Murderer of Stockholm was radicalized here.
The Bermuda Triangle Base
This base consists of a floating platform in the Bermuda Triangle. There is a chance this doesn't exist, but if it does, it explains everything. The Polar Nation tests weather machine research here.
The Jan Mayen Base
There is a base on the island of Jan Mayen, which is the butt of jokes among Polar Nation people. The "base" consists entirely of an underground vault about the size of your average bedroom. The two or three Polar Nation people assigned to this base at one time hate it. No one knows why it exists.
The Helsinki Base
Infamously raided by the duo of Simo Räikkonen and Atok Sukarnoputri. It was an important base before those two stole a map of the South Pole base from it.
The Moldovan Base
Located in a small town next to Chisinau, this irrelevant base only exists because Deputy Leader Jones thought the small country Moldova needed more love. This base has not been involved in any known Polar Nation operations so far. Moldova is at a nondescript latitude, neither Polar nor tropical.
The Siberian Territories
The Polar Nation maintains extensive territories in Siberia. The biggest territory is owned by the Russian oligarch Yevgeniy Kovalov, who imports tropicals to his vast amounts of land and works them to death like in the gulag.
The Sudanese Territories
In these territories, slaves are forced to dismantle pyramids. There used to be more pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt, but not anymore. This is considered poetic, since Egyptians forced slaves to build pyramids (they actually didn't though) and now slaves are destroying pyramids. This is considered destruction of important historical monuments.
Polar Nation people often call Sudan "the Sudan" for some reason.
The Venezuelan Territories
While the Venezuelan government ignores Polar Nation operations in Venezuela, Colombian paramilitary forces sometimes cross the border to fight the Polar Nation.
The Mauritanian Territories
Unlike the territories in other "tropical" nations, most Mauritanians don't want the Polar Nation out of their deserts. The elite of Mauritania see slavery as an institution worth maintaining, and all the Polar Nation is doing in Mauritania so far is working slaves in manners much like some Mauritanians work their slaves.
Human Zoos
Some Polar Nation territories contain human zoos. The more moderate Polar Nation people often visit these zoos to laugh at the humans on display and treated like animals. The more extreme Polar Nation people would rather just kill or enslave them, but appreciate the distress and dehumanization that these zoos cause.
Non-Polar Nation people sometimes visit these zoos, usually out of pure curiosity, and many have joined the Polar Nation because of them. Human zoos are rare, but just common enough that there's a wealth of information on them.