by Max Barry

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by The Matriarchal Terrorist Group of The Polar Nation. . 22 reads.

The Weapons and Equipment of the Polar Nation (WIP)

The Polar Nation has encouraged the media to cast them in the light of a terrorist group, but the leadership feels like the Polar Nation isn't enough of a terrorist group to justify the reputation. So, to make the Polar Nation more like a terrorist group, the organization has adopted certain methods and weapons to make them resemble terrorists of years past.

Car Bombs

The Polar Nation has become known for car bombs after the Jakarta attacks. The Polar Nation has encouraged this reputation for bombing cars, maybe because the stereotype is that terrorist groups rather than hate groups bomb cars. Although the Polar Nation is both, honestly.


The AK-47 is favored. This is not because it can be dropped in a bog and keep on shooting, but because it was invented by a Russian. The Polar Nation knows that the Kalashnikov is outdated, but there is a certain charisma about that weapon which makes the Polar Nation keep using it.

Kovalov Operations is rumored to supply AK-47s to the Polar Nation.

Disguised Explosives

Blowing stuff up is a useful way to solve most problems. However, the local authorities in many places won't allow people to bring explosives into public areas! Solution? Disguise the explosives, whether as ornamental buttons, paint cans, or purses, depending on the strength of the explosive.


Ice-Nine is a substance allegedly invented by Chinese scientists in the nineties to mimic the Ice-Nine described in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. It is a polymorph of ice that melts at 150 degrees Fahrenheit instead of 32 degrees Fahrenheit like regular ice. If Ice-Nine comes into contact with water, it turns it into Ice-Nine, freezing the water, so Ice-Nine has the potential to freeze the oceans, the water vapor in the atmosphere, and the water in the human body.

It is rumored that the Polar Nation has a supply of Ice-Nine. As the Ice-Nine is associated with the tropical nation of San Lorenzo in Cat's Cradle, it is doubtful if they will release it, but it would cause the apocalypse if they did, or even if they threatened the world with it.
