by Max Barry

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by Agend. . 46 reads.

The Royal Court

The Royal Court Officers

There are five Royal Court officers of the Great Monarchial Nations and *EXPUNGED* provisional officer(s). They are as follows: The Royal Steward of the Interior, of Foreign Affairs, of Logistics, and the Royal Cartographer and Royal Scribe. The provisional officer(s) are the *EXPUNGED* of the GMN.

Their powers are as follows:

Royal Steward of the Interior: The Royal Steward of the Interior controls the internal affairs of the region. This includes promoting regional activity, legislation, creating events, and deciding inter-nation disputes.

Royal Steward of Foreign Affairs: The Royal Steward of Foreign Affairs is a go between for the region between other regions. They dictate inter-regional evens, participate in the WA, and is the chosen ambassador of the GMN.

Royal Steward of Logistics: The Royal Steward of Logistics collects data on the consensus of the region, moderates the forum and regional Discord from chaos, and cleans National Dispatches.

Royal Cartographer: A royal court is never complete without the mapmaker. The Royal Cartographer not only makes maps, but help design and create flags, and helps create art for regional events and the regional newspaper.

Royal Scribe: The Royal Scribe seems to not be needed in the modern ere. However, the Royal Scribe is a historian of sorts, they record the regional events, runs the regional RP, and writes the Regional News.

*EXPUNGED*: Last but not least are the *EXPUNGED*. They are appointed to office when the GMN is in *EXPUNGED*. Whether the danger be in the form of a *EXPUNGED*, *EXPUNGED*, or general *EXPUNGED*.

All is subject to change

