by Max Barry

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by Saint archaeo. . 7 reads.

Regional Alert Levels

In the interest of regional safety, an alert level system has been enlisted in order for member states to ascertain the current joint threat level to them and/or the region.

A threat to the region can come in many forms: invasion, attack, espionage, nuclear war or any other form of harmful or malicious actions with the intent to undermine or harm the region or its day-to-day running. These threats can be internal or external.

Alert Level Codes:

BROWN = Imminent attack or threat: region password locked, constitution suspended and emergency powers taken by Region Founder (if still active) and WA Delegate.
RED = Attack or threat extremely likely: increased activity by all governmental leaders and all new embassies and nation entrances postponed.
ORANGE = Attack or threat likely: increased activity by Region Founder (if still active) and WA Delegate.
YELLOW = Attack or threat more likely than usual: no immediate action required, steps taken to de-escalate the situation.
GREEN = Attack or threat likelihood low: no immediate action required, region performs as usual.

Special Cases:

In the event of a special case, for example pandemic or natural disaster, a different set of codes may be used.

PURPLE = Pandemic or Viral Outbreak : increased preventative measures put in place (may also be used for increase in disease cases, hospitalisations or deaths).
GREY = Natural Distaster : Forseen or unforseen, may see disruption to trade and loss of life.

Saint archaeo

