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Nationstates Fonts
If your device doesn't support the font, it will use the standard font for the browser (customizable in Chrome, not sure about the others) [size=175][font=verdana][b]Verdana[/b][/font][/size] [size=150][font=verdana](default gameside font)[/font][/size][hr][font=verdana]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font] [size=175][font=georgia][b]Georgia [/b][/font][/size] [font=georgia][size=150](font for some gameside headings)[/size][/font][hr][font=georgia]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font] [size=175][font=trebuchet ms][b]Trebuchet MS[/b][/font][/size] [size=150][font=trebuchet ms](main forum font)[/font][/size][hr][font=Trebuchet MS]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font] [size=175][font=courier new][b]Courier New[/b][/font][/size] [size=150][font=courier new](font used in [code] tag forumside; the [pre] tag uses your browser's standard monospace font)[/font][/size][hr][font=courier new]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font][hr] Two basic fonts: [size=175][font=arial][b]Arial[/b][/font][/size][hr][font=arial]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font] [size=175][font=times][b]Times[/b][/font][/size][hr][font=times]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font][hr] And here are random fonts supported by various systems: [size=175][font=helvetica][b]Helvetica[/b][/font][/size][hr][font=helvetica]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font] [size=175][font=droid sans][b]Droid Sans[/b][/font][/size] [font=droid sans][size=150](default Kindle Fire font, also found on Google and Android products)[/size][/font][hr][font=droid sans]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font] [size=175][font=zapfino][b]Zapfino[/b][/font][/size][hr][font=zapfino]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font] [size=175][font=segoe ui][b]Segoe UI[/b][/font][/size][hr][font=segoe ui]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font][hr] And 4 teh lulz... [size=175][font=matoran][b]Matoran[/b][/font][/size][hr][font=matoran]DOSSIER REPORTS SETTINGS KEGLEN THE WORLD WORLD ASSEMBLY HAPPENINGS FEED! GAMEPLAY NEWS NEWS FAQ FORUM Latest Forum Topics War in Stahn 2 OOC (11) Find an excuse NOT to invade the nati... (3994) TET: I wasted time and now TET doth w... (2328) Of Men and Titans II (Superhuman RP,... (1439) What are you listening to right now?... (3803)[/font]