by Max Barry

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by The Caius of United States of Dictators. . 13 reads.

The Parliament of the United States of Dictators

The Parliament of the United States of Dictators is split into two chambers: The House of Representatives, which is the lower  chamber and The Senate, which is the higher chamber.
The House of Representatives has 500 seats, while the Senate only has 100 seats.
Per Article 3 of the Constitution Parliament elections are held every two years.
Currently there are 4 parties that have seats in the House. Halk Partisi, Neo Federation League and Moderate Worker's Party and People's Immunity Party. 
Here is a chart of the all parties in the House and the number of seats they hold, This chart dates back to the 2020 Parliament Election to the recent 2022 Parliament Election. Note: In the 2020 election, the party Libertarian Union had 5 seats, but in the 2022 election they had lost those seats.


As shown on the chart, Halk Partisi (HP) is the largest political party in House with Neo Federation League catching up. 
In the Senate there are only two parties. Halk Partisi and Neo Federation League. Here is a chart showing 2020 and 2022 elections:

HP and NFL have been the only two parties in the Senate for 12 years.
[b]Some General Information about the Parliament[/b]
[list][*]The Speaker of the House of Representatives is also the Leader of Parliament.[*]The Senate Speaker is the leader of the Senate. This was created by [i]The Senate Speaker Act of 2022[/i][*]If a bill that affects the Parliament only, that bill would only need the vote of two chambers of the Parliament.[*]Bills need an two thirds majority from both chambers in order to pass.[/list]
