by Max Barry

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by The Defender WASC Bloc of Partnership for Sovereignty. . 125 reads.

Partnership for Sovereignty Recommendation: Vote FOR "Repeal: 'Condemn The Black Hawks'"

Repeal: "Condemn The Black Hawks"

Voting Recommendation: FOR

Reasoning: The Security Council Proposal “Repeal: Condemn the Black Hawks” seeks to repeal SC #52, one of the condemnations of The Blacks Hawks (TBH) - a raiding group with a lengthy history of engaging in regional destruction.

The proposal begins by noting that the original condemnation is poorly written and fails to make an appropriate case. The original condemnation is short on details as it fails to accurately record any regions invaded by TBH, going against precedent set by earlier Security Council proposals such as SC #1: “Condemn Macedon” and SC #35: “Commend The Skeleton Army”. This exclusion betrays a concerning lack of polish in the original resolution; thus the PfS supports the repeal of the condemnation in order to maintain the high standards of this chamber. Moreover, the at-vote proposal rightly concludes that though TBH drafted a “self-commendation”, the original resolution mistakenly believes this is a condemnable activity. Given that the intent of the self-commendation was to seek attention, the proper course of action would have been to ignore this act instead of immortalizing it in the halls of the World Assembly.

The proposal goes on to do something fairly novel: it responds to and rebuts various common arguments made against past attempts to repeal SC #52. Though opponents might argue that ‘history’ would be ‘erased’ by the repeal, the proposal correctly asserts that the resolution would still be viewable as it will still be recorded in the SC's database. Moreover, though some see SC #52 as a resolution denouncing raiding and the violation of regional sovereignty, the proposed repeal asserts that such a denunciation would be better off in a declaration than a lackluster condemnation for a single raiding organization. These and other points allow us to conclude that the innovative tactic of responding to counter arguments is used effectively- making the proposal much more persuasive.

Though not mentioned in the proposal, it is important to consider TBH’s attitudes towards the potential repeal of their condemnation. Statements made by figures within TBH, including within a campaign by Lucklife, a TBH Lieutenant , indicate that the raider military strongly values their Condemn as a symbol of pride.. As laid out in our charter, we oppose bad-faith efforts to undermine or circumvent the stated goals, institutions, and processes of the World Assembly (Section I.3). A Condemnation is meant to represent the international community’s disdain. Instead, by openly admiring their Condemnation, The Black Hawks blatantly undermines the goals of the World Assembly, something we cannot ignore. Additionally, SC #52 enables the destruction of innocent communities. In order to attract new nations, The Black Hawks use the fact they have two Condemnations (of which SC #52 is one) as a principal selling point to newly formed nations. SC #52 therefore strengthens TBH’s recruitment power - the lifeblood of nearly every region in the game. This enables the raider region to grow in size and power, as well as allowing them to seize more regions and destroy more communities. For supporters of regional sovereignty and those who believe that innocent communities deserve to live in peace, SC #52 is a threat to these values.

Therefore, the Partnership for Sovereignty recommends voting FOR “Repeal: Condemn The Black Hawks”, in the interests of memorializing a persuasive and novel repeal, supporting the goals and high standards the World Assembly strives for, and aiming to protect innocent regions from harm.
