by Max Barry

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by The Federated States of Doge Land. . 16 reads.

Sixth Articles of Federation of Warzone Airspace

The Sixth Articles of Federation were adopted April 2nd, 2023. It was last amended [date of first amendment].

The Sixth Articles of Federation of Warzone Airspace


We, the nations of Warzone Airspace, create these Articles of Federation to ensure the stability and growth of the Warzone. These Articles are the supreme law of Warzone Airspace, and take precedence over all future laws and Orders.

I. Definitions

For the purposes of these Articles and all future laws and Orders:

(1) Defines a “Member State” as a signatory to these Articles, and who must comply with all laws contained within.

(2) Defines the “Articles” as these Articles of Federation.

(3) Defines the “Warzone” and the “Sky Realm” as the Sky Realm of Warzone Airspace as established presently.

II. The Aervirat

(1) The Aervirat shall be defined as the committee of nations serving as the government of the Warzone.

(2) The Aervirat shall be presided over by the Aermaryskald, who shall be selected from the Aervirat through a majority vote between the nations of the Aervirat.

(3) The Aermaryskald may appoint new nations to the Aervirat, however the Aervirat may not exceed six nations.

(4) The Aervirat must consist of at least three members; the Aermaryskald, a member presiding over the Foreign Affairs of the Warzone, and a member presiding over the Internal Affairs of the Warzone.

(5) The Aervirat may issue Orders that serve as law until they expire.

(6) Orders will expire after three months or the date marked on the Order, whichever comes first.

(7) Orders may be made permanent by the Grand Assembly and codified into law.

(8) Each member of the Aervirat will receive a Regional Officer slot containing at least the permissions of Polls, Communications, and Appearance. Any other permissions may be added at the World Assembly Delegate’s discretion.

(9) Any member of the Aervirat may grant membership to any nation residing in the Warzone.

(10) Member nations of the Aervirat will serve until they resign, they are voted out by a majority of the Aervirat, or are voted out in a motion of no confidence by the Grand Assembly.

III. The World Assembly Delegate

(1) The World Assembly Delegate (the “Delegate”) will serve as the Warzone’s delegation to the World Assembly.

(2) The Delegate shall be selected by the Aermaryskald and be approved by the Assembly with a simple majority.

(3) The Delegate, whenever possible, shall fill the position of the region’s “World Assembly Delegate”.

(4) The Delegate shall maintain World Assembly membership for the duration of their term.

(5) The Delegate shall be a member of the Aervirat, and will not count towards the six-member maximum unless they are already holding a position in the Aervirat.

(6) The Delegate shall serve until they resign, are voted out in a majority vote in the Aervirat, or are removed in a vote of no confidence from the Grand Assembly.

IV. The Grand Assembly

(1) The Grand Assembly will consist of delegations from all Member States.

(2) The Grand Assembly will serve as the primary legislative body of the Warzone.

(3) The Grand Assembly may create, amend, and repeal laws as they see fit.

(4) The Grand Assembly may approve, amend, and repeal treaties by the request of the Aervirat in a simple majority.

(5) The Grand Assembly may amend these Articles as they see fit in a three-fifths supermajority.

(6) The Grand Assembly may establish and revise their own procedural rules in a simple majority.

(7) Procedural rules created by the Grand Assembly are subordinate to all laws and these Articles.

(8) The Grand Assembly may call a motion of no confidence against the Aervirat, where the Assembly can remove the entire Aervirat in a vote. The vote must pass with a three-quarters supermajority.

(9) After a motion of no confidence, the members of the Grand Assembly may elect a new Aermaryskald, who will then appoint the rest of the Aervirat.

(10) The Grand Assembly will elect a Speaker, who will serve until they resign or are voted out of office.

(11) The Speaker will operate the Grand Assembly based on its procedural rules. In the absence of procedural rules concerning a specific case, the Speaker may create their own procedural rules. Procedural rules created by the Speaker are subordinate to all procedural rules created by the Assembly, all laws, and these Articles.

V. Federative Laws

(1) Federative laws are laws that take precedence over normal laws, however not over these Articles.

(2) Federative laws may be created by the Grand Assembly, and must be passed with a three-fifths supermajority.

(3) Federative laws may be amended and repealed like any other law, except that they must be passed with a three-fifths supermajority.

VI. Authority of Laws, Orders, and these Articles

(1) These Articles are the supreme law of the Sky Realm and take precedence over all laws, Orders, and procedural laws of the Grand Assembly.

(2) All laws take precedence over all Orders and procedural laws of the Grand Assembly.

(3) Orders, when applicable, take precedence over all procedural laws of the Grand Assembly.

(4) All laws, Orders, procedural laws of the Grand Assembly, and these Articles remain in effect even while the government is in exile due to a raiding event.
