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The Breaking Wave - July 2023
[b][size=150]The Breaking Wave[/size][/b] [size=100]News of the 10,000 Islands - July 2023[/size] by Jeanine Cutoffs [b][size=100]Empire of Power Day[/size][/b] This July 30 marks the 20th anniversary of the defeat of the raider region [region]Empire of Power[/region] by the fledgling 10,000 Islands Treaty Organization. At the time, the 10,000 Islands had only a few dozen nations while the Empire was five times the size. The Empire was known as an aggressive, militaristic region which had destroyed others in the past and planned a surprise attack on the 10,000 Islands. Fortunately, early warning spotters were able to give XKI notice, and a call for help went out to many friendly regions. That call was answered with courage and vigor. The battle went on for days but in the end not only were the 10,000 Islands saved, the aggressor was reduced to mere trophy. 10,000 Islands thanks and salutes all the nations and regions who came together during that fight to protect our region and form the basis of the Defender alliance TITO. Empire of Power Day celebrates the defeat of that region and the founding of TITO. [nation]Markanite[/nation] has released a dispatch about a number of activities planned. We hope to see you there! https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1912941 Office hours will be as follows: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1913461 [b][size=100]Senate Races End in Landslides[/size][/b] The recent Senate races for Lyonnesse East and Himes West ended in smashing victories for [nation]Keswickholt[/nation] and [nation]Haivon[/nation]. Keswickholt will continue his role as the Senator for Lyonnesse East, driving forward the new changes to the XKI Houses - more on that later. Haivon succeeds AxeCapitol as Senator for Himes West and will take on the responsibilities for the Roleplay regions [region]A Taco Archipelago[/region], [region]A Taco Fantasy[/region], the forums and the Discord channel. Voting results show nearly uncontested approval of the candidates, and we wish them good fortune in their respective roles. Keswickholt maintains office hours on the forum and posts on the RMB when they are open, while anyone with an interest in or questions about roleplaying in XKI should visit one of the two RP regions or check out the discord. [b][size=100]Changes to XKI Houses[/size][/b] After great deliberation and discussion the Council recently passed legislation to overhaul the XKI Houses. Houses are organizations within the region which focus on socializing and recruiting of new nations. Nations will be automatically placed in the house of their recruiter, or will be encouraged to select one if they joined on their own. Once in a House nations will be eligible for a forum badge, House and Generation information on their signature, and will have access to their House sub-board on the forum. Nations in a House may also compete for honor and Tacos in the competitions for House Cup, Scepter and Shield as well as House v House challenges. Nations interested in learning more about Houses may read this [url=https://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/44169/guide-house-system]guide[/url]. The old Houses will be folded into the new ones, however as these changes are still in the implementation stage the names for the new Houses have yet to be chosen. [b][size=100]Upcoming Events[/size][/b] [list][*]Everybody stay cool! Really, it's hot out there. [*]August 14 marks Distinguished Service Medal Day, where we honor those among us who have received the highest non-military award XKI has to give. The Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to member nations based on their exception work in immigration and recruiting or other outstanding contributions to the 10,000 Islands. [*]September Senate elections begin for the seats of New Republica South, responsible for running debates and polls, and Blue Canaria North, who submits the XKI Monthly report. If you wish to run you may announce your candidacy between Tuesday, September 5 until Monday the 11th. Voting will begin on the 12th and run for a week. More information is available [url=https://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/17871/job-responsibilities-senators]here[/url].