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by The Ever-Expanding Belt of Pantso. . 1 reads.

The Breaking Wave - September 2023

The Breaking Wave
Bringing you the latest news from 10000 Islands: September 2023

August 27, 2023
by Jeanine Cutoffs
Republic of Pantso
XKI Liaison Officer

Delegate and Senate Elections

Election Season is upon us once again, and local politicians have been seen straightening their clip-on ties, picking the arugula from their teeth, and practicing their best fake smile. This month there will be elections for two Senate positions as well for our World Assembly Delegate.

The Delegate holds one of the most important positions in the region because the he or she holds our vote in the World Assembly and leads our Foreign Affairs team. Each endorsement of the Delegate grants us one more vote on Assembly and Security Council resolutions, making our region's voice more powerful within the NationStates ruling body. The Delegate polls XKI citizens in threads in the LinkWorld Assembly board on our forum, voting as XKI citizens request. The Delegate also handles Foreign Affairs matters dealing with our relationship with allied regions, hires emissaries, and may field requests for TITO assistance. As a member of the Council of Nine the Delegate also votes on legislation, embassy opening and closing, and other Council matters.

To be eligible for the Delegacy you must be a citizen of 10,000 Islands and a member of TITO with 10 Battle Stars. The incumbent delegate is Lenlyvit, who has declared he is not re-running.

The two open Senate positions are Blue Canaria North and New Republica South. The Senator for Blue Canaria North is responsible for producing the XKI Monthly Report, a summary of vital statistics and important news coming out of the Islands for the benefit of other regions. The Senator for New Republica South is responsible for running debates and straw polls, including the crucial debates for the Delegate position when it is available. Upon election, these two Senators will join the XKI ruling body, the Council of Nine, and be required to vote on regional legislation, Constitutional amendments, and other matters as required by the Chief Executive. Senators are elected for a term of four months.

September will begin with a week to give XKI citizens the chance to declare their candidacy for one of the open positions. Following this week the elections for for all three positions will be held via polls on the region's offsite Proboards forum. These polls will be open for one week, after which the victors will be announced. Any citizen of the 10,000 Islands region or its subordinate regions (A Taco Paradise, A Taco Archipelago, and A Taco Fantasy) may vote or declare their candidacy. Citizens are nations residing in the 10,000 Islands or its subordinates who are also members of the World Assembly. Nations must also have a Proboards account in order to vote; register now if you haven't already! Note that if your WA nation is not in A Taco Paradise or 10,000 Islands before voting begins, you must move that nation back in order to vote (TITO members are exempt from this requirement).

The current incumbent for New Republica South is Liberdon. The Blue Canaria North position is currently held by Pantso, whose temporary appointment to replace The Cavalier Knight ends following the election.

Additional information on how to declare your candidacy for the Delegate or Senator positions will follow.

Nations seeking more information about joining the World Assembly may find it here:

What is the World Assembly?

The World Assembly, or WA, is one of the most important features of NationStates. The WA consists of the General Assembly (GA) and the Security Council (SC). Every few days a resolution comes to vote. As a WA member you can vote for, against or abstain on the resolution. If it passes it will be implemented into all WA nations. There are minor changes in national statistics involved when GA resolutions pass but nothing will change drastically.

Applying for the World Assembly

Applying for WA can be done in these easy steps:

- Go to the WA page.
- Click on the “Apply to Join” button.
- Open the inbox of the e-mail you applied with.
- Click on the given link that will take you back to NationStates.
- Click the “Confirm: Join World Assembly” button.
- Now you are a part of the WA!

You can resign from the WA at any time. You need to have a registered an e-mail address on your account in order to join the WA, if you have not done this yet, you can change it in your nations settings. Note that NationStates will never share your email address with others or send you emails outside of WA applications.

Note: You may NEVER have more than one nation in the WA at a time! Having more than one may result in a year long ban from the World Assembly the first time. This is also why emails are required for WA nations.

Endorsing and Delegates

What is Endorsing
When you have joined the WA you can endorse nations in your region. This is done by going on the nations page, scrolling down and clicking the “Endorse [nation]” button. The more endorsements a nation has the more influence they gain. The nation with the most endorsements in a region is also the regional Delegate.

The WA Delegate

The WA Delegate of a region is the nation with the most WA endorsements in the region.

What is stopping you from becoming a delegate?

10000 Islands holds a democratic election to determine the delegate. There is also an endorsement cap, which is a limit of how many endorsements you are allowed to have as a non-delegate nation. In 10000 Islands the cap is half of the current delegate’s endorsements. If you surpass this cap on purpose, you risk being temporarily banned from the region.

Delegate’s votes have the weight of the total number of endorsements i.e. if a delegate has 50 endorsements, their vote will count 50+1 (their own vote) instead of one like other nations. This gives a lot of power to the delegates when there is a resolution at vote.

Regional Voting

10000 Islands has a regional voting system. Before a resolution goes to vote, two threads will be posted: one for discussion and one for voting.

In the discussion thread the proposal that is going to vote is shown and anyone can post their opinions and reasoning.

In the voting thread WA Islanders, nations that have a WA nation in 10,000 Islands, can vote for, against or abstain on the resolution with a poll. The outcome of the vote ends up being what the delegate votes.

The polls can be found Linkhere.

WASP Awards

The World Assembly Supremacy Program (WASP) Awards are featured in a monthly dispatch made by the World Assembly Secretariat in the Islands. The dispatch notifies all WA members in 10,000 Islands and give them different badges for their accomplishments.

This helps educate nations about the WA and motivates them to endotart.

WA Proposals

General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) creates laws for all its nations, and is most similar to the real-life United Nations.

The usual proposals are there to eliminate problems and enact these laws on all WA member states. There are different categories of proposals, such as Civil Rights or Health. These are usually about anything, such as the right to education or the right to free speech. If a proposal is passed, it is referred to as a resolution.

There are also repeals. This means that a previously passed resolution will be canceled out. The reasoning for why a resolution is repealed is explained in the repeal itself.

If the majority of the WA votes against or the vote is tied, the proposal will fail. If the majority votes for, it will be enacted in all WA nations.

Security Council

The Security Council (SC) features proposals about specific nations or regions.

A commendation applauds and recognizes a nation or region for their contributions and efforts in different parts of NS.

A condemnation criticises a nation or region for their actions in NationStates. Condemnations are often commendations in disguise, as they reward a player for playing an evil nation well.

A liberation prevents the use of founder or delegate imposed passwords for a region, usually to save it from raiders, who want to password it, so it can’t be liberated again.

An injunction prevents a region from converting to a Frontier, if a Stronghold, or prevents a region from converting into a Stronghold, if a Frontier.

The SC also has repeals, just like the GA.

Voting on a proposal

Once you have been admitted to the WA, you can vote on any proposal that comes up to vote. This is done by scrolling to the bottom of the proposal and clicking the “Vote For” or “Vote Against” buttons. If you do not vote anything, you will automatically abstain.

Writing your own proposal

Apart from needing 2 endorsements to submit a proposal to the WA, nothing is stopping you from writing your own proposal.

The usual process is to draft a proposal that doesn’t overlap any of the previously, non-repealed resolutions, then post this draft on the NS forum. Experienced authors will give feedback on your resolution.

Once a proposal has been submitted to the WA it will have to reach the necessary approvals. This means 6% of all delegates need to approve the proposal (usually around 65-80). Once it has the needed approvals, it has reached the quorum, where it waits until it goes to vote.

Endotarting is the action of endorsing a long list of regional members in hopes of getting endorsements back. Usually it also includes sending telegrams out, requesting people to endorse them. Endotarting helps the region gain influence.

Special thanks to Eastern New England for writing this dispatch and Porflox for formatting.

Read dispatch

Nations may register on the Proboards Linkforum here and then post a message in Linkthis thread

XKI Great Houses Re-Formed

The Ancient Houses of the 10,000 Islands have been disbanded and re-formed into four new Great Houses. Houses are groups of Islanders who have come together for mutual aid, to socialize, and to help recruit for the Islands. New Islanders will be invited to join the House of their recruiter and Houses will compete for prizes in the House Cup, House Shield, and other competitions. Keswickholt, Senator for Lyonesse East, is leading the reformation effort. As of this date, the Houses are still in the process of picking names, a Steward to lead them, and a motto to live by.

House of Improving Wordiness
Steward: Escanaba
Ancient House: House of Improving Wordiness

House of the Defenders (presumptive)
Ancient Houses: Ananke II, Echolilia and Lousistan

House of the Sword
Steward: Spratly Islands
Motto: Unity, Valor, and Honor
Ancient Houses: Markanite, Grub and Tuga Nation's Dragon

House of Tasdorf
Steward: Palman
Ancient Houses: The Tasmanian Islands and Aersoldorf

Further information on the Houses is available Linkhere and Keswickholt maintains an Linkoffice if you have any questions or comments.

Ministry of Culture

Over the past several weeks the Council of Nine has passed legislation to overhaul the Ministry of Labor and reform it as the Ministry of Culture. The Cultural Minister will be responsible for running the Poet Laureate contest, plan regional events, and the XKI Cards Co-Op. Wille-Harlia, the previously holding the Minister of Labor posting, will remain in the in the Council as the Minister of Culture. Several of the responsibilities of the Minister of Labor will be moved over to other ministers and the new Master of Tacos position, allowing him to focus on organizing movie nights, contests, celebrations, and games.

The Minister of Culture is also empowered to hire Cultural Officers to assist the Minister and may be paid Tacos as a stipend for their time and effort. Those interested should contact Wille-Harlia.

Any XKI resident who is already running, or interested in running, their own game, competition, or regional event may also get in touch with Wille-Harlia for support; the Ministry of Culture can offer assistance in organization, resources, and Taco and Card prizes for the winners.

The Ministry of Culture sub-board on the XKI offsite forum is Linkhere and includes Wille-Harlia's office, a thread for suggestions, the Card Cooperative, plans for Movie Night and other events, etc. Feel free to drop Wille-Harlia a line, make a suggestion, or volunteer to help!

Commendation Day

On September 14 we will honor the day the 10,000 Islands received its second Commendation from the Security Council. While the first commendation was repealed by a raider effort to roll back the record of the region's accomplishments, the second has remained for 13 years. The re-written commendation recognizes our off-site forum, our Constitution which guides our ruling body the Council of Nine and guarantees the rights of XKI residents, and our regional and functional economy and currency, the Taco. The commendation also acknowledges the creation of TITO, the Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization, especially pointing out its contribution to world stability through its actions as a major Defender force.

The full text of the commendation is here. It is also worth noting that many Islanders have been Commended by the Security Council. The full list, as well as links to the relevant resolutions, is available in the LinkCommended Islanders thread in the Great Library.

New Legislation

~The duties of the Minister of Culture position have been defined, found Linkhere.
~The Creation of the Master of Tacos, found Linkhere.
~A bill to shift some responsibilities from the Minister of Labor to the Minister of Education, found Linkhere.


~A Master of Tacos is needed! The Taco is XKI's regional currency and many of the official positions in the region come with a monthly stipend in Tacos. The Master of Tacos is responsible for making sure everyone gets paid and works with the Regional Reserve Chair to keep our Taco economy humming along. For more information, visit Markanite's post Linkhere. Additional information about our regional economy is available in the LinkRegional Reserve Offices and the Link10,000 Islannds Marketplace
~Markanite is looking for a Governor for our budding Frontier region, A Taco Paradise. The Governor will be responsible for facilitating RMB activity and recruitment, work with the TITO Command team to ensure regional security, and report directly to the Chief Executive. Apply by contacting Markanite by Telegram or DM on Discord.
~Interesting in meeting some new people and getting some experience in Foreign Affairs? We are looking for additional Emissaries to keep in touch with our allied regions and help us maintain friendly relations. Check out Linkthis thread and message Lenlyvit if you're interested!
~Other job opportunities may be available on the LinkJobs Bulletin Board.

XKI Monthly Update

The XKI Monthly Update is a regular report compiled by the Senator for Blue Canaria North and distributed to the region's allies by the Delegate and Emissaries. It includes vital statistics about the region, a summary of news from the 10,000 Islands, and information about the makeup of our government. If you are interested in what we send to other regions, check out last month's update!

Stats of the Month:

Date: August 2023| Population: 953 nations| Delegate Endorsement: 277 endorsements

Table of Contents

~Around the Islands

~Islander Achievements

~XKI Gameside

~XKI History

~Council of Nine Legislation

About the Emissary Report

The 10KI Update is a monthly report about the regional happenings of XKI made by the Blue Canaria North Senator and the Deputy BCN Senator. Stay tuned for any updates!

More XKI!



Interested in XKI? All of our Foreign Affairs dispatches will be published by 10000 Islands Foreign Affairs, and posted in our embassy thread!

TITO Command

Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:

~Chief Executive: Markanite

~Field Commander: Kanta Hame

~Tactical Officers: Astrobolt, Smugglers and Mercs (TITO EF), Flying Eagles, Onfande

~Executive Officers: HN67, Wille-Harlia


As of this report's publication, the Government of 10000 Islands consists of:

~Chief Executive: Markanite

~WA Delegate: Lenlyvit

~Senator for Lyonnesse East (Houses): Keswickholt

~Senior Senator for New Republica South (Debates and Discussions): Liberdon

~Senator for Himes West (Role Play): Haivon

~Senator for Blue Canaria North (Emissary Report): The cavalier knight

~Minister of Education: Aschente

~Minister of Labor: Wille-Harlia

~Minister of Immigration: Valentian Elysium

Information about other government officials of 10000 Islands can be found Linkhere.

Around the Islands

~XKI is still looking for new Emissaries (to represent us in other regions), and Communications Officers (to help promote regional events and make sure all our information is up to date)! Check out the full thread for Emissaries Linkhere, and the thread for Communications Officers Linkhere!

Islander Achievements

~Congrats to Haivon for their election to the Council of Nine!

XKI Game-Side

~ XKI continues to move forward with our Frontier region, A Taco Paradise, but we need your help! NS is full of raiders who would like to steal ATP from us! In order to protect it, we need Islanders to move to that region and endorse the Delegate to make the region safer! This request comes straight from the top!

XKI History

~Nobody knows who founded the 10000 Islands. The region predates the existence of a foundership. The founder nation, Grub, only received the position when the foundership mechanic was added. The name of the original founder is lost to history.

Council of Nine Legislation

~ The Council of Nine passed several new pieces of legislation this month.

~An ammendment to alter the role of the Minister of Education, found Linkhere.

~A bill to create the Paffnia Rotunda, found Linkhere.

~A bill to reform XKI's Houses and Political Parties, found Linkhere.

~A bill to clarify the responsibilities of the Lyonnesse East senator, found Linkhere.

~A bill to close XKI's Political Parties, found Linkhere.

Hope to see you all next month, your XKI Update Staff is signing off!

The cavalier knight Lenlyvit

Read dispatch
