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The Breaking Wave - October 2023
Bringing you the latest news from 10000 Islands: October 2023
October 1, 2023
by Jeanine Cutoffs
Republic of Pantso
XKI Liaison Officer
September's election for the Delegate and two Senator positions ended the evening of Tuesday the 19th. Pantso and Kaltovar, both of House of the Sword, each running unopposed, were able to accrue 29 and 28 votes in their favor, respectively. Pantso has resumed his duties as the Senator for Blue Canaria North, while Kaltovar is beginning his first term as Senator for New Republica South. When asked for comment, Kaltovar had this to say:
"Friends and comrades of the 10,000 Islands! The CFRK thanks you for standing behind us with over 90% of the electoral vote, and has appointed me to fulfill the senatorial post. Some of you have already met me before, and I must say it's good to be working with you all again. To those who don't know me, I fought as a conscript during the Great Ruination Wars, and served in a diplomatic post as the special envoy to Margaux during the inter-war period. I intend to be a strong voice for the sovereignty and vitality of 10,000 Islands. My administration will encourage immigration, the protection of our territorial integrity, and the expansion of civil liberties. "
- Lt. General T'xlekhan L'xrada!
Kaltovar and Pansto have set up offices in the Council Headquarters to invite questions, comments, and conversation from Islanders and guests. You can visit Kaltovar's office here and Pantso's here.
The race for Delegate, close for the entire duration, ended with Astrobolt's victory by only four votes. Jabberwocky, of House of the Defenders, conceded the election later Tuesday evening and said that "I have every confidence he (Astrobolt) will make an exemplary Delegate. I do not in any way feel that I have lost". These comments were written in a thread he posted in the Elections Board. Chief of Staff, His Excellency Lenlyvit, House of the Defenders, and Delegate-Elect Astrobolt have begun the transition so that Astrobolt may assume the role. While Astrobolt gets up to speed, members of the Council have been requesting the Islanders in the World Assembly endorse Astrobolt as soon as possible, and to retain their endorsement of Lenlyvit.
Astrobolt had this to say: "I'm extremely honoured and humbled to be elected Delegate of the 10000 Islands. I would like to once again thank everyone who voted in the election, and thank Jabberwocky for putting their hat in the ring and the close race. Our region has been incredibly fortunate to have had a long string of exceptional delegates, as your incoming Delegate, I hope to do the office and the region justice. I am excited to represent XKI on the world stage and strengthen relationships with our close allies, and to involve more Islanders in foreign affairs happenings."
After serving for six terms on the Council as the NRS Senator, Liberdon of House of Improving Wordiness announced early in September that she will not be running for reelection. Her departure from the position leaves Keswickholt as Senior Senator. While we are sad to see her leave the Council, Liberdon assures us she isn't going anywhere and will remain active in the region. Regarding her retirement, she had this to say:
"Just that I’m honored to have served XKI as a Senator for so many terms, and I am extremely grateful to the citizens of XKI for their continued support and to the amazing Islanders I had the opportunity to work alongside during my time as Senator 😊"
After a disagreement over a moderation decision during the last week of September, Kaltovar unfortunately resigned from his position as Senator for New Republica South. Further details are available in Markanite's office.
Kaltovar has moved on from XKI to found his own region and we wish him the best of luck.
After a brief and unavoidable delay the House Cup competition has begun! The House Cup is a contest between Houses to challenge them to recruit new nations into XKI. Awards are given to the House and individual nation that recruits the most. The competition this year has a slight wrinkle; however. Keswickholt has encouraged all Houses to recruit new members from existing XKI nations, in order to build up their numbers and share the advantages of joining a House with the rest of the region.
The competition started on September 20 and will run until October 20. May the best House and Recruiter win!
From Jabberwocky, Steward of the House of the Defenders:
The core philosophy of The Ten Thousand Islands is based upon the defense of the defenseless, protecting those who know not how to protect themselves, or are unable to. The House of the Defenders embodies and exemplifies that philosophy. All of us are TITO members, most of us Knights, and many of those notable TITO figures. Some might compare us to the Knights of the Round Table in our quest to quell raiders of all sorts. We welcome into our ranks the valiant and the brave, those willing to travel to distant shores to protect other nations. You, too, are welcome to join us.
From Palman, Steward of the House of Tasdorf:
The House of Tasdorf makes the most of Island life. As with the other houses we've been developing our identity the past few weeks and weighing possible mottos. A great many ideas have been proposed, and members have been commenting on their favorites from the bunch, much the same way we debated possible names for the house. Some themes have been apparent: We are friendly and welcoming, social and loyal. Chatty. Relaxed. Hungry! But ultimately, I think the most popular motto speaks for itself. House of Tasdorf: Where Every Day is a Hammock Day.
From Spratly Islands, Steward of the House of the Sword:
If you want to have fun and be chill, and also want to get to know your fellow Islanders? Join House of the Sword! In House of the Sword, everyone is friendly and welcoming to newcomers. There are lots of fun things to do. You can also help set up new events in the House. In the future, there may even be political positions available. I promise that you will have lots of fun on your adventure in House of the Sword!
Representatives of the other Houses the House of Wordiness were unavailable for comment.
Read more about the Houses in this dispatch, and join simply by posting in the House thread of your choice! We hope to see you there.
If you've been invited to join the 10000 Islands through NationStates via a telegram, or even if you joined without being invited, then you should check out the House system. There are several Houses around the 10000 Islands, and for a newer nation, it may get confusing. To clear things up, read over this simple guide.
Houses are simply groups of nations recruited by the House steward and other House members (with a few exceptions explained below). They are a fun way to converse with other people and socialize with other members of the forum. Joining a House also shows your appreciation for the fantastic recruiters and welcome-message senders we have in the Islands.
There are two options to go about joining a House here in the 10000 Islands. They depend on how you came across the region.
1) If you were invited to the 10000 Islands region by one of the nations who is already here, via a telegram through NationStates*, then you should join the House that they're in, if they're in one. If the person who recruited/invited you is part of a House, you'll may receive a telegram and/or private message on the forums regarding which house you should join. Some people may also inform you on the welcome thread (here). If you're not sure which House you're in, look at the profile of the person who recruited you. There will hopefully be a line under their number of posts that says "House of: [Name]." If they don't have that, then you should ask them which House they're in. If they are not in a House, then proceed to step 2.
2) If you've come across the region by some other method besides an invitation telegram, then you should choose which House you wish to join yourself. Whereas when you're invited, it's respectful to join your recruiter's House, when you've joined without being invited, you don't have to join a certain House, and you can choose.
* Note: The one exception is if you received a recruitment telegram from a nation belonging to Cerberion with "tag: api" as the recipient in the header of the TG. That means you were recruited by automated telegram, and can join any House you wish, per option #2.
To actually join a House, just post in the House's thread (listed below) saying you want to join or send a message to the House's steward.
Which Houses Are Out There?
There are several houses around currently, all started by dedicated recruiters. Some houses have more members than others. But remember, it's not about the quantity all the time, it's also about the quality. So, here is a list of the houses:
Click on the House names for their threads.
House | Steward | Pixel Badge(s) |
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How Do I Add My House and Generation to My Forum Profile and Signature?
To add a listing of your House or Generation in your forum profile, go to "Profile," then "Edit Profile," then the "Personal" tab. There are located dropdown boxes for "House of" and "XKI Generation."
You can also add a pixel badge for your House to your signature, if your House has one. First read how to add images to your signature(here). Then, copy one of the following codes into your signature and add [img] before and [/img] after the code:
More badges will be added as they will be designed.
What Are Generations?
Generations show in what time period you joined the Islands, usually marked by the date you joined the forum (which can be found on your profile). The full list of generations can be found here. Some generations have their own threads (Elder, TITO, United Nations, Recession, Initiative, Acylyndia War, and Redesign). The generations and other population trends are graphically depicted by the XKI Genealogy Project here. The XKI Genealogy Project (headquartered here) is run by the Genealogist Paffnia and also manages the XKI Family Tree.
The XKI Family Tree (in its third version, created by the XKI Genealogy Project and found here) visually depicts the relationships between recruiters and the nations they have recruited, as well as nations' Houses and generations, similarly to a family tree. You can sign up for the tree and learn about the requirements here.
House Cup And Shield Competitions
Three times a year--in January, May, and September--the month-long House Cup and House Shield Competitions occur, run by the Senator for Lyonnesse East. The House Cup is awarded to the House that does the most collective recruiting over the month, based on a points system awarding nations recruited and recruitment telegrams sent, with bonuses at the Senator for Lyonnesse East's discretion for things like nations registering on the forum. The House Shield is awarded to the House that does the most recruiting per capita--each House's total House Cup points are divided by the number of eligible members of that House to determine the House Shield winner. All the details can be found here.
Additionally, the Senator for Lyonnesse East may also concurrently run the House Sceptre Competition, begun by The Candy Lane. The House Sceptre is awarded to the House of the individual nation whose recruitment telegram (sent out at minimum 500 times in the month) has the highest percentage recruitment success rate, provided that nation is willing to share the the telegram. Unlike the House Cup and Shield, the House Sceptre is not established by law and is run at the Senator for Lyonnesse East's discretion.
To make the Senator for Lyonnesse East's life easier, all House stewards should keep a list of House members in the OP of the House thread, updated at least right before the House Cup and Shield starts. A note should be placed by every member who has CTE'd, is in the WA, or is Accelerator-eligible (in the WA and has been on the forum at least two weeks with at least ten posts), the last of which is used to calculate the House Shield.
Here is a list of past winners of the House Cup, the House Shield and the House Sceptre.
Besides the House Cup and Shield, the Houses may compete informally in game threads in Shelter's Taco Island and competitions hosted at the discretion of the Senator for Lyonnesse East. Here are a few examples for House Games:
Spam Points: Houses
Tug of War: House of Wordiness vs. House of Aersoldorf (finished)
Prolific Posting Contest (finished)
If you have any questions or comments about Houses or anything else in this guide, contact the senator for Lyonnesse East, who is responsible for maintaining the House system, currently Keswickholt (Keswickholt's Office).
In July 2023, the Council established the The Paffnia Rotunda, named in honor of the legendary Islander Paffnia, of the House of Improving Wordiness. It serves as a place to propose and discuss new ideas and legislation to improve the 10,000 Islands. The Rotunda is open to any and all Islanders who would like to see change in the region; all they need is a registered forum account. The Breaking Wave Editorial Board will run this segment whenever there are interesting, active threads in the Paffnia Rotunda, and summarize a few of the topics under discussion.
~ Political Parties: These were closed recently due to inactivity. The discussion is about whether they should be revitalised in order to get Islanders more interested in regional politics, and how to do so.
~ BCN Responsibilities: A long-running discussion about how to reduce duplication of effort between the responsibilities of the Senator for Blue Canaria North and the Communications Officer.
~ RMB Suppression Guidelines: Are moderators too heavy-handed when it comes to suppressing posts that break RMB rules?
Read these threads and more and feel free to share your opinions in the Paffnia Rotunda! Your ideas could help shape the future of the region!
~ October 1 N-Day: The Breaking Wave Editorial Board would like to extend its heartfelt congratulations to the Potato Alliance, finishing N-Day with a total score of 151,893, hundreds of thousands of nukes and shields, and under 159,000 radiation!
~ October 3 Islantines Day - On the third of October we observe the anniversary of the wedding of two people who met through 10,000 Islands, fell in love with each other, and married. Although their nations have ceased to exist, we still honor the love that Naslund and BahamaMamma share.
~ October 8 NationStates Day - commemorates the founding of NationStates in 2002.
~ October 19 Empire of Power Annexation Day - After the successful defense of the Islands against the Empire of Power in 2003, TITO and its allies went on to assault the Empire of Power region to put an end to their cruel and aggressive assaults on innocent regions. On October 19 we recognize the day the Empire fell and its home region turned into a monument to TITO's strength and perseverance. The region still exists - visit Empire of Power to read our founder Grub's comments on the subject.
Nations wishing to join TITO to defend other regions should check out this dispatch and apply today!
The Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization
TITO (Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization) is 10000 Islands' very own defender army! TITO provides for the defense of our region, as well as going out to help defend other regions in NationStates that are attacked unfairly.
Invaders attempt to capture the WA Delegacy of regions, predominantly founderless regions, and seize control. They then damage the region by frequently ousting democratically elected government officials and regional leaders, ejecting or banning native nations, and often holding the region captive over long periods. To stop this, we work to help counteract their actions and ultimately defeat the invaders.
Sounds easy? Defenders have to follow specific orders, and in perfect coordination. Each mission is unique and with the very future of a whole region on the line, that can be intense!
TITO has helped thousands and thousands of regions in our time and we wish to ensure that all regions can thrive in peace, free from invader harassment.
That is where YOU come in!
TITO is always seeking those who share our values and who want to help other regions in peril. Applicants to TITO will receive patient training by expert defenders, at a pace that is workable for you. And don't worry! Contrary to what you might believe, participating in TITO won't take a lot of your time! There's two "updates" each day where vulnerable regions are at most risk of being invaded, and even then, you can participate in them whenever you want to. What if you can't join us either update? Then don't worry! You can join the TITO Expeditionary Force, which operates outside these updates. Within a few days of joining TITO, you will be learning the skills, and making a very real contribution to the security and stability of the NS community.
Applying to TITO is easy and quick. Just follow this link to our forum and answer a few questions: https://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/38803/join-premier-defence-force-nationstates
After a security check, and consideration by TITO Command, you will be informed of your admittance to TITO or rejection of it. If admitted, you will be joining a dynamic and historic community of defenders. We support each other, our region, and the wider NS world.
TITO, the Ten thousand Islands Treaty Organization, stands to defeat aggression in the NationStates world by defeating groups or regions that attack innocent regions.
Any region that attacks an innocent region is an enemy of TITO and the 10000 Islands. The attacking of innocent regions is a cowardly and dishonorable practice. TITO stands up for the innocent regions of this game and will assist these regions by whatever means necessary, in accordance with NationStates rules.
TITO cannot and will not defend every region in NationStates, but when a region is unjustly invaded, not only will we hold the option of defending that region in whatever manner we see fit, but we also hold the option of attacking the attacking regions homeland itself.
TITO and the 10000 Islands seeks to live in peace with all regions in NationStates, but we will not back down to the those that wish to impose their will on innocent regions.
This is a warning to all regions that engage in the practice of region crashing -- if we haven't heard of you yet, we will. If we haven't stopped you yet, we will, and if you haven't felt our presence in your homeland yet, you will. There are ways to make life difficult for those regions that wish to oppress others. If you attack innocent regions, beware TITO. Long live freedom, long live the 10000 Islands and long live TITO!
~ The Poet Laureate Contest will be held once again this month. The XKI Poet Laureate contest is held three times every year; Islanders are invited to submit their best original poetry based on a theme, after which it will be judged and voted on. The winner becomes the Poet Laureate until the next contest. Watch for additional details from Wille-Harlia of House of Tasdorf, coming soon, and in the meantime sharpen your quills and brush off your thesaurus!
~ Markanite has posted the Council's priorities for the new legislative session; you may read them here.
~ Pantso's first bill, "Disbursement of Assets of Parties and Houses" is still pending votes from the remainder of the Council but its passage is all but assured.
~ From Kaltovar: 🚀 Check out our RP sub-region A Taco Archipelago & claim your place among the stars! Form complex 🤝 diplomatic ties, build your economy, and hold gigantic 🚤 international regattas of your own in this stats-based 🛸 SCI-FI country RP 🛸! Stats are only part of it, with some of the greatest 🌌 intergalactic powers 🌌 being the weakest countries. Your ability to maneuver, make friends, and outpace your enemies will determine your ultimate place in the 📚 history books 📚. Will you be a small country with a vast 🌐 diplomatic empire 🌐, or a huge country turned into the 🏰 colonial serf 🏰 of your rival? If so will you go on to rebel and subjugate your former overlord as the ⌛ great sands of time ⌛ march on? In a game where every day that passes is a 📆 year 📆, centuries can vanish into the pages of 📜 history 📜 as your plots take shape.
~ Wille-Harlia is looking for new seals for the Cultural Office; if you'd like to take a shot at graphic design and want to collect the generous reward of 10,000 Tacos per image, check out the job description here!
~ Haivon, of House of the Defenders, has put out a call for a new RP Commissioner. Check here for details. The position involves moderation and enforcement of rules on the RP forums and pays 4,000 Tacos per month!
~ Other job opportunities may be available on the Jobs Bulletin Board.
The XKI Monthly Update is a regular report compiled by the Senator for Blue Canaria North and distributed to the region's allies by the Delegate and Emissaries. It includes vital statistics about the region, a summary of news from the 10,000 Islands, and information about the makeup of our government. If you are interested in what we send to other regions, check out last month's update!
Stats of the Month:
Date: September 2023| Population: 930 nations| Delegate Endorsement: 273 endorsements
Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
~Chief Executive: Markanite
~Field Commander: Kanta Hame
~Tactical Officers: Astrobolt, Smugglers and Mercs (TITO EF), Flying Eagles, Onfande
~Executive Officers: HN67, Wille-Harlia
As of this report's publication, the Government of 10000 Islands consists of:
~Chief Executive: Markanite
~WA Delegate: Lenlyvit
~Senator for Lyonnesse East (Houses): Keswickholt
~Senior Senator for New Republica South (Debates and Discussions): Liberdon
~Senator for Himes West (Role Play): Haivon
~Senator for Blue Canaria North (Emissary Report): Pantso
~Minister of Education: Valentian Elysium
~Minister of Culture: Wille-Harlia
~Minister of Immigration: Aschente
Information about other government officials of 10000 Islands can be found here.
~Job opportunities are available for any Islander interested in stepping up, taking on some more responsibility, exploring more of the NationStates game, or who just want to earn a few Tacos on the side. Positions are currently open for a Master of Tacos, a Governor role, emissaries to foreign regions, and many others! Click here for more information.
~XKI will hold an election for the WA Delegate this September. The Delegate must be an XKI citizen and TITO member and is responsible for handling Foreign Affairs matters as well as casting the region’s vote in the World Assembly.
~Senate elections are also coming up in September for the positions of Blue Canaria North and New Republica South. The BCN senator is responsible for producing this XKI Monthly Update; NRS is responsible for running debates and straw polls.
~Four new XKI Great Houses are now up and running, thanks to Keswickholt’s constant encouragement. The new Houses were formed from the now disbanded Ancient Houses with the goal of increasing Islander recruitment and retention. The new Houses each have sub-boards on our offsite forum here.
~Pantso has temporarily taken on the duties of Senator for Blue Canaria North following the resignation of The Cavalier Knight. He will serve out the remainder of the term. Parthini TheSensitiveNewAge LoreSong Boktavia II Gluuland Hockeynutville Boolari Estayland Jesioneka Iwerddon Sinn Féin's Ireland MinnaCaroline Enigmatic
~Earlier in August the 10,000 Islands recognized a number of Islanders who have received the Distinguished Service Medal, awarded to XKI citizens for long-term and outstanding service to the region. Their names are here:
~Islanders continue to assist in bringing the security of our new frontier region, A Taco Paradise, up to snuff and the effort is ongoing. Recent raids on ATP and other frontier regions have highlighted the need to make sure there are sufficient defenders available to make sure ATP will be safe before its official transition to a frontier.
~September 14 is Commendation Day in XKI. Thirteen years ago 10,000 Islands was commended by the Security Council for being one of the first regions in NationStates to create a private forum, design a Constitution, and create a regional economy and currency. The resolution also specially called out the founding, accomplishments, and contributions of TITO, which at the time had run over 1,200 successful missions to defend other regions from raiders. The text of the resolution is here.
~The duties of the Minister of Culture position have been defined, found here.
~The Creation of the Master of Tacos, found here.
~A bill to shift some responsibilities from the Minister of Labor to the Minister of Culture, found here.